
Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Revell Blog Tour: The Colonel's Lady

Here's a description of the book from Revell:

"Can love survive the secrets kept buried within a tormented heart?

Roxanna Rowan may be a genteel Virginia woman, but she is determined to brave the wilds of the untamed frontier to reach a remote Kentucky fort. Eager to reunite with her father, who serves under Colonel Cassius McLinn, Roxanna is devastated to find that her father has been killed on a campaign.

Penniless and out of options, Roxanna is forced to remain at the fort. As she spends more and more time with the fiery Colonel McLinn, the fort is abuzz with intrigue and innuendo. Can Roxanna truly know who the colonel is--and what he's done?

Immerse yourself in this powerful story of love, faith, and forgiveness set in the tumultuous world of the frontier in 1779."

My Rating: Summer

My Review:

The Colonel's Lady is another wonderful showcase of Laura's exquisite and exceptional writing. The story is draped in all shades of blue - from the deep and sorrowful blue of winter to the brilliant blue of the hero's and heroine's eyes, and even to the gorgeous dress on the front cover. Powerful and poignant emotions are explored within these pages, and conflict is found at every turn.

From the moment Roxanna meets Colonel McLinn, secrets become inevitable. The Colonel is guilt-ridden and at war with his own sense of duty. Roxanna is falling in love, but the Colonel embodies everything she cannot hope for, nor understand. And they're not the only ones with secrets in the prison that is Fort Endeavor...

With grand imagery, a well-crafted plot, and an endearing example of the lengths to which true love will go, The Colonel's Lady does not disappoint. Although long-time fans of Laura's work might still be smitten with a certain hero of Courting Morrow Little fame, Colonel McLinn is a charming, handsome hero in his own right and his (and Roxanna's) story is an engaging one full of romance and spiritual growth. A delightful historical romance not to be missed!

*With thanks to Revell Publishing for providing me with a copy of the book in exchange for my honest opinion.*

“Available August 2011 at your favorite bookseller from Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group.”

A Note About Community: Not all communities are large. I think a wedded couple can be considered a type of community. And as The Colonel's Lady shows, the best romance is actually "a threefold cord" (Ecclesiastes 4:12) - the man, the woman, and God. A blessed community, indeed!

~ Remember, today is the last day to enter the community contest! Entries will be accepted until 10:00 PM (PST). ~


  1. I so loved this book. I'm still in mourning because it's over!

    Re: community -- I think it showed up in so many different ways in TCL. One of the most striking (to me) is the friendship between Bella and Roxie. Back in civilization a genteel lady and a black servant would never have struck up a friendship but in the confines of the fort, I think that's one of the most compelling relationships Laura writes about.

  2. Love your link to community above with the Scripture. Your review is so lovely - and I just keep thinking about the shades of blue! BTW, Roxanna seems to go well with your lovely header and the whole blog. I'm so blessed to have you as a reading/writing friend and encourager. Great things ahead for you on your journey!

    And Kav, I just love how you mention Bella. Many don't. She meant so much to me in the making of the novel. I hadn't planned to put her in but she just jumped into the story early on and I wasn't quite sure what to do with her. But she knew;) And many thanks to you for your beautiful review. I keep meaning to email you as I just found it up on CBD but it's a bit crazy right now. Bless you so much!

  3. Kav,

    I know what you mean! Laura's books are phenomenal! :)

    And that's a great point! I enjoyed reading about the sweet friendship between Bella and Roxie.


  4. Laura,

    Thank you so much for stopping by AND for sharing such a beautiful story with us! I love TCL, and I'm honored you think she fits well here. :) I just love that cover - and the story between the covers, of course! ;)

    I'm so glad you like the review, and believe me, I am blessed to call you friend and have your encouragement and help on my own writing journey, as well! Thank you!! :D


  5. Beautiful review, Amber! I like how you mention the "threefold cord," as well. It certainly is a blessed community!

    I didn't mention Bella in my review, but I LOVE her character! There were so many times that she made me laugh! I really like the element that she added to the story. : )


  6. Michelle,

    Thank you! And though I have yet to experience that sort of community for myself, I know that if it's God's will I will see how blessed it is! :) But even if I were to be single all my life, with God I have the most blessed friendship! :D

    I agree that Bella was a great character! Her strength of character through all the trials (especially what we find out near the end of the book) is quite admirable. :)



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!