
Thursday, June 23, 2011

Gone on Vacation

Tomorrow my family and I are heading for Sunriver, Oregon for a relaxing vacation! I love our family vacations, and this year my great-aunt and my cousin will be joining us in Oregon for a few days, which will be great! =)

Like last year, I'm planning on spending the following 10 days or so away from the blogosphere, so I can enjoy the undivided time with God and my family. (I'm planning on checking my e-mail occasionally, though, if you need to get a hold of me!) I love blogging, but it's amazing how time-consuming it can be, as you all know. ;) However, I will miss you all, and I look forward to catching up that first week of July!

Before I go, there are some loose ends I need to tie-up and some announcements I need to make:

First, I want to thank Beth from Beth's Thoughts for passing on "The Irresistibly Sweet Blog Award" to me and this blog! Thank you, Beth, for your support and kindness!

I'm supposed to share some random facts about me, so here goes nothing!
  • I have a cat named Mr. Murphy who stays at my grandparents' house. He's a brown tabby--a sweet purring machine and a dear friend!
  • I'm listening to bluegrass music as I write this. Are you surprised? ;)
  • I love to dance, even if I'm not very good at it!
  • I also love to sing, even if I'm not very good at it! ;)
OK, enough about me! Here are the super sweet bloggers I'm passing this award on to:
Second, I wanted to let ya'll know that even though I'll be gone for the next week-ish, I still have a couple of posts pre-scheduled, including a cool giveaway! So feel free to comment while I'm gone, and I'll check in with you when I get back.

Also, I have posts scheduled for Monday, June 27th and Monday, July 4th over at The Borrowed Book, so I'd love to have you stop by there, as well, if you get a chance! As with this blog, I'll plan on checking the comments when I return. =)

Third, the weekend after I get back is the Christian Fiction Book Club discussion of Pompeii: City on Fire, which I'll be hosting right here at this blog (Saturday, July 9th)! Be sure to mark your calendars!

I hope you all are having a great summer so far! God bless!


  1. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;-)

    And thanks for the award. :D

  2. Casey,

    My thoughts exactly!!! ;D

    And you're welcome! :)


  3. Thanks for the award Amber! It puts me in the mood for some strawberry shortcake. Yum.

    Have an awesome vacation! We'll see you when you get back. :)

  4. I'm going to see if blogger will cooperate tonight. Thanks for the award...very sweet. Can so see how you could be given the Irresistably Sweet Blogger Award. And pass the strawberry shortcake please. Have a wonderful vacation, Amber and take pictures!!!!!!!

  5. JOY: You're welcome! That is a yummy-looking award, isn't it? :)

    Thank you for the kind words, as well!

    MICHELLE: Thank you so much! I hope you are enjoying your summer so far! :)

    KAV: You're welcome! Thank YOU for your generosity, your sweet words, and your friendship. :)

    And no need to worry--with our family, you can be sure there will be plenty of pictures. ;)


  6. Have fun on vacation! Just wanted to let you know that you've been tagged on my blog. Follow the link to find out more. No pressure in joining in, just wanted to let you know!

  7. Ah, so we were gone the same time. Hope you're having fun, we just got home yesterday and man am I exhausted.

    Cute award and congrats to the winners.

    Ummmm what was I gonna say to you Amber? Oh yeah! Just wanted to let you know I'm still using that orange piece of paper you wrote that note to me on in October for a bookmark lol. It's proving very useful and I'm really impressed with myself that I haven't lost it yet! Got three books read since last Wednesday, proves what sitting in farmyards can do when you're bored, eh? Lol....after a while and 19 years of doing this, they ALL look the same, trust me!

    Been saying some really hard goodbyes today and thinking about the past few months. I hope we can stay in touch. I know I haven't been great about it, but I feel like I've tried and nothing's come from it. So I guess I'm just gonna say I hope we can still stay in touch and more than we have in the past couple months. Things have been really strained and I hate that, at least on this end that's how it feels. Just saying.

    Hope your vacation was as wonderful as you guessed it'd be! We need to swap stories but I doubt yours includes a 150+ boa constrictor, an indoor theme park and water park, and an elephant....with a view from it's back ; ) Ooooo the suspense is killing you, I'm sure *eyeroll* Talk soon lol

  8. Have a wonderful vacation, Amber! Safe travels!

  9. Katy,

    How fun! I definitely want to join in--be looking for my post soon! :)


  10. Hannah,

    Good to hear from you! :) And how sweet that you're using that note for a bookmark!

    I've been doing a lot of reading, too--I think it's a great way to pass the time no matter where you are. ;)

    And yes, I want to still keep in touch, my friend. :) Sounds like you have some pretty interesting stories from your vacation, LOL! Will you be posting about it?


  11. Michelle,

    Thank you! I had a wonderful time, and I should be posting about it soon. :)


  12. I don't know we'll have to see. I'm housesitting this week so don't really have Internet. Then we're leaving Monday for the other trip. So it's unlikely before the other possibly after though no one really wants to hear. I also had some news I was gonna run by you because I know you'd keep me in mind. However it's not really the blurting out on your blog type of bad news. I just wanted to try and get to you before I leave in case something happens between now and then. So yeah not sure the best way. Ttyl. Hannah

  13. Hannah,

    House-sitting can be fun. :) And that's cool that you're going on another trip! You're quite the traveler. ;)

    And you can e-mail me sometime if that works for you. I'm sorry that you have bad news. :( Hope you're doing alright, and I'm keeping you and your family in prayer!


  14. Yeah we're always going lol. Sorry I'll miss mystery week. I'm even reading a Christie book right now! We're seeing Mousetrap in London which is the longest running play in history and also written by her :) never released as a book and the audience is sworn to secrecy so the murderer/mystery isn't teveed. How cool is that!? So too bad it's not when we get back lol. And yeah I'll have to try to do that on email on my iPod. Luckily I've got Nick and he keeps me sane lol :P that boy....*sigh* ;) anyway I'll try to get that out to ya lol

  15. Hannah,

    That play sounds very intriguing! Definitely way cool. :) Hope you enjoy your trip!



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!