
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Vlog: Let's Try Some Archery and Go Canoeing!

So here it is - the surprise activity I mentioned in our itinerary! My parents got our family a Wii for Christmas, and we've been enjoying the Wii Sports Resort games recently - which include archery and canoeing. Well, since this is a virtual camp, we ought to have some virtual camp activities, right? ;)


I think it's much easier to aim with a remote than a real arrow...


This is the way to go - no need to worry about getting wet!

I was wrong in that last video - one of my vacation posts from a couple of years ago included a video of me in it ("Beautiful Oregon"). But I think this is my first actual "vlog" where you can really see and hear me... It's not professional by any means, but I do hope the sound and quality are OK. I mean, these were filmed with a little iPod, so they're not too shabby, right? ;) I hope you find the videos fun and maybe a bit humorous - and not too boring, LOL! 

Special thanks to my mom and sister for being willing to do this with me!

See ya tonight at the campfire, where we'll continue today's technology-meets-camping theme!


  1. How fun! What a cute idea. :D I've done so little with a Wii and most of it was bowling and I had very little coordination. ;-)

    Sorry I haven't visited all your posts! Been so busy I haven't had time for my own blog. ;-)

    You have such a CUTE HOUSE! And I love your living room window. Sigh. So lovely. :D

    I got the biggest kick out of the canoeing. ;D

  2. Oh, that was so funny! Amber, it was so cool to be able to really see and hear you! :-) Your mom and sister are sweeties, too. I was listening for an accent but you sound... well, normal, lol! Don't know any West Coasters so I don't know what I was expecting, lol! Either way it was fun and I hope you'll do vlog stuff more often :-)

    I've never had a desire to canoe, though you girls made the Wii version of it look like a blast! I have however always wanted to learn archery. Gosh, between The Hunger Games AND Brave (which I cannot wait to see!) the bow and arrow are really making a comeback! ;-)

    Well, thank you for the fun day, my friend! Looking forward to the campfire tonight :-)


  3. Fun to see you Amber! I've only played the Wii once, it was fun!

  4. I LOVE Wii Canoeing! I play it on my friend Rachel's Wii, and we're pretty fun to watch ;) I believe one time I actually ended up hitting her with the Wii remote... haha!

  5. Casey,

    Hahaha, I'm glad you liked it! ;) And yes, we've done a little Wii bowling, as well - we're kind of a competitive family! ;)

    And don't worry about not coming over all the time - I know there are a lot of posts to keep up with, and I know I really don't leave very many comments on others' blogs. It's a time-consuming occupation!

    Anyway, thank you for the compliments about the house. :) My mom has done a beautiful job decorating our home, and I truly am blessed to live in such a pretty place with a great view. :)

    And glad you liked the canoeing! I think my mom was getting a kick out of it, too! ;)


  6. Amanda,

    Aww, I'm glad you enjoyed the videos! :) I know the videos are kind of silly, but I thought I'd give it a go. ;) My mom and sister were super nice to do this with me - even willing to be candid on my blog! And LOL about the accent!! ;) I feel like my voice sounds really young, though!

    I'll keep that in mind about doing more vlogs - I just hope I don't embarrass myself too much, LOL! ;)

    Canoeing - both real and Wii canoeing - is really fun, although it can be a downer if your canoe tips over in real water... (My dad and I know - not fun!) But canoeing on a lake beneath the stars is an amazing experience. :)

    And that's true about archery making a comeback! Didn't think about that... (So excited to see Brave soon!)

    Thanks for stopping by and being so nice about the crazy videos! ;)


  7. Julie,

    Aww, thank you! :)

    And the Wii is lots of fun - but unfortunately it can also be addicting!


  8. Ariel,

    Oh, dear... Sounds like you can be a bit competitive, LOL! ;) Wii canoeing is pretty fun, isn't it? :)



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