
Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Contentment Reading Challenge: September

Well, no re-reading for me since my last update! Right now I'm mostly occupied with reading books for review. Unfortunately I have this nasty inability to say "no" to book review options... ;) I guess sometimes I actually do decline/ignore requests, but there are just so many great new releases I'm having a hard time passing many books by! Anybody else in the same boat??

As many of you know, I contribute on Mondays to The Borrowed Book blog. This last Monday I posted a children's book review if you're interested in taking a look! And in the next few weeks I'll hopefully be posting a non-fiction book review and a YA book review over there, so come on by if you have the time! I'd love to chat books with you there, as well as here. =)

So how are you all doing for the Contentment Reading Challenge? We still have a few months left! (Doesn't it seem like 2011 just started, though??)


  1. You have that inability too? ;-) I think I reread one book, but don't make me hold to it. All I know is my count is up to 17 and I really need to reread a few more. But just 3 more and I'll make the goal, so I should be able to do that. :)

  2. Hmm, let's see. I finished that book that I talk about the last time you posted about this challenge, From Dust and Ashes by Tricia Goyer, and then reread two other books...

    Hangman's Curse - Frank Peretti
    Waterfall - Lisa Bergren.

    So that brings my count up to 8 reread books. Still a ways away from 20...but we shall see! :-)

    Haha, and I am with you there. It is SO hard to say no to reviewing a good book!

  3. I can't seem to say no either, what's wrong with me?! But it seems like they release an usually amount of fantastic books in the fall. Have you noticed this?

  4. Casey,

    Hahaha, glad I'm not the only one! ;)

    And way to go! Yeesh, girl, way to show me up! ;)


  5. Katie,

    Great!! Waterfall...fabulous choice! ;) I'm so excited because the copy of Torrent I ordered from arrived today!! :D Such a wonderful series!

    Keep up the good work!


  6. Joy,

    Yes, I have noticed!! I'll actually be mentioning this a little bit in my "Fall Friday" post (generally talking about some books that have just arrived and how exciting the fall line-up is!). It really does seem like so many authors have fall releases! :) Maybe there's just something about fall that makes everyone want to dive into a good book...and publishers are aware of this!


  7. 3 more books for me in August. That means I've read 30 for the challenge so far.

  8. Beth,

    Awesome!! Thanks for checking in! :)



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!