
Saturday, June 18, 2011

Revell Blog Tour: My Review of Chasing Sunsets

Here's a description of the book from Revell:

"Sometimes you get a second chance at your first love

Kimberly Tucker's life hasn't turned out the way she thought it would. While her ex is living it up, she struggles to understand what went wrong. When her two sons end up spending five weeks of summer vacation with their father, Kim plans a respite at the family vacation home on tiny Cedar Key. As she revisits the long-forgotten past, she discovers that treasures in life are often buried, and sometimes you do get a second chance at love.

Let yourself get swept away to an island retreat of warm tropical breezes, sandy beaches, and the most glorious sunsets you can imagine."

My Rating: Spring

My Review:

Everson has created an emotionally engaging read in Chasing Sunsets. From the initial heartbreaking courtroom scenes to the rebirth of first love, this is a story brimming with feelings. Everson deftly weaves in flashback chapters to give the reader a better understanding of her realistic characters. And yet the story remains tight and paints an overall picture of hope.

Upon visiting Cedar Key through these pages, I'm not inclined to say that I took a relaxing vacation for my mind. Rather, I found Cedar Key to be a thoughtful place where there is much to learn and much to endure.

The descriptions of the setting and the characters are wonderful. This book is well-written and interesting to read. And yet topics such as divorce, alcoholism, and abuse hardly qualify this as a light summer read.

But at the end of the day this book has a lot to offer, if only by reminding the reader of the pitfalls of judging others and of the pleasures to be found in kindness. This isn't a book that really teaches a lesson so much as shares a story of overcoming love. In that sense I enjoyed Chasing Sunsets and it has certainly intrigued me about Seeking Sunrise, the sequel!

*With thanks to Revell Publishing for providing me with a copy of the book in exchange for my honest opinion.*

“Available June 2011 at your favorite bookseller from Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group.”

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