
Thursday, June 7, 2012

Litfuse Publicity Blog Tour: Glamorous Illusions

Here's a description of the book:

"It was the summer of 1913, and Cora Kensington's life on the family farm has taken a dark turn. Not only are the crops failing, so is her father's health. Cora is carrying on, helping her mother run their Montana farm until a stranger comes to call, and everything changes. Cora then learns a secret that will radically change her future: she is the illegitimate daughter of a copper king who has come to claim her.

Cora is invited to take the 'Grand Tour' of Europe, a journey intended to finish a person's education, to solidify an understanding of ancient culture and contemporary refinement. As she travels from England to France with half-siblings she's never known, Cora encounters the blessings of the Kensington family name, as well as the curses. But when an unbidden love begins to form, she realizes the journey is only beginning.

Faced with the challenge of accepting her father, new family, and the identity that comes with it, Cora also struggles to accept that she is also the daughter of the one true King-a Father who is the only One who can truly heal."

My Rating


My Review

Lisa Bergren has a talent for drawing the reader into the past! Glamorous Illusions starts out rather bleak - Cora comes home from school for the summer, full of hope and satisfaction, only to be met by one bad turn after another. Her father is ill; the farm is falling apart; the family's financial situation is dire. And then in waltzes the man who claims to be her "real" father. He starts giving orders and taking charge, thoroughly mixing up Cora's thoughts and threatening her independence.

From there Cora begins a new phase of her life. Coping with half-siblings, dipping her toes into the life of luxury, trying hard to learn how the past and the future should affect the present... It's a topsy-turvy journey, for sure! And did I mention the men who attempt to win her affections? Oh, yes - this is one exotic, exciting trip that isn't to be missed!

Glamorous Illusions is a unique historical romance story that is utterly charming. As a book all on its own, it doesn't completely satisfy - for hopefully there is more to come in this "Grand Tour" series: much more to see and to learn. But as a book that challenges its characters and offers a grand trip, it delivers! And yes, the romance is really quite captivating. From Will the bear (not the animal kind, though!) to Richelieu the flirtatious Frenchman and Hugh the potentially dangerous... Let's just say the romantic tension held my interest and made me want to see what will come of all of these possibilities. Once again Bergren swept me away on an historical adventure that I quite enjoyed!

*With thanks to the publisher for providing me a copy of the book in exchange for my honest opinion, to be shared during the Litfuse Publicity Blog tour.*

Book Trailer

About the Author

Lisa Tawn Bergren is the best-selling, award-winning author of over 30 books, with more than 1.5 million copies sold. She has written a Colorado historical trilogy (the first book, Breathe, Sing and Claim), and has recently been immersed in writing a teen series called River of Time.

Lisa's time is split between managing home base, writing (including a fair amount of travel writing), consulting and freelance editing (with a little speaking here and there). She's married to Tim, a liturgical sculptor, graphic designer and musician. They have three kids-Olivia, Emma and Jack.

All five of the Bergrens make their home in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

For more information on Lisa and to view other books written, please visit her website:

To Buy the Book: click HERE

*NOTE: This book is currently FREE on Kindle!! But this offer ends tomorrow, so grab your copy today! (The Kindle version will then be $2.99 until June 15th, and then $4.99 after that until June 22nd. Great deals!)*

Blog Tour Schedule: Check out all of the other reviews scheduled by clicking HERE.


Win a $350 “Glam” Visa Card Prize Pack from @LisaTBegren & RSVP for 6/27 Facebook party!

What is our "true" identity? Join the conversation at Lisa Tawn Begren's Glamorous Illusions Author Chat Facebook Event Page. On the evening of 6/27 we'll gather to talk about our spiritual journey, share our stories and a few laughs.

In the meantime, celebrate with Lisa by entering her Glamorous Illusions Giveaway!

One "glamorous" winner will receive a "Glam Prize Pack":
  • A $350 Visa Cash Card (Oh ... think of what you could do: treat yourself to a mani/pedi, a fabulous new dress, dinner for two, or even a two-night escape in a lovely hotel - you're only limited by your imagination!)
  • Glamorous Illusions (by Lisa Tawn Begren)
Enter today by clicking one of the icons below. But hurry, the giveaway ends 6/26/12. Winner will be announced at Lisa's "Glamorous Illusions" Facebook Party on  6/27 {Fun begins at 5pm PDT / 8pm EDT}. Lisa will be hosting an evening of meaningful chat, fun trivia, laughter, and encouragement - bring your friends! She'll also be giving away some GREAT prizes: gift certificates, books, and a Book Club Prize Pack! (Ten copies of the book for your small group or book club and a live chat with Lisa via video or phone.)

So grab a few of your friends and your copy of Glamorous Illusions and join Lisa on the evening of June 27th for an evening of fun.

Enter via E-mail Enter via FacebookEnter via Twitter

Don't miss a moment of the fun. RSVP TODAY and tell your friends via FACEBOOK or TWITTER and increase your chances of winning. Hope to see you on the 27th!


  1. Excellent Amber! So glad you enjoyed it as much as I did!

  2. Great review, Amber! Glad to hear you enjoyed this one. I just picked it up for free on my Kindle the other day (surprised to see it free during the first week of release!). I'm looking forward to reading it!

    Thanks for sharing the video, too. I hadn't seen it.

    Have a great weekend! : )

  3. I loved this book - a great deal more than I expected. I was excited about reading it but having never read Lisa's novels before, I was just curious... and then when I heard it was like Downton Abbey, I couldn't wait to get my hands on this one!! LOL!

    So glad you liked it, Amber... and may I just say: I really liked Pierre. He seemed quite the gentleman... but we shall see.

    Book two arrives in March. Cannot wait!

  4. Julie,

    Thank you! It really is an enjoyable read!! :)


  5. Michelle,

    Isn't that so neat that they offered it for free on Kindle when it's just releasing?? And that trailer is pretty cool! :)

    I'm glad you liked the review and that you got the Kindle book for free - I hope you enjoy it, and I hope you have a great weekend, as well! :)


  6. Rissi,

    I know - this book is really good! :) It seems like it's going to be long... But it goes by really fast once you get into it!

    I'm glad you liked the book, as well! And yes, Pierre does have a way about him... I'm curious to learn more about all of these characters! I'm eager for March to get here, too, LOL! ;)



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!