
Friday, June 1, 2012

Campfire: Farewell to Camp Humility 2012 (+ Winners!)

Another week at Camp Humility has come and gone - time really does go by so fast! I hope you've enjoyed your time here, from our hike this morning to our fishing excursion and our evenings around the campfire. My wish is that this week was uplifting and inspiring and maybe even a little challenging for you!

And - *insert drum roll* - we have winners! With the help of's List Randomizer (including the initial entries as well as the extra entries), the winners are:

The Secret Keeper - Aizess!

Garden of Madness - Julie!

Wildflowers from Winter - Michelle T (scraphappy71)! 

Thank you once again to the authors and publishers for providing the books for the giveaway! (And winners, I'll be sending you an e-mail soon to get your mailing addresses!)

(I have to post this button one more time for posterity - I had fun making it, and I was happy with how it turned out! *Grin* Thanks,!)

And thank you very much to each and every one of you who stopped by and made this week meaningful and so much fun! Your comments and your enthusiasm - as well as your willingness to go along with this whole virtual camp idea... - really have blessed me. I'm so grateful to call you friends! 

So help yourself to one last s'more before you go!!

P.S. When you're checking out of the cabins, don't forget to check the bathrooms and all around your bunk beds to be sure you didn't forget anything! ;)

In Other News...
  • The last couple of years I've hosted a birthday bash here... But since this post-intensive week included a multiple-book giveaway, and since it's close enough to my birthday (this Sunday), I think I'm going to pass this year. But I'll see you again on Monday on the other side of 21! ;) And I might be sharing a recipe with ya'll soon - yes, I'm branching out!
  • I think I will be going to Disneyland again this summer (in a couple of weeks), so I'm sure you'll be seeing some posts about that soon, too!
  • Also, since my permit expired this last month, I had to re-take the written test and all of that jazz at the DMV... But I got 100% again, so *maybe* there will be more entries to my "driving diary" again - we'll see! ;)
Have a great weekend!


  1. You had to re-take the test for your permit? That's weird... I just had to reapply to renew it O.o Anyways, thanks for such a great week, and happy early birthday!

  2. Ariel,

    Maybe it's just a California thing...? I think once you have your license you can just renew it for a certain period of time or something... But once the permit expires and you don't have your license, you kind of have to start over. :\ Oh, well! :)

    I'm so glad you enjoyed the week - thank you so much for participating, including sharing that part of your poem! :) And thank you for the birthday wishes! :)


  3. Happy Birthday coming up Amber! I enjoyed Camp Humility. This was my first year to participate and I have to say I liked this way of camping! I've not camped since we lived in CA so a little "virtual camping" was quite fun! Looking forward to next years camp! Thanks for the book win too!!

  4. Congratulations to the winners!

    AMBER, HAPPY BIRTHDAY EVE, DEAR FRIEND!!! I'm sorry I missed the last couple of days of camp. My computer is running so slow, working when it wants to, taking forever to load pages and not posting my comments :( I would have been here otherwise. I was able to read through the last couple days and nights and was so blessed by all you shared! Love the pics of your hike! Thank you for always putting together fun activities and inspiring devotionals for your readers here! I really enjoyed Camp Humility and look forward to returning! ;-)

    And will keep an eye out for your driving diary! You can do it, girl! I was 21 when I got my license, so no worries :-)


  5. Ohmigosh, you're birthday is TOMORROW??? I've failed miserably as a friend and forgot to find out to send a card. Expect a belated one. ;-) Enjoy 21 until I can join you!! :D

  6. Julie,

    Thank you! :)

    I'm so happy you enjoyed the virtual camping experience at Camp Humility! ;) I really appreciate everyone going along with it and making this week so much fun!

    Congrats on the win, and I hope you enjoy the book! :)


  7. Amanda,

    Happy *almost* birthday to you, as well, dear friend!!! :D

    And bummer about the computer problems. :( That was so sweet of you to read through the posts, regardless - I'm blessed by your support! :)

    Also, thank you for the encouragement about driving! It's always comforting to be reminded that I'm not the only one who waited a while to start the process. :)

    God bless, and talk to you soon!


  8. Casey,

    Oh, please don't feel bad! I mean, the last couple of years I announced my birthday loudly on my blog for all to hear during those birthday bashes, LOL! ;) I just hope it was OK to end Camp Humility by updating everyone on what's going on in my life.

    Anyway, you'll have to let me know what day your birthday is! I remember the month, but I don't remember the specific day... :\ Sorry to have to ask! (I'll contact you on Twitter!)

    Thank you for your sweet comment and for participating this week! :)


  9. Thanks again for everything, Amber!

    And HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! I pray that your birthday weekend is extra special!

    And it sounds like you have a lot of fun things coming up! Oh, how I wish I was going to Disneyland this year! It's my favorite vacation destination. : )


  10. Michelle,

    You're welcome! :) Thank you so much for your kindness!

    Yes, this summer has been so fun already, and I'm looking forward to doing more with family and friends! Disneyland is a great place to visit, and I'm pretty sure we're still planning on going this summer. :)


  11. Thank you, Amber! It's so funny, you and I are 5 years apart and our birthday dates are 5 days apart! See, we were meant to be friends all along, lol! Can't think of anyone better to share the month with :-)

    Blessings birthday girl!!

  12. Amanda,

    How fun is that?? :) Aww, I'm thrilled to share this birthday week with you, as well! :D

    God bless you, as well, birthday girl!



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!