
Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Wordless Wednesday: Special Snow Edition

I think the beauty of today's snow here on Corban University's campus speaks for itself. Spring brought some snow along with it!


  1. Pretty!

    If snow on the first day of Spring can be pretty.


    We got the same storm too was gone by the afternoon.

  2. You have cold weather, now? I'm so jealous! Yesterday it was almost 90 at one point...unseasonably warm and everyone's allergies (mine included) are going insane.

  3. Beautiful spring snow! Enjoy it, its hot here in Texas. :-)

  4. Beautiful pictures! It's awesome that you are enjoying the upside of the weather!

  5. It was in the upper 70s here today and has been for the past week and a half. Man, do I hate snow but I love the pictures, you did a nice job with the camera. :-)

    XOXO~ Renee

  6. Casey,

    Hahaha, point taken! ;)

    I think the storm is just sitting over Salem right now... Still snowing at 11:30 pm - it's been snowing all day!!


  7. Ruth,

    I'm sorry your allergies are acting up. :(

    There are definitely good sides to the weather - although I'm hoping that the snow won't keep my mom from coming or both of us from getting home for spring break!


  8. Gwendolyn,

    Definitely beautiful! :)

    Hope it's not TOO unbearably hot in Texas!


  9. Faye,

    Thank you! :)

    It's strange that we're getting such cold weather when so many other places are getting such warm weather - but the snow is quite lovely!


  10. Renee,

    Mmmm... 70s sounds nice! :)

    And thank you! I'm not a great photographer or anything, but the subject matter makes up for that. :)


  11. Beautiful, Amber!! We've had some snow up here, too, so it's fun to think of you celebrating the beauty before spring. Praying for you as I know this must be your busiest season yet!!

  12. Laura,

    Thank you! :) And thank you so much for the prayers!! I really appreciate your friendship and thoughtfulness!

    Oh, I have to say that I'm sad I'll have already left before you come to the Lifeway Store in Oregon, as I graduate on May 5th... :( But hopefully we'll get to meet another time! Are you planning on going to the ACFW conference in Dallas this year? I'm not sure if I'll be able to go, but I've been thinking about it... :)

    Have a wonderful rest of the week!


  13. I would love to see snow. I've only seen snow once in my life, when I was about 3. It must be so cool to live in a place where it snows, even in Spring!

  14. I love your snow pictures! I bet those poor trees with flowers are shaking in their roots!

  15. Bookgirl,

    Aw, I'm sorry you haven't had the chance to see snow again yet! Oregon is definitely a beautiful place to go to school - although getting this much snow in one day was definitely unusual! Very pretty and special, though. :)

    Thanks so much for stopping by, and here's hoping you'll get to see snow again someday!


  16. Julie,

    Thank you!

    And I know! It was so interesting to see spring flowers in contrast to that white snow. :)



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