
Saturday, February 25, 2012

A Change in Plans!

Today I was supposed to be attending the Woman to Woman Conference hosted at my school. I had a wonderful time last year when Robin Jones Gunn was the main speaker, and I'm sure the conference this year will be great, as well! The main speaker is Carolyn Custis James, and I loved her book, The Gospel of Ruth, as well as hearing her speak in chapel yesterday.

But I'm going to a different conference today... One of my professors is leading one of the workshops at the Oregon Christian Writers Winter One-Day Conference, and she's offering me the chance to go - so I'm taking it!

I'm excited to hopefully meet Lauraine Snelling and Ann Shorey, among others! I wonder if I'll be as starstruck as I was when I met Robin Jones Gunn? =) It will be so awesome to network with others and talk about writing with friends. And I'm bringing what I have so far on my current WIP, just in case I need it... ;)

I'm so thankful for this opportunity, and I look forward to letting you know how it goes soon!

Here's a peek at what I'll be doing today:

“What Is Real?”

Oregon Christian Writers Winter One-Day Conference

Red Lion Hotel, 3301 Market Street NE, Salem, OR 97301

Saturday, February 25, 2012~8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

“And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” John 8:32 NLT

8:30–9:00 Registration, Continental Breakfast, Bookstore
9:00–9:30 Welcome and Introductions: President Mary HakeMusic: Julie HoyDevotions: Sam Hall
9:30–10:20 General Session I: Lauraine Snelling, “What Is Real in the Writer’s Life?”
10:20–10:50 Morning Break: Refreshments and time to visit the bookstore
10:50–11:40 General Session II: Lauraine Snelling, “What Is Real in the Writer’s Work?”
11:40–12:20 OCW Business Meeting: recognition of new members, report on members’ publishing accomplishments, and introduction of workshop teachers
12:30–1:35 Lunch served buffet style, $12: Grilled marinated chicken; mixed green salad; rice salad with curry, craisins and cucumbers; whole green beans with almonds; and a brownie (must be ordered by 2/18)
1:40–2:40 Workshops—Session 1 (Choose One)

A. “Avoiding Prats and Pitfalls”—Lauraine Snelling

B. “Songwriting—Keep It Original!”—Julie Hoy

C. “Is Your Clock Going Cuckoo?”—Charlotte Kardokus

D. “Writing for a Secular Audience”—Jodi Detrick
2:40–3:00 Break—Bookstore is open
3:00–4:00 Workshops—Session 2 (Choose One)

E. “Seven Ways to Power Past Rejection”—Ann Shorey

F. “Behind the Stacks”—Judy Gann

G. “A Poet’s Journey: From Passion to Publication”—Jennifer Anne Messing

H. “Blogging Bootcamp”—Angella Foret Diehl

All workshops are suitable for all writers—beginner to advanced.


  1. Oh, how exciting! Can't wait to hear all about it. Have fun! :)

  2. Looks like a lot of fun, Amber! I hope you have an amazing time, and I look forward to reading about your experience! =)

  3. Good for you, Amber! Looks like a good one. Looking forward to reading all about it!

  4. if you see this before you get to the conference, please say hi to Lauraine from Marianne and her Mom from Canada. She is a wonderful person. Also have a great time and we'll be waiting to hear about it.

  5. I hope you have a wonderful time at the conference, Amber.

  6. Enjoy your day, Amber! How exciting! Is it your first writer's conference? I'll be waiting anxiously for your report.

  7. Thank you all so much for your kindness! :) I had a wonderful time at the conference, and it was so neat to come back and see all your sweet comments! Be looking for my conference post tomorrow. :)

    MARIANNE: I'm sorry I didn't see this before or pass your message on to Lauraine! She does seem like a wonderful person, for sure! :) Maybe she'll come and visit the blog tomorrow if I e-mail her the link to the post?? Guess we'll see!

    KAV: I think it's my first official writer's conference, though I remember going to a writing-type conference in middle school (?) at a local university, and I've taken writing classes while I've been in college. But basically, yes! ;)



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