
Friday, January 11, 2013

Of Links and My Life Lately

I hope you all are enjoying the new year so far! I've spent time with my family and some family friends, attended my first choir practice for our spring concert, and, of course, indulged in some fun reading! I should hopefully have a couple of full reviews to share with you next week, but until then, I did want to share some links:

The Language of Souls

I recently discovered Lena Goldfinch's work thanks to Juju at Tales of Whimsy. I bought a Kindle copy of The Language of Souls for $.99, and I loved it! It's a sweet, romantic, lovely fantasy novella.

If you're curious about it, you should check out the book spotlight I posted on "The Borrowed Book" blog, then enter the weekly drawing for a chance to win it!

And stay tuned for more details about her upcoming fantasy novel release, Aire... =) (You can see the cover and read the synopsis now on Goodreads!)

 The Joys of Editing

A few weeks ago I shared a guest post on "The Writers Alley" blog, and I offered a free editing package as a giveaway prize. Rachelle Rea won - and if you're a fan of Christian historical romance and don't know that name yet, you should keep it filed away for future reference! It's been a pleasure to work with her on her story, to gain some invaluable experience and to simply enjoy her lyrical writing (as well as her engaging plot!).

Rachelle was sweet enough to write up a little post on her blog called My Editor and I. What a sweet blessing it is to be that editor!


  1. Yayyyyy! Great post. So glad you liked it and totally making a mental note about RR.

  2. I'm glad you brought The Language of Souls back to my attention! When Juju posted about it, I still didn't have a Kindle, so I didn't think too much about it. It's on my reading list for sure now! :)

    I'll be on the lookout for Rachelle's future books now. ;)

  3. Yay! Glad to hear you found a new book/author to love, Amber. :) That's always fun.

    And CONGRATS, Rachelle - cannot wait to find your book among the book store shelves. :) I am sure you are doing a fab job with it, Amber.

  4. Aw, thanks, Amber! I'm so glad you enjoyed The Language of Souls!

    And, Bluerose, hi! If you're interested, the Kindle ebook is on sale for .99 until tomorrow (when the price goes back up to 2.99--just as an fyi :)).

    Waving to Juju too. :-)

  5. Hey Amber!
    Guess I got to hear about 'Aire' sooner than I thought! Read the Synopsis on goodreads just now and I'm loving it already. I put it on my 'Want to Read'.

    Great job you're doing with Rachael. Will put her name on a list of Authors to look out for. Read her blog post 'My Editor and I'. It's good to know you use only blue pens. ;)


  6. And congrats Rachael! Do we get to hear the name of your book soon?

  7. So good to read all of your comments! :)

    RACHELLE ~ ((Hugs)) Keep up the great work in all of your writing endeavors! :)

    JUJU ~ Loved it! Thanks again for introducing me to Lena's work!

    BLUEROSE ~ Happy to help spread the word! I really think you'd enjoy Lena's fantasy stories. :)

    RISSI ~ Fun, indeed! :) Thank you for your sweet comment and encouragement!

    LENA ~ My pleasure! I'm really glad Juju introduced me to your stories. :) Thanks for dropping in!

    MIRANDA ~ Yes! I'm sure you'll be hearing more about it in the future, but I couldn't resist mentioning Aire here, since I was sharing about The Language of Souls on "The Borrowed Book." :) Isn't that synopsis intriguing? And thank you for your kind words! Doesn't blue or any other color seem less daunting/scary than red? ;)



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!