
Friday, December 2, 2011

My Review of Love Finds You in Annapolis

Here's a description of the book from Summerside Press:

"In 1784 peace has been declared, but war still rages in the heart of Lark Benton.

Never did Lark think she’d want to escape Emerson Fielding, the man she’s loved all her life, but then he betrays her with her cousin. She flees to Annapolis, Maryland, the country’s capital, and throws herself into a new circle of friends who force her to examine all she believes.

Emerson follows, determined to reclaim his bride. Surprised when she refuses to return with him, he realizes that in this new country he has come to call his own, duty is no longer enough. He must learn to open his heart and soul to something greater... before he loses all he should have been fighting to hold."

My Rating: Spring/Summer

My Review:

Lark is a young woman living in the newly independent United States who is tired of being stifled and ignored. So when the man she's long planned on marrying is found in a compromising situation, Lark finally flies away to test her own wings and find her own voice. When her fiancee eventually finds her again, will he see the treasure he took for granted and be given a second chance at loving Lark for who she really is?

As lovely and sophisticated as the cover, this story is a treat for lovers of historical romance! The pace is mostly gentle, and while not overly emotional, the plot is intellectually stimulating and quite sweet. The tension between Lark and Emerson make for some really engaging scenes as the story unfolds. The characters are charming, and White does a great job of taking a rather irritating man and making him into a sympathetic hero to cheer on in his daunting task of reclaiming his bride-to-be. And Wiley is just wonderful - all that a girl could ask for in an older brother. He has great hero potential for his own story!

Misunderstandings and a yearning for independence mark this well-constructed book, making Love Finds You in Annapolis, Maryland a meaningful and enjoyable read.

*With thanks to the author and publisher for providing me with a copy of the book in exchange for my honest opinion.*


  1. I cannot WAIT to get my hands on this book!! It's been getting some great reviews - yours included! :o)

  2. Christy,

    It's a great one! :) There will be a couple of chances to win a copy of this next week for the LFY party, in case you don't have one secured yet - or in case you need a good Christmas present for another reader in your life. ;)


  3. Great review, Amber! Another to add to my list (which has become WAY too long!).

    Have a great weekend!

  4. Michelle,

    Thank you! :) And I know how that goes!! So many wonderful books are coming out ALL THE TIME! Can't complain about something like that, though. ;)

    Hope you have a great weekend, too!


  5. Thanks so much for the lovely review, Amber! I'm really looking forward to the blog party next week!

  6. Another book to add to my list! I wonder if Santa's sleigh will cave under the weight of the boxes of books?!

  7. Roseanna,

    My pleasure! :) And I'm very excited about the blog party, too!! Thank you so much for your generosity!


  8. Kav,

    LOL! I know what you mean! ;) Enjoy!


  9. What a great review! I loved what you said, Amber. Looking forward to your party!! :D

  10. Lovely review, Amber! This book keeps taunting me from my nightstand every time I go by! Ugh! I still have a few books to read before I can dive in, but I can't wait! :-)

  11. Casey,

    Aww, thank you! :) And the party is finally here!!! :D


  12. Katie,

    Thank you! And I understand - I'm really eager to read By Darkness Hid, which is sitting on my desk waiting for me. :) Plus, I'm also anxious for some books to arrive in the mail here and when I get home - not to mention hopefully getting The Hunger Games trilogy for Christmas!!

    Boy, I need some of that Contentment Reading Challenge spirit right about now. ;)


  13. That is a fantastic review, Amber! I think this book has to go on my Christmas list :)

  14. Anne,

    Thank you so much! Glad you enjoyed it! :) And here's hoping you get a copy this Christmas season! :)



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!