
Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Welcome, February!

I love new beginnings! A new month means that I get to flip to the next picture on the calendar, and I get to use a different number in writing dates on homework assignments or checks. Looking ahead, a new month stretches enticingly before me with events and holidays and little memorable moments, like the ones L.M. Montgomery might have loved:

"I believe the nicest and sweetest days are not those on which anything very splendid or wonderful or exciting happens, but just those that bring simple little pleasures, following one another softly, like pearls slipping off a string."

But I admit that my eagerness in entering a new month or a new year shouldn't replace or dominate my eagerness for a new day and a new moment. I mess up, and if I look at things only in the macro, I'll miss God's grace in the micro. That is, I don't want my sins or my mistakes to "taint" the new month to the point that I feel as if I have to wait for a new week or a new month to roll along and bring a new start - while in the meantime I think, "I've already wasted this day, so it can't hurt to continue making poor choices until I can press reset on a new cycle."

Each moment is a gift, and yet I don't act like it. I want to be thankful for the new moments as well as the new months - for God's overwhelming, overcoming grace that helps me say, "Through Him I can start again right now." It's a constant struggle, but I think that in that struggle there is a lot to learn about humility and trusting in God, if we turn to Him with open hearts.

As Philippians 3:12-14 says, "Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus."

So I say, "Welcome, February!" But, through God's never-failing grace may I also say, "Welcome, every moment of my life that God has given me!"


  1. That's so true. I can tend to do this; with dieting, for instance, I might say, "Well, I already ate 3 cookies so I might as well eat a candy bar too." :) It's easy once you've made one mistake to just throw in the towel and give up trying to get back on track for the rest of the day. Or perhaps even indefinitely.

    Great reminder to not wait for the next month/time but to take advantage of now! :)

  2. I know, I can't believe it's February already! And here in Texas, we still haven't had much of a winter. It's been in the 70s all day. Strange weather, and I'm glad spring is just around the corner.

  3. Christina,

    Yes! I know just what you mean - I often do this with food or even just my attitude in general. I'm glad you could relate! Taking advantage of each moment is definitely NOT something I've perfected, but I hope this post was an encouragement. :)

    Thank you for stopping by!


  4. Gwendolyn,

    The months really do fly by, don't they? And it's in the 70s there?? Can I come visit you? :)

    I'm excited that spring is a bit closer, as well!


  5. Time flies when you are having fun!

  6. Amber, that was beautiful, my friend! So very true. I've even said that same thing to myself sometimes - thinking, "I already messed up, my day is blown anyway, why bother to fight the good fight anymore today? I'll pick my sword back up tomorrow." But we're not promised tomorrow or our next breath for that matter. Jesus is there every moment wanting to save us from ourselves and from the lies of the enemy. He is with us with every heartbeat. Our God is so good and so mighty to save - that is something we must remember.

    I must say I can see the spiritual growth in your life, evidenced in this post and others. Keep growing from faith to faith, dear friend, for His plans for you are great! :)

    Love the scripture you used here too. That is my prayer this year, pressing towards the mark, running the race for Christ, and casting off all hindrances. Thank you for this devotional and for sharing the things God has placed on your heart. You are such a blessing! :)

    Happy February!

  7. Marianne,

    Yes, time sure is interesting that way! Thanks for stopping by! :)


  8. Amanda,

    Hope you are doing well! :) So glad you stopped by, and I really appreciate your encouraging and challenging (in a good way!) words! I especially love what you say in these lines:

    "But we're not promised tomorrow or our next breath for that matter. Jesus is there every moment wanting to save us from ourselves and from the lies of the enemy. He is with us with every heartbeat."

    I'm taking a class on Ruth & Esther, and we've learned about the statement of widows - how even though they didn't have a voice, per se, their very presence is/was a reminder that life is short and we don't know what each day will bring, so it's important to keep our lives in perspective. Not always an easy thing to do! But I love what you say about Jesus being with us with every heartbeat. :) Such a beautiful reminder!

    Thank you again for your encouraging words! I'm so glad God allowed us to become friends and share this journey together. :) Happy February to you, as well, and I hope we can talk more again soon!

    God bless!


  9. Beautiful post, Amber! It's so true, ""Through Him I can start again right now." I thank God for His grace every day!

    As always, I enjoyed reading the comments as well. : )

    Have a great weekend everyone!

  10. Michelle,

    Thank you! And yes - I'm so very grateful for God's patience and His grace!

    As for the comments, I really am blessed with such dear friends. :) Thank you so much for being one of them!

    I hope you have a great weekend, as well!



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!