
Friday, March 2, 2012

Speedbo 2012: Let the Writing Begin!

Just wanted to let ya'll know that I'm participating in Seekerville's Speedbo 2012 challenge! The goal is to finish whatever rough draft we're currently working on - to just buckle down, persevere, and get words on the pages.

I've written about 1,000 words for this challenge so far (yesterday) - so I've already made some progress! =) I'm hoping to stay positive during this month, being grateful for any forward momentum on my second manuscript/current WIP. I would really appreciate any prayers that God would guide me as I write - that His will would be done - and that I would prioritize well!

If you'd like to follow my progress, I'm planning on keeping track of my daily word count using the StoryToolz widget in the sidebar. You can click on the progress meter to check out the graphs and my comments as I go along, as well as a general note about my current WIP.

Anyone else participating in Speedbo?


  1. I haven't visited you over here in way too long!

    I'm not doing SpeedBo--I don't have a novel I'm currently writing to finish, but WAY to go on that first word count. I bet you do it. :DD

  2. Casey,

    Aww, it's sweet of you to drop by! :) And thank you so much for the encouragement!!

    Are you editing or brainstorming something right now?


  3. Wishing you well as you embark on SPEEDBO, Amber.

  4. Go Amber!!! I'm not participating, but wanted to wish you well :) You can do this!!! Sending prayers your way as you focus your time and energy on this assignment and believing God's best for the results :)

    Lord, open up Amber's creative mind and help her exceed ANY and ALL expectations/goals she's holding out for!!! AMEN! Thanks for sharing your progress, go Amber!!!!

  5. Keli,

    Thank you so much for your support! :)


  6. Kara,

    That means so much to me!! Thank you for your enthusiastic encouragement, your kind words, and your prayers! :) I really, really appreciate it!


  7. Rock on, Amber!

  8. Prof. Stark,

    Thank you! :)

    By the way, I really enjoyed hearing you read your paper on Friday - it was great!


  9. Wow, Amber, love that gidget or widget!

    Best of luck. I'm participating too, though things keep interrupting!

    It's good incentive though!


  10. Sue,

    Isn't it great?? I saw Katie McCurdy using it on her blog, "Legacy of a Writer," and I loved the way the writer could interact with it more as compared to some other widgets (and it's just pretty!).

    Best wishes for you, as well! Yes, there's definitely a lot to interrupt and distract from the writing time! But Speedbo is definitely a good incentive to keep on trying and pushing forward. :)

    God bless!



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!