
Thursday, August 25, 2011

End of Summer Bash: Welcome Leanna Ellis!

Leanna Ellis is talented at writing unique and engaging stories, and her latest book, Plain Fear: Forsaken, is no exception! I had the pleasure of reviewing this book a couple of months ago. If you missed my review, you can read it HERE.

And now, let's welcome Leanna Ellis!

Amber: Thank you so much for joining us today! Could you share with us one of your favorite memories from this past summer?

Leanna: Hi, Amber! Thanks so much for having me here today! Boy has it been a busy summer! I’m glad an end is in sight even though it’s been a lot of fun.

My son was busy during the first half with fencing, having two-a-days all June, as he was getting ready for Nationals. My daughter was in a camp with Dallas Summer Musicals, performing parts of Newsies, and playing the part of Jack.

At the end of June, it was time for me to head to New York for RWA (Romance Writers of America) where I was speaking with my friends Shelley Shepard Gray and Heather Webber. I took my daughter this year so she could get a taste of Broadway. What fun we had seeing Sutton Foster in Anything Goes, and then we had a great time at Mary Poppins! It was a short trip but packed with fun! I had one day at home then I flew to Reno with my son for USFA’s Summer Nationals. He did really well and came in 15th in his event. Then we hit a little snag with our return flight and ended up having to stay a couple of extra days.

Meanwhile, my daughter had started a summer camp where she was playing Jennyanydots in CATS. So as soon as we returned from Reno I jumped back into my role as Taxi driver. Wish I could charge the prices of a driver in NY! It was one busy summer but I’m glad it’s starting to cool off. These triple digit days in Texas are tough. I’m ready to settle in for the final editing of my manuscript so I can get it off to my publisher.

Amber: Wow! Sounds like a crazy (but fun!) summer!

If you could choose one of the characters from your latest novel to join you for an “end-of-summer” party, who would you want to celebrate with in person and where would you go?

Leanna: It would probably not be Akiva. LOL! Although I do find him very interesting. I would probably choose Levi and Roc. Levi would probably choose a family gathering with food involved. And if you haven’t had a taste of Amish cooking, then you are missing out! Roc on the other hand might choose something very adventurous, like chasing vampires or a bonfire.

Amber: Hahaha, yes - maybe not Akiva... ;)

Please tell us about your latest release. If you could share a scene from the book to whet our appetites, that would be fabulous!

Leanna: Plain Fear: Forsaken just came out August 1st. It’s my Amish/vampire story. I am incredibly excited about its release. Hannah Schmidt, a young Amish woman mourning the mysterious death of her beloved Jacob, must decide between two brothers, between good and evil. When she learns her first love is now the vampire Akiva, she must forsake him and cling to a new love, a lasting love, one that will save her soul.

There is a scene on my book page on my website. You can download it HERE.

Book Trailer:

Amber: What do you look forward to most about the coming autumn season?

Leanna: Cooler weather! Really, it’s incredibly hot here and I’m starting to melt. Or have a meltdown. I need fall’s cool breezes. Besides autumn is my favorite time of the year. The leaves start changing, the temperature cools, and there are so many fun activities—football (my husband says!), my birthday, Halloween, Thanksgiving, shopping and decorating for Christmas, and of course all of my kids’ activities like fencing tournaments and shows.

Amber: I love autumn, too! So glad you could visit with us today, Leanna!

Readers, Leanna has generously agreed to give away a copy of Plain Fear: Forsaken to one lucky winner! So if you'd like a chance to win, just leave a comment with your e-mail address. All winners this week will be announced on Saturday, August 27th.

*This drawing is open to U.S. residents only.*

Tomorrow's guest is MaryLu Tyndall, so be sure to stop by!


  1. Thank you so much for the chance to win this. This looks like an interesting book. I would love to read this. Thanks again.


  2. I just recently read Leanna's Facelift and really loved it. I want to add her other women's fiction reads to my TBR stack. :)

  3. would love to read leanna's latest novel...thanks for the opportunity :)

    kmkuka at yahoo dot com

  4. 'Plain Fear: Forsaken' sounds really interesting. I would love a chance to read it. Please enter me in your giveaway.

    frequentreader19 (at) gmail (dot) com

    Christian Bookshelf Reviews

  5. Hi, y'all! Thanks for your interest in Forsaken (and my other books too, Casey!)! Hope y'all are having a great day!

    And thanks again, Amber, for having me on your blog today!



  6. I would love to win this book! It sounds so good! And, Leanna Ellis is one of my favorite authors!

  7. Oops!
    My email address is scmlrose(at)att(dot)net

  8. I enjoyed the interview with Lena. I love discovering new authors. I would love to win a copy of Plain Fear: Forsaken. This book sounds like a great read.


  9. Dear Leanna, I enjoyed reading your interview with Amber. I played in the Musical "Anything Goes" while I was with a Theatre group called Pennyrile Players at our local college, of course I was a High School Senior at the time but really enjoyed doing the play. Sounds like you have had a very busy summer. Your new novel "Forsaken" sounds very interesting. Looking forward to more of your future novels. Take Care! Sincerely, Helen

  10. Thanks, y'all! And Helen, isn't musical theater great? Love it! I have really enjoyed watching my daughter grow as a performer and getting to know other folks who love theater. Sounds like you had a great time too!



  11. I've been intrigued by the premise of this book since the first time I read about it on Goodreads. Please include me in the drawing. Thanks for the interesting interview and giveaway, ladies! Blessings!

    reneeasmith61 [at] yahoo [dot] com

  12. Hahaha oh gosh I could sure use some good Amish cooking right about now! Every year we go to a gospel sing in Amish country near Sugarcreek, OH and they always serve a dinner at the venue before the concert at an Amish owned restaurant and it's AMAZING! I can see why you'd want to hang out with Levi LOL.

    XOXO~ Renee C.

  13. Wow! This book sounds really interesting! I never would have thought that Amish and vampires could mix! I would love to win this book!

  14. Leanna, it's a pleasure to host you! :) It's crazy to think that you were my first author interview way back when (OK, only a little over a year ago, but still!). ;) Thanks for chatting with us today!

    And thank you all for stopping in, and good luck in the drawing! :)


  15. LEANNA!!! Oh, man, this book looks SOOOO good, and I have no doubt it will be because I've read your others and you are Goooooood, girl!! Will miss you at ACFW this year, but there's always next year, I hope!


  16. Hi, Renee Ann, thanks for your interest! Renee, that sounds like sooo much fun! I'm hoping to get to Ohio this fall. Nothing like Amish cooking, is there? Ultimate comfort food. :) Marissa, I KNOW! Sounds weird, but honestly the juxtaposition of the two worked really well together, like black and white and dark and light. Amber, it's my pleasure! Thanks for all your support and encouragement. You have such a great site! Hey, Julie!!! Miss you! Have a great time at ACFW, but not too much fun without me!

    Blessings all,


  17. Sounds great..would love to read this book

  18. Leanna, Fun to meet you here and learn more about your writing and very busy life:) I'm happy to know the CBA has its own twist on the Amish Vampire theme!! Bless you as you write for Him!

  19. I would love to have a copy of this book. Thanks for the post. The book is not what I expected. Can't wait.

    plb1050 at gmail dot com

  20. I post the badge on my blog sidebar. Thanks!

    plb1050 at gmail dot com

  21. OMG I am SO sorry I missed this contest.
    I'm off to pout :(

  22. Aww, Juju, I'm sorry you missed it, too! :(

    I hope that you still get a chance to read this book sometime, though!



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