
Monday, August 15, 2011

We Belong Together

Dear Blogging Friends,

What was my life like before March 2010? I probably spent a lot less time on the computer... ;) But seriously, I absolutely LOVE our blogging community!! Interacting with all of you has been a huge blessing in my life, and I'm so grateful to God for the dear friends I have made through blogging.

Thank you for taking the time to leave your comments, to send me e-mails, to pray for me, to cheer me on in my writing, and encourage me to seek God's will for my life. I pray that you have been as blessed by this blog as me!

The more I get to know all of you and spend time with you, the more I'm convinced that "we belong together" as a community of book-lovers and God-followers. I hope you agree. =)

Lots of Love,

P.S. If you missed it yesterday, click HERE to learn more about this week's community contest!

P.P.S. I'm over at The Borrowed Book blog today talking about various forms of writing and sharing one of the poems I recently composed. I would love to see you over there and hear your thoughts on poetry and the like!

(Video from


  1. I think I must be the only one on the planet who hasn't seen Toy Story. Guess I should put watching it on my 'to do' list. LOL.

    I'm loving the blogging community too, Amber. So many lovely people, lots of inspiration and laughter. Can't get any better than that, right?

  2. Kav,

    Hahaha, probably! ;) Seriously, though, I do love all 3 movies, and I think they're so well done!

    And yes - I so agree! Doesn't get any better than that. :)


  3. Ohh, LOVE YOU AMBER!!

    I've met someone so wonderful online and her name belongs to YOU! Could have only been planned by one God. :D

  4. Casey,

    Awww, love you, too, Casey!!! :D

    It was such a blessing to meet you this summer, and I can't wait to hang out with you again!! And yes - I agree that this could only have been planned by God. :)


  5. I've been blessed by the online friendships I've made since last year too. Love you ladies!

    This is a great idea for a theme week Amber!

  6. Wonderful post, Amber! Online friendships have been such a blessing to me, and your blog is one of my favorites! Thank you for all you do here.

    "We belong together" -- I couldn't agree more!

    Happy Monday, and sweet blessings to you!

  7. Kav I haven't seen a Toy Story movie in its entirety either, hope that makes you feel better ;)

    Sweet post Amber :)

  8. Awwww the last movie that made me bawl my eyes out...Toy Story 3! Seriously. What a great pick to celebrate community and friendship. I'm so glad I started my blog too b/c I've met a TON of great people (you included) whose friendship I wouldn't give up for the world! Keep it up with your great blog Amber, I'm going to have to come to you with ideas soon since yours are always SO fun!

    XOXO~ Renee C.

  9. Joy,

    We love you, too, Joy! You have such a great blog, and I'm inspired by your talent. :)

    Glad you like the theme for this week!


  10. Michelle,

    Aww, thank you so much for your sweet words!! I'm so glad we're friends, and I'm thrilled you enjoy hanging out here! :) I really appreciate your kindness and your comments!

    I would say "Happy Monday" to you, as well, but I guess I have to say Happy Tuesday now! ;) Hope you're having a wonderful week!


  11. Eva,

    What is this world coming to??? Just kidding! ;)

    Glad you liked the post!


  12. Renee,

    I know, I know!! Every time I see that movie I cry! It's such a good movie, but such a tear-jerker...

    I'm so glad you started your blog, and that you helped me start mine! You're awesome, Renee, and I'm so grateful for your friendship!!

    And happy to hear you enjoy these themed weeks. :) I did some brainstorming out on the lake earlier today, so hopefully ya'll will enjoy this fall here at "Seasons of Humility!"


  13. I love your blog and have enjoyed getting to know you through it. You have such a sweet spirit and it comes through in all of your posts.

  14. Julie,

    Thank you so much - I really, really appreciate your kind words!! It's been a pleasure getting to know you, as well, and I'm so glad to have met you through blogging! :)


  15. I love the Toy Story movies! So cute and love the theme of friendship.
    I've also met some wonderful ladies recently through blogging. I also appreciate your kind comments on my blog! I'm really enjoying reading yours and I agree with Julie, your sweet spirit comes through!

  16. Cathy,

    Yes, I completely agree! :) Great movies!

    And I've enjoyed visiting your blog, as well! Your posts are so thoughtful and meaningful. :)

    Thank you for your friendship!!



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