
Thursday, November 3, 2011

Tell Me About Yourself - Blog Award!

Thank you, Katie from Legacy of a Writer, for passing on the "Tell Me About Yourself" award to my blog! Katie's blog is lovely with lots of fun things going on all the time, so be sure to visit her if you haven't already!

Here are the rules for accepting the award:

1. Thank and link back to the person who gave you the award.
2. Share 7 things about yourself.
3. Give the award to 15 other bloggers.

And here are 7 things you may or may not know about me...
  1. I am a family girl - I just love spending time with my family! We have such fun on our family vacations or simply watching I Love Lucy or Bonanza episodes together. =)
  2. I love to read! (Surprising, right??)
  3. I just joined Twitter recently (@SeasonsHumility).
  4. I have a tabby cat named Mr. Murphy who lives at my grandparents' house. He's a sweetie! (Especially compared to my sister's cat, Muffin Man...although we still love him!)
  5. Speaking of pets: growing up I had a Persian cat (for a short time), hamsters, and Beta fish. (I think I had gold fish for a very short time, too... But that was before I can remember!)
  6. I didn't learn how to ride a bicycle until I was 11. *Blush*
  7. I love chocolate!! (I think I have the "chocoholic" gene passed down from my mom...)
OK, enough about me! ;) I'm going to pare down the number in the third rule to 5 instead of 15 (not that I couldn't go on and on, though, about all the great blogs out there!), so here are the 5 blogs I'm passing this award on to:
Congratulations, ladies! You all have great blogs, and I appreciate your friendship - as well as the friendship of all my blogging buddies!!

I think this is a fun award to pass along so we can all learn fun, random facts about each other. =)

P.S. If you haven't seen the update page yet, I recently added the tentative schedule to the Love Finds You Blog Party page if you're interested in seeing some of the fun we have in store! Can't wait to party with ya'll!!


  1. Wow interesting.. Congratulations =)

    We used to have cats when I was young. They have weird names. We invented Japanese sounding names - Bengushi and Hiroyuki. Haha.. =p

  2. Thank you Amber! You made me feel better on a tough day.

  3. Viviene,

    Aw, thank you! :)

    And love the invented names! ;) Cute!


  4. Beth,

    You're very welcome! I'm sorry to hear you're having a tough day, but I'm honored to have helped make you feel better. Thank you for your friendship! :)


  5. Thank you so much, Amber! You're so sweet!

  6. Linda,

    My pleasure! :) I'm grateful for your friendship!


  7. Thank you so much :) I'll get right too it!

  8. Faye,

    You're welcome! :) And no rush! I'm just happy I could share the award with you. :)


  9. Thank you so much :) Here is the link: Thanks :)

  10. Faye,

    No problem! Thanks for the link! :)



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