
Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Big News!

In just a few short weeks I'll be hosting a big bash to celebrate the change of seasons - saying "farewell" to summer and "welcome" to autumn! Some of you may recall this week-long event from last year, when I hosted authors Deborah Vogts, Robin Lee Hatcher, T.L. Higley, MaryLu Tyndall, and Tamera Alexander. Well, this year we have a new line-up of authors (except for MaryLu, who is visiting again!), and a new set of interview questions. Here's the tentative schedule:
  • Sunday, August 21st: Julie Lessman (Giveaway: A Heart Revealed)
  • Monday, August 22nd: Sarah Sundin (Giveaway: Blue Skies Tomorrow)
  • Tuesday, August 23rd: Laura Frantz (Giveaway: The Colonel's Lady)
  • Wednesday, August 24th: Mary Connealy (Giveaway: Out of Control)
  • Thursday, August 25th: Leanna Ellis (Giveaway: Forsaken)
  • Friday, August 26th: MaryLu Tyndall (Giveaway: Surrender the Dawn)
  • Saturday, August 27th: Winners announced
It should be loads of fun, and thanks to the generosity of these authors/publishers, we have a fantastic set of giveaways! I'm honored to host these wonderful authors, and I do hope you'll hop on over and join us later this month.

Want to get extra entries for one of the drawings? If you take the blog button I put together for this event and share it on your blog (you'll find the code to the right below the button in the sidebar), then you can get 2 extra entries in one of the drawings of your choice during the "End of Summer Bash." (Both extra entries will only be counted for one drawing; no splitting the entries, as I would soon get very confused!)

Just leave a comment on this post letting me know that you've taken the button, and I'll give you the two extra entries. If you could let me know your blog URL and which drawing you would like to use those extra entries in, that would be most helpful!

Thank you so much for your help in spreading the word about this event!

P.S. You might also have noticed a couple of other new blog buttons decorating "Seasons of Humility"... I'll be posting about that soon, too! ;)


  1. Do I have to wait til Aug. 21 to let you know I've added your button for extra points? See http:// onedesertrose. wordpress .com/.

    I'd like it applied to Julie Lessman's (Giveaway: A Heart Revealed)
    desertrose5173 at gmail dot com

  2. Linda,

    Nope, you are good to go! :) I saw the button on your blog, and I will apply the two extra entries to Julie Lessman's giveaway.

    Thank you!


  3. Added your button on my blog
    I'd like it applied to •Wednesday, August 24th: Mary Connealy (Giveaway: Out of Control)


  4. Carissa,

    Thank you! I'll apply your two extra entries to Mary's giveaway. See you there! :)


  5. Oooh, I see the women of faith buttons! Did they email them to you? I'm going to the one in my area, but I didn't get buttons yet. Ours is not til November though. Can't wait for your end of summer bash!

  6. Joy,

    Yes!! I'm so excited about it, and how wonderful that you're going to it, too! Too bad we're not in the same state...

    As for the buttons, it took me a while to figure it out! I saw someone else had a button on their blog, and so I took a look again at that link they sent us in the e-mail (the one with the video and the dates/places). If you click on the place you're going to for the conference, it's actually a link that takes you to a page with buttons made specifically for that conference. Hope that makes sense! Feel free to e-mail me if you need me to clarify that more.

    And I'm glad you're excited about the Bash! I can't wait, either!! :D


  7. Oh, Amber, I do recall this bash from last year and all the wonderful authors that came! It was so much fun and this year sounds like it's gonna be a blast, too!!

    Speaking of parties, I hope your dad had a nice birthday yesterday! Praying the Lord will bless him richly this year, grant him all the desires of his heart and strengthen him with might by His Spirit in the inner man.

    God bless you and your sweet family!

  8. Amanda,

    I'm so glad you enjoyed last year's "End of Summer Bash," and I hope you enjoy this one just as much (or maybe more!). :)

    And thank you for the kind wishes for my daddy! :D I'll have to have him read your sweet comment!

    God bless you and your family, as well!!


  9. didn't even know each other a year ago & here we are celebrating a year of goodness together! thx Amber ~ button's up...
    add my 2 for Laura Frantz plz "))

  10. Great line up Amber, but the title makes me a little sad. It can't be the end of summer! :)

  11. Faith Hope Cherrytea,

    Awww, it's been great getting to know you!! :) Thank you for your support and for helping spread the word about this event. :)


  12. Eva,

    Glad you think so! I'm so happy to have all these wonderful authors on board! :)

    Although I know what you mean about the title of the event... I'm not ready to pack up and head back to school in a week and a half! :'(


  13. I added your button to my left sidebar! I would like the extra entries applied to 'A Heart Revealed'.

    *New Follower* hope you will stop by my blog and maybe follow back.

    frequentreader19 (at) gmail (dot) com

  14. Melanie,

    Thank you! :)

    And I'm glad to have a new friend/follower - I'm now following your blog, as well! :)


  15. Since Forsaken is the only book I don't have or haven't read I'd love to get 2 extra entries for that day. Thank you!

    XOXO~ Renee

  16. Renee,

    Okey-dokey! :) I think you'd really like Forsaken! Thanks for spreading the word! :D


  17. I put your 'End of Summer Bash' button on my blog! Here is the link

    I would like to put the extra entries towards the Julie Lessman book giveaway.

    lovetoread205 [at] gmail [dot] com

  18. Megan,

    Thank you! Sounds good! :)



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