
Friday, March 30, 2012

Blogoversary Celebration on the White Island!

It came with no warning or fanfare...

But here it is - my second blogoversary! I feel like this is a surprise party, but my guests are the ones who get to be surprised. *Wink*

This isn't a week-long extravaganza like last year's party, nor do I have any author interviews for you today. However, I do have a fun post and giveaway for you!

If you aren't aware of this yet, I am a relatively new but eager fan of Krissi Dallas' YA/fantasy "Phantom Island" series. And I was recently given the opportunity to be one of the first reviewers of Watercrossing (the third book in the series, releasing in May)!! Here are some teasers from my reviews of these three awesome books:

"On the hunt for a highly imaginative, highly engaging book? Then Windchaser is an adventure you won't want to miss! The cover, the description, and a friend's praise of the book made me eager to give the book a try, and I'm so very glad I did! ....

Through all of the challenges, Whitnee and her friends learn just how difficult it can be to face the past, the future, and especially the present - and how important it is to seek the truth and truly live. If you enjoy meaningful, romantic, and enjoyable young adult/fantasy books, I highly recommend Windchaser!"

You can read the rest of my review of Windchaser HERE.

"This second installment of the 'Phantom Island' series is a fast-paced read, with the romantic tension and the stakes heating up considerably. Windchaser and Windfall are two halves of one story, so the premise of Windfall would most likely be rather disorienting if read before the first book. But put these two together and you've got one beautiful and dynamic YA/fantasy story! There's a lot to learn at Camp Fusion and on the White Island about understanding and forgiveness, as well as cooperation and camaraderie."

You can read the rest of my review of Windfall HERE.

"Water runs deep in this third installment of the 'Phantom Island' series as the characters cross over into new ground in their relationships. Trust will be tested. Romance will be rejuvenated, repressed, and rediscovered. And with a special highlight on Morgan's character, sacrifices and secrets take on a whole new dimension."

You can read the rest of my review of Watercrossing HERE.

(So excited that this excerpt from my review is featured on Krissi's website!! LOVED writing the first review for this wonderful continuation of a fabulous series!!)

Have I convinced you yet that this is a great series??

Today I hope to get someone else hooked - so I'm giving away a Kindle copy of Windchaser, the first book in the series! A winner will be chosen using and announced next Wednesday, April 4th.

Note: Here's the link you'll need to take the "tribe" quiz if you want 2 extra entries! I'd love to chat with you about your results or about the books in general in the comments section!

This form has been deleted.
Thank you for celebrating this day with me - and thank you all so much for reading my blog, and most of all, for your friendship! I appreciate your kind words, your support and interest, your prayers, and the opportunity to meet all of you through blogging! Have a blessed weekend, and be on the lookout for some possible minor changes around here really soon!



    I know it has been forever since I stopped by but I'm so happy I could today seeing as it's a special day for you and your blog!

    Your blog is always beautiful, always encouraging and always glorifies God. Thank you for blessing us the way you do! Without your blog I never would have met you and I would have missed out on a sweet friend and sister in Christ. God is so good how He brings people together!

    Praying you and your family have a beautiful Palm Sunday!!


    PS- I plan on emailing you soon - there is SO much to catch up on! The things God has done and is doing - WOW!!

  2. Happy Blogoversary, Amber! Thanks for hosting such an awesome giveaway! *wink, wink* I'm honored to be a part of such an occasion. You're a blessing!! ((Hugs))

  3. Oh, and I'm a proud member of the Aerodorian Tribe - go Wind people!! :)

  4. Happy Blogoversary! Thanks so much for the giveaway-I've been wanting to read these books since I read your glowing reviews! I was happy to get the Aerodorian tribe-I LOVE wind!

  5. Happy 2 Year Blogoversary, Amber!!! Wow, congrats on 2 years running and still going strong! I don't have a kindle so I won't be entering, but thank you for the giveaway!

    I've never heard of Krissi's books, but now I've GOT to get my own copies!!!! Thanks for running such a wonderful blog and praying for you with the Speedbo results, you can do it girl :)

    Congrats once again and blessings to you!

  6. Happy 2nd Blogoversary, Amber! I immesely enjoy your reviews, and I love talking about books with you. Have a wonderful blogoversary :)
    The Phantom Island Series sounds amazing! I actually tied for the Geodora & the Pyradora tribes :)

    I'm wishing you the best!

  7. Amanda!!!

    So good to hear from you!! :D Thank you so, so much for those sweet words, my friend - God is definitely so very good! I'm blessed beyond measure to know you, despite the fact that we haven't met in person yet. :)

    I pray you and your family have a beautiful Palm Sunday, as well!


    P.S. I'll wait eagerly for that e-mail! :D We definitely do have a lot of catching up to do!

  8. Krissi,

    Thank you!! I'm happy to share about your books as part of this celebration! :) And I'm a proud member of the Aerodorian tribe, as well - not officially or anything, but still, that's my tribe of choice! ;)


  9. Abbi,

    Thank you so much! And I'm excited to hear that my reviews made you want to read the books!! :D They're awesome!

    Thanks for entering the giveaway - and I'm totally with you regarding wind! :)


  10. Kara,

    Thank you so much for your kind words and support! And no pressure to enter the giveaway or anything, but if you are interested in the book, you can definitely download the Kindle for PC app for free and read the book on your computer if you win! :) (Although I know that can be a bit hard on the's not quite as fun reading a book on the computer!)

    Hope you get a chance to read these books - I love 'em! And I included a bit about Speedbo in my latest post - didn't get very far, but I'm excited about the little bit of progress and continuing this particular writing journey in the coming months. :) I really appreciate your prayers!


  11. Faye,

    Thank you, dear friend! I really enjoy your reviews and our book chats, as well! :)

    So glad you stopped by! And how interesting tying for Geodora and Pyradora - very cool! That would suggest that perhaps you love nature and the outdoors, you're calm and logical, but you've also got some fiery emotions at times and passion for the things and people you love. :) Hope you get to read the series and find out more about the tribes on the White Island!


  12. HaPPy BlOGiVerSAry!!!!

    Sorry I'm sooo late to the party. I don't get around the blogs much anymore, but I wanted to say, you SOLD me on this series! I added it to my TBR list on goodreads!

  13. Joy,

    Thank you!! And no need to apologize. :) So glad to hear I sold you on this series - hope you enjoy them as much as I have!! I think you'll like the romance. ;)



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!