
Monday, May 28, 2012

Camp Humility 2012 Itinerary

Welcome to the Third Annual Camp Humility!

How fun that this is the third year I get to host this! Camp Humility is one of my favorite themed weeks to put together. Why? Because Camp Humility is supposed to be a type of virtual summer camp - a week for us bloggers to celebrate community and humility together.

So don't let the "camp" part scare you! We're not really roughing it... I picture us at a sunny retreat, complete with cabins and bunk beds and a fire pit for our nightly campfires - not to mention that lovely river nearby and plenty of beautiful trails for us to enjoy. =)

Are you ready to begin? As you're getting settled in to your assigned cabin, I'll read you the itinerary for this week:
  • Monday (Today): Welcome/Giveaway announcement
  • Tuesday: Fishing
  • Wednesday: Surprise Activity
  • Thursday: Writing
  • Friday: Hiking
(I think I might have a fun idea for Wednesday, but in case it doesn't work out the way I want it to, I'll wait to announce it, LOL! And Thursday's activity may not seem like a "camping" activity necessarily, but what better time and place to have a mini writing retreat, right?)

There will be two posts here each day. The itinerary above shows what will be going on during the morning on those days, and then each night we will spend some time around the campfire - eating virtual s'mores and sharing devotionals (etc.).

I hope you find this to be a refreshing and enjoyable week!

And for the U.S. residents attending Camp Humility this year (sorry to my international friends, but shipping costs keep me from opening the giveaway to everyone) - we have a fun giveaway! Just read/fill out the form below, and be on the lookout for opportunities to get extra entries throughout the week. Winners will be announced at the last campfire session on Friday, June 1st.

*The giveaway form has been updated!* 

If you have any questions, let me know! And feel free to leave a comment saying you're signing up as a camper for the week. =)

See you tonight at the campfire! (Our devotional will be military-themed in honor of Memorial Day. And you can make a slight detour to The Borrowed Book blog today to check out another post I put together in honor of Memorial Day. Those who have followed this blog for a while might recognize the content...)


  1. Sign me up, Amber. It's hot enough in my neck of the woods for summer camping!!!! Looking forward to the week.

  2. This will my first Camp Humility, how exciting! Sounds like a lot of fun!

  3. OOPS! Wow - I just realized that I forgot to put a spot on the form to leave your name and e-mail address... That might be a problem, LOL! Until I get it fixed, if you enter the giveaway, would ya'll mind putting your name and e-mail address in the text box of the last question?

    So sorry about that...!


    P.S. Liz R., I think you entered the giveaway, right? If so, I've got you covered. :)

  4. OK, the form has been updated, so nix that last comment! Talk about getting a good dose of humility right at the very beginning of camp, haha... ;)


  5. Kav,

    Awesome! So glad you're on-board! :)


  6. Liz,

    Thank you! :) I'm sorry about the mix-up with the form - you wanted a chance to win The Secret Keeper, right?

    I hope you have fun this week! :)



    Don't forget to add Liz to the giveaway (The Secret Keeper)! There was only one response on the old form.


  8. Yay! I love Camp Humility. A great place since it isn't very warm here right now. :-))

  9. Fun! That pond looks mighty refreshing right about now! It's supposed to be 91 here today so I'll do anything to stay cool. I'm not complaining though, I like the warm. I hate cold weather with a passion LOL!

    I'll bring some marshmallows to roast. :-)

    xoxo~ Renee

  10. Casey,

    Aww, I'm glad (that you love Camp Humility, that is!). :) Sorry about the colder weather - it's not super warm here either... But we can imagine it is quite pleasant at Camp Humility, right?? ;)


  11. Renee,

    Wow! I think we should split the difference - I'll take a little heat here to bring it up to about 70-ish, and you can have it in the low 80s... ;)

    Thanks for agreeing to bring the marshmallows tonight, and thanks for attending Camp Humility once again! :)


  12. LOL...I stopped by this morning, and was wondering about the no name thing. ;) I'm just now getting back over here.

    I'm so glad I found your blog in time the first year(thanks to Renee)! Camp Humility is always so much FUN.

  13. Sorry I'm late! I sorta got lost... lol ;-)

    Happy Memorial Day, dear Amber! So looking forward to camp, especially the campfire!! :D

    And please tell your daddy I said Happy Memorial Day and thank you :-)


  14. Bluerose,

    Hahaha, sorry about that! ;) I can't believe I forgot to ask for a name and e-mail in a giveaway form!! I thought it looked so lovely with that mountains-at-dusk background and everything... But loveliness won't make up for the fact that the form was of no use to me the way it was, LOL!

    Anyway, I'M so glad that you found my blog back then! (Waving at Renee - Thank you!) Your friendship means so much to me. :) I'm glad you have fun at Camp Humility!


  15. Amanda,

    Glad you ultimately found your way out here, LOL! ;)

    I hope you enjoy the week - and thank you so much for your support, my friend! :) The first campfire post is up - finally!

    And Happy Memorial Day to you, as well! I'll pass on your kind wishes to my daddy - I'm sure he'll appreciate it. :)


  16. Looking forward to this week, Amber! The itinerary sounds wonderful! :)

    I think I filled out the form correctly. I used my phone, so I'm hoping it went through okay.

  17. Michelle,

    Yay! I'm so glad you're here and that you like the schedule for the week! :)

    And yes - your responses on the form came through just fine. :) Thank you!


  18. Amber- 80 degrees is just fine with me so if you find away to divert some of this heat you can have some LOL! We don't want to have any snowball fights at Camp Humility. :-P

    xoxo~ Renee

  19. Renee,

    Hahaha, sounds good! ;) And no, we definitely don't want any snowball fights!! But maybe some marshmallow fights... :P


  20. Ooh! Sounds like camp is gonna be lots of fun!

  21. Crystal,

    I'm glad you think so, and I'm glad you're joining us! :) Hope you have a great time this week!



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!