
Monday, July 18, 2011

Mystery Week: A K9 Spy's Story

If you long for purpose, adventure, and a loving home, then you'll have no problem relating to the spunky heroine of this clever book! May on the Way: How I Become a K9 Spy is the story of a little dog with a painful past who becomes part of something big.

The perspective in this story is doubly unusual - it's an animal's perspective and it's in first person present (hence, the nature of the title - "How I Become a K9 Spy"). It takes a little getting used to, but eventually the reader gets wrapped up in May's excitement as she's living her story out. Animal lovers from middle-school age on up should find the story to be a treat of a read!

There are lots of interesting secondary characters in this book, as well - humans and animals alike - from May's new "parents" to the copperhead snake who isn't quite as he seems. Some of the dialogue is a little stilted at times, but overall the characters are intriguing with all of their differences and their secrets.

There are also lots of twists and turns in this book which include some important lessons about loving others. The ending comes a little quickly, but in a way it works well, because the ending makes the reader long to find out more about May's journey in book two! And the excerpt from book two at the end helps strengthen that longing.

May has quite a fun and creative story to share in May on the Way, and the lovely illustrations really work well with the words to make a fabulous puppy package of a book!

*With thanks to the author for providing me with a copy of the book in exchange for my honest opinion.*

From the Heroine:

"Mom has an active imagination - she’s really still a kid at heart. She says from watching me! She tells me she admires my spirit and my attitude having survived all I did when I was a puppy. Like Mom says all the time, God has a plan! Of course, a lot of times we don’t know what it is until later. I mean, I would never have figured that growing up enduring the abuse I did, that one day I’d be the star of my own book series! So she wanted to help me tell my story to you. We both hope that you are encouraged to know that God loves you and has a perfect plan for you too!"

About the Author:

"KC Frantzen learned to speak critter at a young age. As a veterinarian's daughter, she was always surrounded by four-footed friends. Occasionally her dad would bring home patients needing care during the night. He'd put the carrier on the dryer, and KC would stand on tippy toes to comfort them as best she could.

She began writing in elementary school and even won the school-wide contest with a story on deep sea fishing. Though she kept writing here and there, it was mostly just for fun.

KC taught fifth grade, worked for an oilfield supply company, a pharmaceutical company, t
hen embarked on several entrepreneurial endeavors. She volunteers with a variety of projects, including the Joni & Friends Wounded Warrior Getaway. She completed the Christian Writers Guild Apprentice course, which helped prepare her to tell May's story.

KC and her husband enjoy traveling just about anywhere, which helps formulate ideas for her stories. The family lives in the Tennessee hills - two humans, two Arabian horses and several rescued dogs, including May."

Want to learn more about May the K9 Spy?

You can visit her super cool website and purchase a copy of her story!

And today you can check out The Borrowed Book blog to read a fun interview with May and her author mom, KC!

(Note: All photos and artwork (c) 2011 KC Frantzen.)


  1. Hey Amber,

    Thank you for the wonderful review. We very much appreciate your commentary and are glad you enjoyed the book.

    You GOT the story and that's what we hope for. :)

    Come join May's pack on Facebook!

    We do have a yapping good time!

    Looking forward to answering questions as we proceed. Have a great one!

  2. Hey Amber -- great ruffview (that's review in b.a.r.k.) LOL. I think my Simba might like this book. He'll probably develop a crush. I see May turning into the Nancy Drew of the canine world.

  3. Miss Kav,

    May here.
    Please send my best sniffs to Simba. Have him post a photo to my FB page. Ya never know!!! I don't have a boyFURiend... ;D

    OOOH! Mom's told me all about Nancy Drew. Wouldn't that just be fun? I love adventure!!!

    Thanks for stopping by.

    May the K9 Spy

  4. KC,

    You're more than welcome! :) I'm so glad I get to host you on not one, but two, blogs today! ;D

    Hope you have a great day, as well!


  5. Kav,

    LOL, thank you! ;) I think you and your Simba might both enjoy this book! I like the Nancy Drew comparison. :)

    Thanks for stopping by!


    P.S. Apparently May is open to swapping photos, Simba! ;)

  6. This is right up my alley! I love animal stories and this looks Adorable (yes with a capital "A"). Great review Amber. :-)

    XOXO~ Renee

  7. so cute ! thx for the intro ")

  8. Renee,

    If you love Adorable animal stories, then this would certainly be up your alley! ;) I'm glad you enjoyed the review!

    Be sure to stop by the BB on Friday for a chance to win a copy! Or you can always just buy one now on their website. ;) Oh, and there are even more cute pictures and info on the BB today!


  9. Faith Hope Cherrytea,

    I think so, too! :) I'm glad you liked this fun introduction to Mystery Week. If you'd like to learn more, be sure to visit The Borrowed Book blog--link is near the bottom of this post. :)

    Thanks for stopping by!


  10. Yes Miss Renee, I AM Adorable. You are very smart. Obviously. Shall we play? I'm READY!
    May, the K9 Spy

  11. Hi Miss Faith Hope Cherry Tea,

    Excellent. Now that we've been introduced, I hope you'll stop by and join my pack!

    We have a fun time for sure!

    Do you have critters? I like all kinds. I heard there was an iguana who was coming to my Facebook b'day bash, but I never saw him. Never met an iguana. But... I figure I'd have liked him too. BOL!


    May the K9 Spy

  12. KC and May,

    Thank you again for dropping in today! It was great fun to feature you both and your book! :)



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!