
Monday, October 3, 2011

Revell Blog Tour: Hello, Hollywood!

Here's a description of the book from Revell:

"When it comes to love, one thing's for sure--it doesn't follow a script!

Athena Pappas is the head writer on Stars Collide, one of the most popular sitcoms in television history. But when Vegas comedian Stephen Cosse is brought in to beef up the show's suddenly sagging ratings, she starts to worry about her job. Sparks fly as the competition--and attraction--between the two writers heats up. Athena has never had a problem writing the romances of her characters. So why is her own love life so hard to script?

With humor and a Hollywood-insider viewpoint, Hello, Hollywood! delivers lots of laughs as Athena and Stephen discover that not being in control of the plot of their lives might just be the best thing that ever happened to them."

My Rating: Spring

My Review:

A wonderful and quirky Greek family, a trouble-maker dog, a home-hungry preteen, and two struggling hearts make up the well-rounded and just plain fun cast of Hello, Hollywood! Not to mention the return of some of the sweet and unique characters that readers were introduced to in Stars Collide, the first book in this "Backstage Pass" series. Janice Thompson has a flair for creating interesting characters.

The plot is as sweet as baklava with a great message about trusting God with control of our lives and being grateful for the blessings we have been given. Of course, there is such a thing as too much baklava (just trust me - I know!), and such is the case with this book. Very, very sweet - but the sweetness gets extended a bit too long in the end to suit my tastes. Of course, it's nice to see a happy ending come to fruition, but it felt like the story was being stretched a bit more than necessary (in explanations, etc.).

The book did come off as a bit "preachy." In such a case, I think this book is a great one for believers who are in need of encouragement and some smiles. While there is some conflict (and as Athena notes often, "conflict is key!"), Hello, Hollywood! is just plain happy. If you're looking for some cheer with some extra fun (like T.V. series chapter titles and a darling "special feature" at the end), say hello to Hello, Hollywood!

*With thanks to Revell Publishing for providing me with a copy of the book in exchange for my honest opinion.*

“Available September 2011 at your favorite bookseller from Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group.”

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