
Wednesday, August 8, 2012

My Review of Over the Edge (CFBA)

This week, the
Christian Fiction Blog Alliance
is introducing
Over The Edge
Bethany House (August 1, 2012)
Mary Connealy


Mary Connealy writes romantic comedy with cowboys. She is a Christy Award Finalist, a Carol Award Finalist and an IRCC Award finalist.

The Lassoed in Texas Series, Petticoat Ranch, Calico Canyon and Gingham Mountain. Petticoat Ranch was a Carol Award Finalist. Calico Canyon was a Christy Award Finalist and a Carol Award Finalist. These three books are now contained in one large volume called Lassoed in Texas Trilogy.

The Montana Marriages Series, Montana Rose, The Husband Tree and Wildflower Bride. Montana Rose was a Carol Award Finalist.

Cowboy Christmas—the 2010 Carol Award for Best Long Historical Romance, and an Inspirational Readers Choice Contest Finalist.

The Sophie's Daughters series. Doctor in Petticoats, Wrangler in Petticoats, Sharpshooter in Petticoats.

She is also the author of; Black Hills Blessing a 3-in-1 collection of sweet contemporary romances, Nosy in Nebraska, a 3-in-1 collection of cozy romantic mysteries and she's one of the three authors contributing to Alaska Brides with her Carol Award Winning historical romance Golden Days.


Seth Kincaid survived a fire in a cave, but he's never been the same. He was always a reckless youth, but now he's gone over the edge. He ran off to the Civil War and came back crazier than ever.

After the war, nearly dead from his injuries, it appears Seth got married. Oh, he's got a lot of excuses, but his wife isn't happy to find out Seth doesn't remember her. Callie has searched, prayed, and worried. Now she's come to the Kincaid family's ranch in Colorado to find her lost husband.

Callie isn't a long-suffering woman. Once she knows her husband is alive, she wants to kill him. She's not even close to forgiving him for abandoning her.

Then more trouble shows up in the form of a secret Seth's pa kept for years. The Kincaid brothers might lose their ranch if they can't sort things out. It's enough to drive a man insane--but somehow it's all making Seth see things more clearly. And now that he knows what he wants, no one better stand in his way.

If you would like to read the first chapter of Over The Edge, go HERE.




Mary Connealy's Wild West stories are always a good time, full of humor and excitement, as any fan of hers will tell you! And her conclusions to her trilogies (at least the ones I've read) seem to be lots of fun for fans as they bring together a whole cast of characters to whom the reader has been previously introduced.

Over the Edge is just such a story that is probably better appreciated by those readers who have read Out of Control and In Too Deep. (I've read the first but not the second in this series.) However, for those who like Connealy's entertaining style, I think it safe to say you can join the bandwagon any time and still have a good time.

This particular installment starts off by introducing a crazy-tough heroine in the shoot-out of the 19th century (or at least one intense fight!). Callie is quite the foil for Seth - even though Seth fits into his cowboy boots just fine, he's rather more sentimental in nature and fun-loving than Callie, and I found him to be a more likeable character. He's really just a danger-craving, romp-in-the-dirt boy in a man's body, although he does have his mature moments.

*Potential Spoiler*

The one thing I personally would've liked to have been told in the synopsis is that Callie has a son, Connor. Perhaps it comes as a surprise to those truly invested in the series - I'm not sure. But otherwise the reader knows right from the very first chapter about it, so I'm not sure why it isn't mentioned.

It's not that I don't like stories with a child (or children) as a main character... I think that because of where I am in life, they're just not my favorite. Maybe when I'm a mother I'll enjoy stories about mothers more!

*End of Potential Spoiler*

Overall, Over the Edge is a fun journey. It doesn't stand out as a favorite for me out of all the Mary Connealy books I've read, but it's still a good read that shares a similar theme with Deep Trouble regarding the true treasures worth fighting for in life and the dangers of greed.

*With thanks to Bethany House Publishers through CFBA for providing me with a copy of the book in exchange for my honest opinion.*


  1. Don't much love this author - I read one of her series and haven't read another since. That doesn't stop me from being tempted every time a new series releases by her though - they always sound so cute. :-)

  2. Rissi,

    I understand - I think her style is one whether you either love it or hate it. And as I was talking about with another blogging friend one time, perhaps her books need to be taken in doses, as it can be a bit much if you read a ton of it.

    But I have enjoyed reading her books for the most part. :) I think my favorites are Cowboy Christmas, The Husband Tree, and Wrangler in Petticoats. The one coming out early next year (Swept Away) sounds really cute, too!


  3. This one sounds like it will be quite interesting, my mother is planning on reading this one soon, she has really enjoyed the series thus far :) Thank you for the review, you know that I always love 'em!

  4. Faye,

    Yes, Mary's reads definitely hold one's interest, for the most part! :) I think that's sweet that you and your mom are both reviewing books together on your blog - what a neat way to bond!

    And that's very kind of you - I'm happy you enjoy the reviews! :)


  5. Amber, I'll have to admit, you've got me curious with this one!

  6. Miranda,


    Have you read any of Mary's books before? They're different, but they certainly can take you for a wild Western ride!


  7. No I haven't read any of her books. But this review has got me thinking ... :):)

  8. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this one, Amber. I've read 2 or 3 of Mary's books, and enjoyed them. Look forward to reading more in the future. I have Out of Control on my Kindle, plus The Husband Tree, Wildflower Bride, Lassoed in Texas series, and Cowboy Christmas on my shelf -- I better start reading faster! : )

  9. Miranda,

    Aww, well, you'll have to let me know if you give her books a try and if they float your boat, so to speak! ;)


  10. Michelle,

    You're welcome! :) And wow - that's quite the line-up! The Husband Tree and Wildflower Bride are quite the fun ones, and I really enjoyed Cowboy Christmas.

    Happy reading! :)



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!