
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Thunder of Heaven Giveaway!

I was recently asked to help promote the June 2011 Zondervan release, Thunder of Heaven by Tim LaHaye & Craig Parshall, which means I have some exciting news for you! If you're a fan of LaHaye's "Left Behind" series (of if you are simply interested in giving LaHaye's latest book a try!), Zondervan has generously agreed to give away a copy of Thunder of Heaven to one of my readers!

Here's some information on the book:

"Best-known for the 'Left Behind' series, LaHaye and his co-author Parshall introduced readers to 'The End' series with last year’s EDGE OF APOCALYPSE. Now, in THUNDER OF HEAVEN (Zondervan; on-sale June 28th), lead character Joshua Jordan is back. In an epic story ripped from the headlines of world events and filtered through Scriptural prophecy, THUNDER OF HEAVEN chronicles the earth shattering events which eventually lead up to the Apocalypse foretold in Revelation.

According to TV personality Glenn Beck, 'Tim LaHaye’s books always entertain, educate and thrill, but THUNDER OF HEAVEN takes it to a new level.'"

If you'd like a chance to win this book, here's what you need to do/know:
  • Leave a comment saying you'd like to be entered in the drawing. Please include your e-mail address!
  • You must have a U.S. or Canadian mailing address.
  • A winner will be announced when I return from vacation (sometime the first week of July).
Good luck!

Disclaimer: I haven't read Thunder of Heaven, so I can't say whether I recommend the book or not. But I'm grateful to Zondervan for offering to give away a copy to one of my readers!


  1. The storyline of this book is exciting.
    I would love to read it.
    Wow, scary business with this subject.

    cenya2 at hotmail dot com

  2. Sounds like a very interesting book. Please enter me.

    mchapman (at) windstream (dot) net

  3. Okay, I've been on an apocalyptic kick for some really huge unknown reason lately lol. Highly recommend The Survivor's Trilogy by Susan Beth Pfeffer for a YA version of this type of thing. Currently am rereading Cell which is same storyish line for your challenge now! So yes, this would be scary but interesting for sure. I definitely need to look into the first book though too hmmmm....but enter me anyway : )
    Thanks, Tiny and see you soon!
    hccelie (at) gmail (dot) com

  4. Please enter me!

  5. Please enter me...I'd love to win this book!

  6. Hmm, this book looks interesting. Please enter me. I saw this one on the internet a while back and was intrigued. Thanks for the chance, Amber!

    ~ Katy

  7. *not an entry*

    I just wanted to let you know I tagged you on my blog if you are interested in doing so. No worries if you are not. :-)

  8. thanks for the chance to read this novel...if i'm not too late :)

    kmkuka at yahoo dot com

  9. Hello, everyone, and thank you for all the entries! :)

    I drew a winner just now (got back from vacation this evening, so I'm catching up on things!), and the winner is:


    (So no, Karen, you're not too late!) ;)

    Thank you all for stopping by, and I'll e-mail you soon, Karen!


    P.S. Thanks for tagging me, Casey, and I'll hopefully post about that soon!


Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!