
Tuesday, August 23, 2011

End of Summer Bash: Welcome Laura Frantz!

Laura Frantz brings inspiration and smiles wherever she goes, and it is my great pleasure to host her here today! Her work is hauntingly beautiful, and if you love historical romance, you do not want to pass up a chance to read one of her books!! So read on to learn more about Laura and her latest release, The Colonel's Lady:

Amber: Thank you so much for joining us today! Could you share with us one of your favorite memories from this past summer?

Laura: In July I went on a tour of historic Philadelphia and Pittsburgh and had the best time ever! So many of the places I write about in my books came alive for me as I spent time there. The Lord truly delighted me at every turn. =) My favorite haunts were Valley Forge, Betsy Ross’s house, City Tavern, and having dinner aboard a historic sailing ship. The weather was gloriously hot and sunny and I didn’t want the tour to end! Pennsylvania is such a beautiful, historically rich state. I’d love to live there! And I enjoyed all that glorious sun and heat. =)

Amber: Sounds wonderful!

If you could choose one of the characters from your latest novel to join you for an “end-of-summer” party, who would you want to celebrate with in person and where would you go?

Laura: Probably my Colonel McLinn as he’s a bit of a rascal and knows how to have a good time. Plus he’s a fine dancer and looks quite dashing in his Continental Army uniform. ;) I think we’d go to City Tavern in Philadelphia which John Adams said had the finest ballroom in the colonies. I do love to dance – and the minuet with Colonel McLinn would be the best!

Amber: Mmmm... I don't blame you a bit! Mind if I cut in for a dance after your minuet? ;)

Now, please tell us about your latest release. If you could share a scene from the book to whet our appetites, that would be fabulous!

Laura: My latest release, The Colonel’s Lady, is just out as of August 1, and here is a favorite scene…

~ Excerpt from The Colonel's Lady ~

Gesturing toward the hearth, Roxanna said a bit breathlessly, “Please…come in.”

He hesitated – was he reluctant – before crossing the tiny space in three strides and taking a chair facing the fire. She sand down on a stool, watching the orange and yellow tongues of flame leap and curl around the charred burls of oak Micajah had left her eave.

A brooding silence settled between them. He finally broke it by saying, “You’re much too lovely – and well dressed – to be sitting along by the fire, Miss Rowan.”

The compliment, coupled with his gentle rebuke, made fresh tears well in her eyes. Blinking them back, she said, “It seems silly to attend a dance when one can’t dance.”

He gave her a sidelong look. “Because you’re in mourning?”

“Because I’m” – she took a breath – “a bit lame.”

His eyes swiveled back to her and stayed put till she looked at him again. “If you can walk, Miss Rowan, you can dance.”

A flicker of panic warmed her insides as she realized where he was headed. Bella’s wary words came rushing back. Maybe the colonel will try to make you his mistress. She said quickly, “Perhaps another time.”

“Why not here? Now? With no one watching?”

The faint but unmistakable strains of a slow country dance seemed to back up his startling invitation. He stood and moved his chair out of the way. Firelight spilled into the empty space, gilding the floorboards a rich gold. She had little choice but to stand up and obey the…order.

She dared look up at him, the lace of her bodice rising and falling in a breathless rhythm a mere three inches from the gilt buttons of his Continental coat. He was entirely too close…

~ End of Excerpt ~

Book Trailer:

Amber: Readers, don't you want to read more??

Laura, what do you look forward to most about the coming autumn season?

Laura: Hmmm, those beautiful autumn leaves, cider, caramel apples, walks in the woods, and planning Thanksgiving. Fall also marks the end of major deadlines and a time when I can begin writing my next book. I also have a passion for sitting by the fire and reading a good historical or biography. =)

Thanks so much, Amber, for being the hostess with the mostest! =)

Amber: Aww, you're welcome to visit here anytime! Hope you enjoy the coming season!

Readers, Laura has generously agreed to give away a copy of The Colonel's Lady to one lucky winner, so leave a comment with your e-mail address for a chance to win! All winners this week will be announced on Saturday, August 27th.

*This drawing is open to residents of the U.S. and Canada only.*

Be sure to come back tomorrow to visit with author Mary Connealy!

(Note: You may have noticed that fall has come early to "Seasons of Humility." Since this is my last week at home before I head back to college on Sunday, I wanted to get a head start on the next season. =) We're still celebrating the end of summer during this bash, but come Sunday be on the lookout for the announcement of a semi-new schedule in a post addressing the new season and the new blog design!)


  1. I think I'm the first to comment. I'm up early today. Enjoyed the interview!

  2. Love your new look, Amber! You're so talented. And those trees are amazing! Who can't believe in God when they are faced with such wonders?

    Loved the interview...and the snippet. One of my favourite scenes, Laura. You know how to pick them. Of course, I would have quoted the whole book if Amber had asked me. LOL.

    Don't enter me in the draw because I have my keeper copy of TCL already!

  3. I loved The Colonel's Lady. Laura's story brought me back to some of the lovely historical fiction novels I read in my younger days. They shaped my view of what a hero and heroine should be, and Laura's characters follow that same noble pattern. They never disappoint!

    No need to include me in the giveaway since I already have a copy of the book :)

  4. Amber, your blog looks BEAUTIFUL!!! It's so warm and inviting and just wraps you in the joy of fall! I can't believe we're a breath away from fall! Time certainly does fly...

    So wonderful to see dear Laura here today!! Gosh, I have so many scenes I love in TCL but that scene is my very favorite!! Up until that scene the Colonel was courting my heart but it was that scene that sealed my heart for him *sigh* McLinn missed nothing. You know he must have seen her limp yet never does it even cross his mind. He saw right pass the things that made Roxie feel foolish, undesirable, and insecure and in the process freed her of their chains.

    Oh, I'd love to dance with the Colonel too! Looks like he's got a long night ahead of him with all us besotted females clamoring for a spin in those powerful arms ;)

    You lovely ladies put a big smile on my face today and I thank you so much!! :) Amber, please don't enter me in the drawing as I already have a copy.

    Blessings to you both!!

  5. The cover is gorgeous I can't wait to read the book. Your trip to Pennsylvania must have be interesting. I thank you for the chance to win this book.

    plb1050 at gmail dot com

  6. Oh, LAURA, you're KILLING me here, girl!!! That scene quivered my stomach, and I have a gut feeling THIS will be my favorite Laura Frantz book ever!! Cannot WAIT to read it ... You are simply one of the best, my friend. :)

    AMBER, you DO know how to dress up a website, sweetie -- GORGEOUS!!


  7. Oh, so happy to wake up to you early birds:) And WOW - Amber, your new fall template is just STUNNING! Fall must be in the air as just yesterday I stopped by JoAnn Fabrics and they had all their fall things on sale! I mean rock bottom clearence;) I got the prettiest leaf garland that looks just like your blog, some little fall baskets, and shocks of wheat to put in my old butter churn:) So now the house is dressed for autumn! At mere pennies!

    Hi Adrienne, So happy you're here and took time for the interview and drawing:) You always bless me!

    Kav, You are such an encourager! I love bumping into you on the web as you share your joy about books - mine included:) So happy TCL is on your keeper shelf. I really worried that people wouldn't be able to make the leap from CML to TCL as it's a very different book, but the Lord - and you readers - are so good!

    Renee Ann, Oh, love the "n" word - noble. Since we're both the same age we've had so many of the same experiences, particularly reading. It means so much to think my books resemble some of the older style fiction. I think they do, too. Some don't care for that more narrative work but I do - and you do:) Bless you so much!

  8. Amanda not only has one copy, she won another copy on my blog:) And it's on the way! And being Amanda, with her generous spirit, she's already planning to part with one so friends can read, too.

    Love your thoughts on the book. You really did scratch beneath Colonel McLinn's rascally surface to the hero he is;) And oh, wouldn't it be wonderful to take a spin with him on some colonial dance floor! I choose Colonial Williamsburg:)Somebody hand me a fan!

    Patricia, So happy you like the cover, too. When I first saw it, I wasn't sure I liked it as much as Courting Morrow Little (must be that raspberry silk dress!). But now I think it's my favorite. The blues are soothing, it's somewhat mysterious, and I love the locket on front and back. Revell's art team is inspired:) Can't wait to see what my next cover will be - they're working on titling my new series and cover design. I should be able to give you a peek later this fall!

  9. Julie, Oh, how you bless me - commenting when you are in a whirlwind over your about to be release!! I love bumping into you here and am counting down the days till I see you face to face in St. Lou!! A month from yesterday we'll be there, if I counted correctly. Anyway, bless you for being such a mentor and encouragement to me. If anyone hasn't seen Julie's Journal Jots on her website filled with book talk, Scriptural gems, giveaways, and her overflowing heart and passion for Jesus, you are missing out! Just Google it and it will pop right up:) Just have to spread the JOY! Bless you for being here, dear friend.

  10. What a beautiful cover, can't wait to read this one! Have a blessed day!Love the Blog! Dawn

  11. Dawn, Thanks for popping in and wanting to read! That blesses me!

  12. What a wonderful interview! Last summer we had the pleasure of visiting some of the same sites you did in PA - but not the sailing ship. Sigh. And we had 100 + weather with full humidity. Valley Forge just didn't seem right in the heat :)

    Please do not enter me in the drawing. The Colonel's Lady is gracing the top of my to-be-read pile, taunting me, which really isn't very ladylike.

  13. I have heard such great things about Laura Frantz. I just starting reading The Frontiersman's Daughter last night and I'm looking forward to reading this book too.


  14. LOL, dear Sarah - not ladylike, indeed;) I'm SO anxious to read Blue Skies Tomorrow, too, and have to wait for this September 1 deadline to pass. Then I think I'm going to take a week off from writing and just READ.

    It's neat thinking you saw some of the same sights I did in Philly and area! Ditto on that heat - 100 degrees most days. It really didn't fit the Valley Forge image of General Washington praying in the snow! I know you had a wonderful research trip yourself this summer. Can't wait to see your pics:) Can't wait to see you next month!!

  15. *not an entry*

    Always love learning more about Laura! Fun interview, ladies. :)

    And Amber, love the new look. :)

  16. Laura, neat book video! Is that your own voice or did you hire someone? If it was you, then my question should flatter you since I can't tell :)

  17. Sara, You sweetheart! I'm so glad the buzz is good:) And bless you for reading Lael's story. It's very different than Courting Morrow Little and The Colonel's Lady. I seem to do things differently as I go! Thanks so much for taking time to stop here and enter the drawing. Bless you!

    Casey, Great, as always, to see u here, there, anywhere. Still thinking about your wonderful review. Bless you so much! We should start a count for St. Lou:)

  18. Hi Eva, So nice to see you here:) I love your question. And thanks for the compliment about the book video/trailer. My publisher did this for me and I was able to select some of the images. The designer asked if I wanted to do the voiceover but I balked - I have a pronounced southern accent - that comes across as a terrible nasal twang in recordings. I've done one radio show and about keeled over when it played... WHO IS THAT?! I said;) But I would have loved to have done the voiceover for this one! The woman you hear sounds so good:) She's done quite a few of these.

    Bless u for asking!

  19. Please don't enter me I already have all of Laura's books on my keeper shelf. I love your new blog design Amber but I gotta say I'm not looking forward to Fall because that means winter isn't too far behind. I hate cold weather. :-(

    Laura, I'm so glad that you enjoyed your trip to PA. I hope you can come again!!! BTW did you hear "yinz" when you back in Pittsburgh? We SW PA people are famous for our very own take on "y'all". Hehehe

    XOXO~ Renee

  20. Amber! Your blog looks lovely, and this is a wonderful interview with Laura! By the way, Laura, I listened to that radio interview, and I LOVE your voice (nothing terrible about it!).

    Even though I have TCL, I'd love to win a copy for my friend who is new to reading Christian fiction. Thanks for the chance!

    Sweet Blessings,
    scraphappy71 at sbcglobal dot net

  21. Renee, I so understand your reluctance to bid summer goodbye. I don't like cold weather either - give me the heat and I'm happy!! Even 100 plus degrees in your beautiful state didn't dampen my visit! I was just telling someone yesterday I'd love to be there again - right now! And thanks so much for saying the "keeper" word. You sure bless me. LOL about "Yinz" - didn't hear it but would like to!

    Michelle, You're such a sweetie!! Only you could love that voice;) And you're so thoughtful to enter for your friend. Love that! We need a million more YOUs...

  22. Very nice blog! I always lean toward blogs heavy on featuring historical fiction. I haven't been here before, but I'm enjoying having a look around. Please toss my name in the drawing. I am SO looking forward to reading The Colonel's Lady. I love Laura's style. Blessings~
    muschfarm at yahoo dot com

  23. Laura, just at about 4 weeks!! :D

  24. Gosh, how could I have forgotten I have 2 copies?! Lol, I don't know who sends me more books, you or Amber! ;)

    Oh, and I bet you have a lovely southern accent, my friend!! Mine is a strong Northeast accent that would make many an English teacher cringe, lol! Even the dreaded "yous" comes out of my mouth more often than it should! And, I wonder if Amber knows when I talk about her the "er" in her name is nonexistent to me - it comes out as "Amba" every time! Leave it to a Rhode Islander to butcher a name, lol! So no worries where your accent is concerned, it's part of you and we love you so we love your little twang ;) Wish I could have heard your radio interview! Would love to know what you sound like! :)


  25. Right back at ya, my friend. One blessing deserves another!

    Love you!

  26. Loved the interview! Laura is a new author to me and I will definitely be adding her to my author list. I would love to win a copy of The Colonel's Lady. This book sounds like a great read. Thanks for this giveaway.


  27. Sigh

    Don't enter me in the drawing. I'm deep in this book right now. It's a must read!

  28. I LOVED this book and would love to win a copy for my mom! Please enter me!

    frequentreader19 (at) gmail (dot) com

    Christian Bookshelf Reviews

  29. I would absolutely looooove to win Laura Frantzs' new book! I recently read Courting Morrow Little and I loved it! Can't wait to read this one!

  30. I forgot to leave my email. gasweetheart211(at)netscape(dot)net

  31. Thank you all so much for leaving comments for Laura and for the sweet words about the new blog design!! I'm so glad you love it! When I was browsing the fall designs on the "ScrappingBlogs" site and I tried this one, I fell in love. :) And I think my mom took the picture of the redwoods up above. I'll be posting more about the new design and the new season soon!

    Laura, it's always a treat to host you! And you are well-loved, dear friend. :)


  32. Amanda,

    Hahaha, I suppose I should have known since my grandpa still has a slight Boston accent, but that brings a smile to my face to think about how you pronounce my name. ;) Makes my name sound fancy!

    So glad you stopped by! :D


  33. Naomi,

    Thank you! So glad you found your way here and that you're enjoying looking around! :) I do quite a few book reviews, including Christian historical fiction, so I hope you have fun visiting. :)

    And TCL is a fantastic book, as well as all of Laura's work!!! Laura's style sure is lovely, isn't it? :D


  34. And to everyone again - thank you! I love all of your comments, and I'm so pleased to see you all here! :D


  35. Amanda, You always bless me:) I think my new website will have the radio link for those of you who don't need earplugs! The site is supposed to be up and running any day now though I'm a bit nervous as to its unveiling as it's so very different than the wide-screen, glossy look of the one now. But it fits well with my new series and has pages as opposed to a single page so is more reader friendly. Whew! Am I running on tonight or what?!

    I love imagining your Northeast accent, Amanda:) I went to college with lots of east coasters and always thought how they drop some of their endings was like us in the south. Just like the Amba instead of Amber. My BIG wish is to make it back to Maine and then Rhode Island - where I will look you up, of course!!

  36. Judy, Thanks so much for taking time here and wanting to read TCL:) I love meeting new readers like you - it's one of the best things about being an author. Bless you!

    Debra, Oh, I'm soooo happy you're reading and Roxie, Cass, and Bella are keeping you up;) I'm still reeling from the amazing blog post you did about CML - complete with Kentucky pictures, to boot, and trademark Debra Marvin humor:) I gave a huge war hoop when you won over at CQ;)!!

    Melanie, You're the best kind of reader, like Amanda here, thinking of others and wanting to share. I'm really humbled you like the story and want to do that. It's the very best compliment for an author. Bless you so much!

  37. Marissa, Oh, so happy you've met Morrow and Red Shirt!! That makes me smile:) I'm still not quite over that one, have been pining to pen a sequel. Maybe Rosebud and Little Jess when they come of age. Thanks so much for your kind words. They sure bless me!

  38. Naomi, You snuck in there and I didn't see you at first:) I'm so glad you want to read TCL. I'm itching to read your own books! Come September I think I'm just going to read and not write once this deadline passes. You've always said the most gracious things about my books and I can't thank you enough. So glad to see you here! Amber's place is always hopping and a haven for us readers and writers!

  39. Amber, It's been such a fun day!! I'm glad the party is only half over:) A few more days, anyway! I'll be back later tonight and again tomorrow to see our next guest. Love and bless you all!

  40. I'm a little late to the party, but I got up last this morning, and my small group met tonight. I walked out of the book store tonight without buying anything. Shocking isn't it?

    I always love reading your interviews, Laura. Looking forward to the new website. :)

    Amber, the fall design is just beautiful.

    I am entering the drawing, not for me though, for my mom.

    mchapman (at) windstream (dot) net

  41. Just dropping in to say hi! Please don't enter me, Amber, as I just reviewed the book myself. For the person who gets this book, you will be soo blessed!! I absolutely loved this one and it was probably my favorite out of the three books:) Even mentioned Ezekiel Click in it;)

    Thanks for the great interview, Amber! Always fun to find out more about Laura.

  42. It sounds like a good book! I would love to win this!!


  43. Love the Interview, Cover, Excerpt and the Trailer!
    Please enter me into the drawing.
    Thank you for the chance.

  44. Interesting interview...sounds like a great historical fiction to read!

  45. i would LOVE to read Laura's latest novel...thanks for the chance, amber :)

    kmkuka at yahoo dot com

  46. Michelle, Oh, so good to see you here:) And NO, I can't believe you walked out without buying any books!! Maybe you need a reading break? I can't imagine that either, though!

    Charity, You bless me! Still thinking of your very gracious review. You have a way with words! And there's always something exciting and fun happening on your blog. Never a dull day over there! Thanks so much for being here.

  47. Hi Melissa, Igm52, karenk and others - so happy you like the sound of the book and would like to read. I wish I had a copy for everyone!! You bless me.

  48. I just wanted to say that Ruth over at booktalkandmore (her blog is in Amber's sidebar) is giving away a copy of TCL as of today and no one is over there yet!! I encourage you to go as the odds of winning a brand new copy are GREAT;)

  49. Hey Amber! No need to include me in the giveaway. I already own a copy of The Colonel's Lady. :-)

    Laura, I just wanted to say that I really enjoyed TCL! I love the scene when they dance. Sooo sweet! :-) Oh, and also their first kiss! Wow, that was magical!

  50. I've had my eye on this book for a while! Thanks for the chance to win it.


    God bless,
    Liz R

  51. Oh, you spoil me, Katie:) I love remembering that kissing scene! If you only know how many times Roxie had to kiss Cass to get it right (all those rewrites, I mean;) I wasn't satisfied till it seemed just right! So happy you liked the dance, too. Revell did, too, as they put that excerpt in the catalog. Bless u so much for your comments here. They add so much!

  52. Dear Bookworm, Thanks for being here and for wanting to read Roxanna's story. It's so encouraging to meet new friends here - fellow bibliphiles, especially:)

  53. Count me in on this one! I loved Courting Morrow Little (especially Red Shirt).

  54. Michelle, Oh, YES, Red Shirt;) I'm not quite over him either. Colonel McLinn had big shoes to fill. I'm still getting mail about him! And Captain Jack! Thanks so much for stopping here. I love seeing new faces and all this book talk!

  55. delicious excerpt ! looking fwd to this new to me author...

  56. Bless u, Infuse:) That was certainly a delicious scene to write. So happy to see you here and thanks for entering the drawing!

  57. Laura,
    I have heard such wonderful things about your books!! I absolutely can't wait to get lost in them. I bought Courting Morrow Little on Monday, so I have it and TFD waiting at the top of my books. :)

    bluerosesheart at yahoo dot com

  58. Amber & Laura, wonderful interview! I just had to chim in because I'm STILL on a "book high" from finishing TCL this weekend (so please don't enter me in the drawing, as I have a copy and I TREASURE it!). And thanks, Laura, for the giveaway shout-out - if anyone wants an "extra" chance at winning, hop on over. :)

  59. I've been waiting for The Colonel's Lady. I love rascals, so I can't wait to meet him! Add me please.
    worthy2bpraised at gmail dot com

  60. I love the cover and would love to win a copy of The Colonel's Lady. Thank you for the chance.

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W.


  61. I've never read any of Laura Frantz's books, but all of the good reviews (not counting all the comments on this post!) makes me really curious ... plus, the American colonial period is one of my favorites!

    Thanks for the chance to win!



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