
Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Contentment Reading Challenge 2013: January

There's only a little over a week left for the first month of 2013. (So crazy!) Fellow 2013 re-readers, how is it going? Have you re-read any favorites yet?

After a little bit of indecision, I finally settled on the "Wading" level of the challenge vs. the "Swimming" level. (So my goal is to re-read 10 books rather than 15.) My first re-read of the year was Snow Angel by Jamie Carie.

The cover and the snowy/cold setting made this a great fit for the winter season!

I read Snow Angel for the first time several years ago or so... I believe it was a gift from my parents for my birthday, or something like that. I was quite enchanted by the romance and danger of the story! The heroine suffers so much, but the hero has a gentle, loving heart that is up to the challenge of winning hers. Here's a description of the book from the author's website:

"Please . . . God . . .

She whispered before collapsing.

When Noah Wesley hears the faint sound outside the door of his remote Alaskan cabin during a violent nighttime blizzard, it is no less than the voice of God that urges him to take a closer look, to discover there his snow angel.

Unconscious and more than half frozen to death, her name is Elizabeth, a beautiful young woman, fragile yet fierce, intent on discovering gold like so many others rushing headlong toward the Yukon.

But why Elizabeth is so drawn to the gold, and why she would chase it even through a pounding storm that no man would dare face, is a secret to be shared with no one, not even at the invitation of Noah’s deep-blue, trusting eyes.

Jamie Carie has penned a can’t-up-down debut novel in Snow Angel, a masterfully romantic story wherein cold and lonely hearts risk everything to be forever warmed."

The first time I read this book, the romance and adventure were new and exciting. And while it was interesting to read the story again at a different point in my life, I found that re-reading can't quite re-capture the feeling of reading the plot for the first time. However, the magic of the wild Alaskan setting was a great thing to fall in love with again!

A few months back I wrote a post about re-reading vs. re-watching. For some reason (or perhaps several reasons), I get a lot more enjoyment out of re-watching a movie rather than re-reading a book. (Check out Vince's comment below that post - he makes a great point about the difference between the two!) I think if a book is plot-driven, re-reading that book won't be overly rewarding - I mean, you already know what's going to happen! But if a book has an engaging setting or beautiful language or fantastic characters, especially with deeper layers, then there can still be something there to make re-reading worthwhile.

I don't know if I'll want to re-read Snow Angel all the way through another time, but I can say this: despite how plot-driven the books is, the setting made the re-read entertaining. And the ending - I love how the setting makes the ending stand out so beautifully!

Well, I've rambled on long enough! If you're entered into the challenge, please share what you've re-read or what you plan on re-reading first this year! And if you haven't yet signed up but are interested in learning more about the challenge, click HERE. It's not too late to join us!


  1. Maybe I will re-read this one this year. It's been a while since I read it!
    I hadn't realised you were doing the challenge again this year, but I've now joined. I'll be doing my January post some time next week.

  2. Beth,

    That would be fun! :) I hope you enjoy it the second-time around if you choose to read it again!

    I'm glad you found out that I'm hosting the challenge again this year, and I'm glad you joined! :) Looking forward to hearing about your re-reads!


  3. I did the challenge last year. This year I think I am determined to read more of the books I have gotten on my Kindle. Yes, there are a lot of ones I have read, but I decided not to do any challenges this year. I want to enjoy reading this year :) and so far I have! Love your new background and photo!!

  4. Julie,

    I totally understand, and I think that's a great idea! :) I have so many books I've picked up as freebies (etc.) for my Kindle... I'm glad you've resolved to enjoy reading - that's the way to go! ;)

    Thank you for the kind words about the blog design! I was so sad when that pink winter-y background stopped showing up on my blog. I found a floral background that kind of matched my color scheme, but I just wanted to re-do it all. After matching this picture I took with that green background, I knew I just had to let spring come early to the blog, LOL! :)

    Plus, the trilliums come out in April or March - they're a special flower. :) So, maybe I'll just leave this design up until late spring/early summer... We'll see!


  5. Oh is that what that flower is? They are very pretty(do they smell good too?) and I'm ready for spring so I say bring it on!! I am not a fan of winter. Of course with spring comes tornadoes in my neck of the woods...eep!

  6. Julie,

    Yep, they're trilliums! I don't think they have much of a smell... But they're very dear to me, because they remind me of walks in the woods with my grandpa and other family. :) In the springtime, the trilliums bloom on the forest floor, and one particular nature trail in the redwoods boasts a lot of them! Plus, I think there's a lot of symbolism and such in their name and look. :)

    I'm glad you don't mind that the site's looking rather spring-y! ;)

    And do stay safe!! I'll take the occasional earthquake over tornadoes... *shudder*


  7. The Redwoods is one of my favorite places to visit! I've not seen trilliums though :(

    We have a shelter so we are safe from the storms :) but that is funny that you say that about earthquakes. When we moved from CA to tornado country people were always telling us that they were scared of earthquakes. I always told them at least there isn't an earthquake season! Good grief, we get tornado season in the spring and in the often do earthquakes happen? LOL! I agree with you, I'll take a little shaking over a tornado any day. :)

  8. Julie,

    The redwoods are pretty awesome, aren't they? You'll have to come visit them again in the spring - the trilliums are so pretty! The bright white scattered along the dark brown ground... Nothing says "spring" like the trilliums!

    And LOL! That is so true about there being no earthquake "season." Earthquakes are a rare occasion, and for the most part, they're not super strong, at least in most areas. Guess it depends, though!


  9. Hi Amber,

    I would like to join the reading challenge at the floating level (for now), I want to appreciate the books I have already read. I don't really post much on my blog, but this challenge appealed to me. I plan on reading Her Mother's Hope by Francine Rivers. I hope you are doing well, and I will talk to you later. :)
    -Rachel G.

  10. Rachel!!

    I'm doing well! How are you? :) So fun to see you here!

    That's awesome that this challenge appealed to you - glad to have you join us! It's totally up to you whether you want to post about it on your blog; if not, you can just keep track of your progress in the comments section of my monthly updates or on the Contentment Reading Challenge page. :)

    I've had Her Mother's Hope for a while now, but sadly, I have yet to read it! It must be good, though, if you want to read it again. :) I love The Last Sin Eater and Redeeming Love by that author!


  11. I'm doing well also.
    The Last Sin Eater and Redeeming Love are definitely good books by Rivers, I just really appreciate how she draws the reader into the story, and I like the historical fiction that she weaves into her books. Her Mother's Hope has quite a big time frame, but it still draws you in. I hope you get a chance to read it sometime. :)

  12. Rachel,

    Glad to hear it! :)

    I agree that Rivers does a great job of drawing the reader in, and I'm a fan of historical fiction, as well. :) Have you read the sequel to Her Mother's Hope?


  13. Hey Amber,

    Yes, I also own the sequel. I got both books for my birthday from my aunt, but a year apart. It was kind of hard to wait for the conclusion to the story, but it was worth it! I am planning on rereading the sequel as well. I hope your rereading is going well :)


  14. Rachel,


    Ugh, yes, it can be hard to wait for sequels! But it's wonderful when they're worth the wait. :) Hope you enjoy the re-reading!

    So far I've re-read 2 books this year, and it's going well. I'll have to decide what book to re-read next month. :)



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!