
Monday, June 20, 2011

A Magical Vacation

I love Disneyland! It's a place full of hope, excitement, and beauty. You can visit Tomorrowland, Adventureland, and Fantasyland--all just a short walk away from each other. And now you can celebrate the unique grandeur of California in the California Adventure park! It's all so, so much fun!!

My family and I have a ton of pictures from our trip a couple of weeks ago, so I'll just share a few of them here. I hope you enjoy this glimpse at our magical vacation!

Carnation Cafe on Main Street--it's the place to go for breakfast! Their Mickey waffles are so light, sweet, and delicious! And while you eat, you can plot out the day's adventure like I'm doing here.

Can you tell my sister and I are excited? ;) (Yes, she's the tall one. And my family affectionately calls me the "cling-on.") Tom Sawyer's Island has now been taken over by pirates, so you can see some of their influence while you walk on the trails and through the caves on the island...

Or you can just ride the Mark Twain like my daddy did later on and enjoy the island from afar!

OK, seriously, I hope I turn out to be a better driver in a real car than in the cars on the Autopia ride in Tomorrowland! I think my dad would have been scared for his life...if it wasn't for the fact that we were on a track. ;)

This summer they have the Soundsational parade, which is worth taking a break from the rides to watch. Great music, great floats, and great dancing!

Couldn't resist getting a picture with this sign! ;) It reads, "Smaller guests enter first."

And here's the ride the sign was referring to! This is me and my daddy on the Dumbo ride.

So those of you who have been following this blog for a while are probably aware of the fact that I am a devoted bluegrass fan. Well, I just loved seeing Billy Hill and the Hillbillies at the Golden Horseshoe in Frontierland! They're awesome and super funny, not to mention talented!

Here's a glimpse at Paradise Pier in the California Adventure park. Now, if you get the opportunity to go to Disneyland this summer, I highly, highly recommend taking the time and effort to see the "World of Color" water show they do here in front of the Ferris Wheel at night. It was a special, amazing experience for me, and one of the highlights of the trip. Simply breathtaking!

I just love my family! I had a fabulous time with them in Disneyland--thank you Mom and Dad for the wonderful trip (and the pictures!)!

Now, dear readers, in the words of Tigger: "TTFN! Ta-ta for now!"


  1. I always love to see other people's visits to Disneyland. We took our daughters there years ago and I have to say it was NOT FUN! There were way too many people there. But I have lots of friends that go there almost yearly and love it. So I know that it isn't always a miserable place. ha! Thanks for sharing your experience!

    Julie @ My Only Vice

  2. Oh! Looks like you had such a fun time! I've been to Disneyland a bunch, but it wasn't until my last trip a few years ago that I finally saw Billy Hill and the Hillbillies! So fun.

  3. Julie,

    Oh, I'm sorr you didn't enjoy your visit to Disneyland! :( It can be very crowded for sure, with lots of walking and standing in line. But I still love it overall. :)

    Thanks for stopping by!


  4. Sara,

    For sure! :) It was wonderful!

    And how neat that you saw Billy Hill and the Hillbillies, too! Aren't they great? ;)


  5. Awww, I love Disneyland! I like the Carnation Cafe too. My favorites are the Pirates ride and Peter Pan. I'm such a kid. :)

    Oh no, Julie, you didn't have fun?!? I'm a park touring commando. We MUST be there at opening so we can walk on rides. I've actually been the first person at the gate on more than one occasion. My husband thinks I'm crazy, but follows my lead anyway. Ha!

  6. Oh FUN! And I had to family calls me "shrimp." Yep. You and me girl. ;-) Thanks for sharing pics!!

  7. Joy,

    I think all of us Disneyland fans are kids at heart, right? I love the Pirates of the Caribbean ride, too! And did you note my sister's Jack Sparrow hat in that last picture? My sister and that hat were inseparable for most of the trip. ;) She loved the new Pirates movie, and we ended up going on the ride 5 or 6 times!


  8. Casey,

    Oh, yes--SUPER fun!!! :D

    Hahaha, love it! I had a shirt in middle school that I was pretty proud of--it had a picture of a pink shrimp on it and it read, "Who you callin' shrimp?" ;)


  9. I'm catching up on my blog reading and popped over. Love these pics of you and your family! Blessings, Amber!

  10. Renee Ann,

    Now I'm the one who's behind after my 2 weeks of family vacation! ;) Thanks for coming by, and I'm glad you enjoyed the pictures!



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