
Friday, October 21, 2011

Fall Friday: Oregon Shakespeare Festival

Last weekend I had the opportunity to go to the Oregon Shakespeare Festival in Ashland with my Shakespeare class, and we had an absolute blast! I loved it so much - from chatting in the car during the 4-5 hour drive (one way), to seeing two superb plays, to enjoying the sunshine and lovely fall colors in the quaint town of Ashland!

Since we did get to see nature's beautiful fall display, I thought it would be fitting to share some of my pictures from the trip with you today:

Walking down an Ashland street - what a gorgeous view!

Off to the park!

A pretty pond complete with ducks!

Pretty pond = photo opp! Short people in front - meaning that's me in the black. ;)

The courtyard in front of two of the theatres, I believe. We got to see a play in the Angus Bowmer theatre, and another one in the New Theatre. It would be so neat to see a play on the Elizabethan (outdoor) stage, but alas, summer is over!

Plays of the day - Friday, October 14th!

Thursday night we saw Measure for Measure (one of Shakespeare's darker comedies). It was a modern version that still used the Shakespearean script - complete with fabulous props/sets, Latin American music, and great acting! On Friday we saw Julius Caesar, which was powerful and quite intense! I'm glad I didn't see either of these when I was younger, as both included some mature themes. But the acting and the whole productions - wow!!

Hope ya'll are enjoying the fall! ;)


  1. Looks like a wonderful time, Amber! Glad you enjoyed it!

    Thanks for sharing the great photos!
    Have a fantastic weekend!

    Michelle : )

  2. How fun Amber! I have read a couple of Shakespeare plays but haven't seen any acted out live :(

    The fall pictures are beautiful!

  3. Michelle,

    Oh, it definitely was!! I really loved every minute! :)

    Thank you for stopping by, and I'm glad you enjoyed the pics! Hope you have a fantastic weekend, as well!


  4. Julie,

    Oh, I hope you can remedy that sometime! I read a couple of Shakespeare plays in high school, but I'm enjoying his work so much more now that I'm in college. :) And while the writing is great, his plays really make a lot more sense and come to life when they're performed - especially if it's a good production! ;) The acting in the two plays I saw was superb!!

    Isn't Ashland such a beautiful little town? :) I loved the fall colors everywhere!

    Thanks for visiting!


  5. Wow. How cool. Thanks for sharing your fun images.

  6. Juju,

    It definitely was cool! A wonderful field trip. :) Thank for stopping by, and I'm glad you like the pics! These just give a tiny glimpse of the beautiful time we had. :)



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