
Friday, December 7, 2012

Celebrating Crafts and Christmas ~ Winners!

I've had such a fun time "Celebrating Crafts and Christmas" with you all this week! Huge thanks to all of this week's guests: Christy Janes, Abigail and Maggie Vogts, and Casey Herringshaw. It was awesome to hear about your crafts and the talents God has given you!

Our guests offered some gifts this week, and with the help of the "List Randomizer" on, here are the winners: 

 Bookmark hand-crafted by Christy: Jill Stengl

CD featuring music by The Vogts Sisters: Anonymous (

Bracelet hand-crafted by Casey: Bluerose

Congratulations to all of the winners! E-mails have been sent to the winners, and they have through the weekend to respond before I choose another winner.

I hope you all have a great weekend! Anybody have any crafts (of any kind) they'll be working on? =)


  1. Thankfully I am finished with all of my Christmas gifts. I crochet, so I made a lot of crochet items this year for gifts. To answer your question, no crafts here this weekend, but from August through November my fingers were flying! :)

  2. YAY! CONGRATS to the winners. :)

  3. Julie,

    That's great! Back when I was in middle school, I had a friend try to teach me how to crochet... Unfortunately, I never got very far and I didn't stick with it. :( But I admire people who can do it, and I'm sure your loved ones appreciate the hand-made gifts! :)


  4. Rissi,

    You're so sweet! :) Thanks for checking in!


  5. Thank you again, Amber, for another fun week! Congratulations to all the other winners! :)

  6. Bluerose,

    You're very welcome! :) Glad you had fun!!



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!