
Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Contentment Reading Challenge: December (Giveaway and News!)

The Contentment Reading Challenge 2011 is coming to an end - but don't worry! Our dear friend Katie from Legacy of a Writer is hosting the Contentment Reading Challenge 2012. So if you didn't re-read as much as you would like this year, or if you would just enjoy challenging yourself to continue to re-read this next year, I do hope you'll go visit Katie! Here's a look at the blog button for 2012:

Didn't Katie do a lovely job?

I re-read a grand total of 3 fiction books in 2011. I didn't even make it to the first level of my own challenge! *Blush* But I did read a lot of wonderful new books and kept busy with reading for school and such.

I think, if anything, this challenge has reminded me of how much I have to be grateful for and how very much I have yet to learn about contentment. It's a humbling reality, and I know I still have a long way to go. I have been blessed with an abundant reading supply, and yet I'm constantly thinking about what's next. I need to enjoy what I'm reading right now and be thankful for the stories that have blessed me in the past - and maybe re-visit more of those dear friends!

Well, those 3 fiction books I re-read were the 3 books in MaryLu Tyndall's debut series - "Legacy of the King's Pirates." They enchanted me the first time I read them, and it was great to be swept away by them again! You can read my review of the third book, The Restitution, on the Radiant Lit site.

This series is going to be back in print and released in e-book format soon, as well! So to thank those of you who joined me in participating in the Contentment Reading Challenge this past year, I'm holding a giveaway of winner's choice of 1 of these 3 e-books - just for you! And if you're not already convinced that this is a series you'll want to read, check out this new trailer for the first book, The Redemption:

Such a fun trailer, and I love the music!

So if you participated in the Contentment Reading Challenge 2011, fill out the form below and enter for a chance to win a Kindle copy of your choice of The Redemption, The Reliance, or The Restitution!

*A winner has been chosen, so this form has been deleted.*

Thank you for joining me on this journey! Hope you enjoyed the experience!

Note: The winner might have to wait for a few weeks or so to receive the prize until the books officially release through Kindle. If for some reason the books don't release through Kindle as soon as I hope, I will e-mail the winner a $10 gift card instead. But...let's just hope those Kindle books release soon, because it's a wonderful series! =)


  1. I'm going to be doing one more post at the end of the month with my grand total. I've gone well past my target, but I'm still going so I can't give a final total yet.

    I've already read that series, so I'm not going to enter the competition.

  2. Oh, thank you so much, Amber!!! I'm so flattered that you chose my pirate trilogy to read over again! Nothing like a warm tropical setting to ward away the winter chill. And I'm so glad you like the Trailer... it's so awesome! Bless you for posting about it.. and Merry Christmas to you and yours!!!

  3. I LOVED these books and am so excited they are being rereleased. When they went out of pring, I paniced and bought a series set, so thankful I did!!

    I just barely made the challege and read 20 books. I loved it and will continue to reread others as well. You pushed me to do what I said I would do "someday when I had time." So thank you Amber!!

  4. Beth,

    Sounds good! You really did blow this challenge out of the water - so glad you participated! :)


  5. MaryLu,

    Aww, you're very welcome! :) It's such a wonderful series! I actually re-read The Redemption earlier in 2011, and The Reliance and The Restitution in the summer - but they're great to read anytime of the year! :)

    I'm glad I could share the trailer - it really is awesome, and so fun! Merry Christmas to you and your family, as well, and thank you so much for stopping by!


  6. Casey,

    It really is such a great series! I received the whole series as a Christmas gift several years ago or so, and that's how I got hooked on MaryLu's writing. :) Love 'em!

    And thank you so much for sharing that with me! I'm pleased you enjoyed the challenge and that you really did feel challenged by it. :) Thank you for participating!!


  7. Hi Amber! Congrats on 200 followers! That's awesome! : )

    No rereading books for me. I have a hard enough time finding time to read a book once, lol.

    I have the first two books in this series on my shelf, but haven't read them yet. Have I mentioned that I have at least 6 years worth of reading on my shelves. I can't decide if that's a bad thing, or a good thing -- or a little bit of both, lol.

    Anyway, good luck to those of you who are entering the contest!

    Merry Christmas everyone!

  8. I loved the trailer as well! I've read so many great things about these books! Can't wait to read them!

  9. Thanks for the sweet giveaway, Amber! I am really looking forward to hosting the Contentment Reading Challenge this year. Thanks for the opportunity! :-)

  10. Michelle,

    Thank you so much! :D That's really sweet of you to notice!

    And no worries - I know what you mean! It was my own challenge and I still only re-read 3 books... It's definitely a challenge to find time to re-read books, especially when there are so many books we have yet to read once!

    I do hope you get a chance to read this series soon, though! I love it so much! Doesn't that trailer make you want to dive in right now?? ;)

    Thank you for stopping by, and merry Christmas to you and your family! :)


  11. Katie,

    You're welcome! :)

    I'm so pleased you're continuing the Contentment Reading Challenge! I'm looking forward to seeing where you take it in the new year. :)



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!