
Thursday, September 1, 2011

Wanted: Your Opinions!

According to my planned autumn schedule, I'm supposed to be sharing a "Moved by a Movie" post with you tomorrow. As it is, I watched a couple of movies recently that I could have posted about, but I've been kind of busy and I wasn't overly motivated. (Although the two I was contemplating were great ones, which I've posted reviews for already!)

So, you get this random post instead. I hope you don't mind!

Included in this post is a question, a schedule, and a discussion.

A Question

Which would you prefer for my Friday posts - "Moved by a Movie" posts or "Fall Friday" posts? Or maybe book discussions? (See third topic below.)

I'm thinking about maybe doing fall/autumn themed posts on Fridays (like I somewhat did last year) and doing some "Moved by a Movie" posts every once in a while (I guess when I'm actually "moved"...). Sorry for the indecisiveness! If you have a preference or any other suggestions, please share your thoughts!

A Schedule

Since it's been several months since I've shared my fall semester 2011 schedule with you, I thought I'd share it officially today so you can see what I'll be studying. Maybe I'll be inspired during my mid-week days to write posts about them sometime!
  • Civil War Era (History) (M, W,F)
  • History of Modern Africa (M, W, F)
  • Pilates/Cardio (M, W)
  • Shakespeare (M, W, F)
  • Women of Faith (T, TH)
  • Personality Theory (T, TH)
A Discussion

As for the discussion, I guess this is more a question of whether you would like to do a discussion or not. ;) If you could vote on the poll below, that would be great! Thank you!


  1. Proud of you Amber! Keep up the great work!
    I don't get to check in very often but the discussion part sounds interesting. What people like to read, why, etc. That sounds like a good idea!
    I so rarely get to the movies (hardly anything playing that we want to see) so - not sure that would float my boat.
    Looks like an interesting course load too!
    Alrighty - there's my "opinion" - :)

  2. Moved by Movies whenever is fine with me :)

    I want to hear about your Women of Faith class!!! :D

  3. I'm open to anything you want to do, Amber! Your blog posts are always great! : )

    Looks like you have a great schedule lined up at school -- fun stuff!

    Also, I've been meaning to tell you, if you haven't seen it already (and if you're interested), I'm hosting a fun giveaway on my blog for FREE MyMemories Suite Software (digital scrapbooking).

    Have a great weekend!

  4. I'll go wherever you take me Amber. Though I'd be fascinated to hear your thoughts on the movie "The Help" that is such a buzz right now. I haven't seen it yet -- probably won't until it's released on DVD, but I really want to.

    And -- just in case you didn't realize it -- I LOVE BOOK DISCUSSIONS!!!! And no, I wasn't shouting, I was squealing in excitment!

  5. I like the autumn theme idea...but hey, whatever works best for you is fine by me...I'll be back no matter what!

  6. KC,

    Awww, you're so sweet! Thank you so much for the encouragement and for sharing your opinions! :) Love ya!


    P.S. Yes, I think it's going to be a very interesting semester!

  7. Ariel,

    Good to know!

    And yes, I think the Women of Faith class is going to be great! :) I just might have to share some updates on my classes sometime. :)


  8. Michelle,

    Thank you so much!

    Yes, fun stuff, indeed, for this semester! As an English major I have a good amount of elective hours, and now that I'm mostly done with my main requirements, I can take advantage of that. :)

    I had seen that post on your blog, and it looks like a great giveaway! I'll have to stop on by again soon!!

    Hope you have a great weekend, as well! :)


  9. Kav,

    I hope this isn't a case of the blind leading the blind then... LOL! ;) Thank you for your support!!

    I haven't seen The Help, and I'm not sure if I will, but I have to agree that the controversy sure makes it intriguing!

    And I'm so glad you like the book discussion idea!! (I don't mind the squeals of excitement!) ;)


  10. Linda,

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts! At the moment I'm leaning towards going back to the "Fall Friday" posts, so we'll see how it goes...

    But I'm so glad to know you'll be back regardless! Thank you for your vote of confidence! :)


  11. Juju,

    I think it will be a neat class! :) Plus, I'm super excited that I'm taking a class called "Women of Faith" and going to the Women of Faith Conference, too!!



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!