
Friday, May 13, 2011

Time Travel Week Winners!

It's been an interesting week, with time travel fun and some unexpected Blogger issues. ;) But I hope you had a good time overall, and it is my great pleasure to announce that we have winners!

The winner of a Kindle edition of Deep Trouble by Mary Connealy is...


And the winner of a Kindle edition of her choice of either Gallimore or Undercurrent by Michelle Griep is...


Congratulations to you both!

Here are some links to my past time travel movie/book reviews:
To conclude this week, I'd love to hear about where/when you'd go if you could travel back in time!


  1. Oh, how exciting! Though now I have to decide which book I want! oh dear! :-/


    To answer your question, I would most certainly follow "Waterfall" and travel back in time to the Medieval time period! :-D There's something about brave knights with a sword and ladys in beautiful flowing gowns that grabs my interest!

    ~ Katy

  2. Congrats to the winners!

    Blogger has been a pill hasn't it?? I hope to get back some of my lost comments, but oh well... :)

  3. Thank you, my friend!! And congratulations to Katy!! Happy reading, girl :)

    Gosh, where/when?? This may be cheating but I'd like a trip back to each century, LOL! Colonial, Victorian, Medieval, Biblical, you name it and I would LOVE a taste! Perhaps thats why I love historical fiction and, of course, the Bible! I get to experience these wonderful times and places in the pages! We might not have time machines BUT we have books!! ;)

    Thanks again, my friend! :)


  4. Katy,

    Difficult choice, I know! ;) But I hope you enjoy whichever one you choose!

    Yes, the Medieval era does have a certain charm, doesn't it? :) Waterfall sounds so good!


  5. Casey,

    Thanks for stopping by! :)

    And yes, Blogger has been a pill. ;) But it's great that they got it back up and running!


  6. Amanda,

    You're welcome! :D

    And I like your style, my friend! Might as well see it all, right? ;) I'm definitely grateful for books. It reminds me of the first Love Comes Softly movie, when Marty's trying to convince Missie to learn how to read because it would allow her to go on adventures while still staying safe at home. :)


  7. May I just say I love Amanda's answer of where she'd go. Congrats to all the winners!

    My choice of where I'd travel is very, very specific. I would go to Imperial Russia, be a Romanov grand duchess, but I would want to have been born in the 1820's or 1830's. So I would be able to experience the height of the Romanov wealth, but be born much too soon to survive until the Russian Revolution, lol.

    I am thrilled to report that my library has a copy of Gallimore. I just placed it on hold. It's a large print, but I can read that. :)

  8. As much as I adore the medieval era, I wouldn't pass up a chance to go back and sneak a peek at Jesus, so I'm going with around 29 AD.

    Thanks for the time travel week, Amber. Fabulous idea!

  9. Michelle,

    Thank you for stopping by! :) And yes, I agree--Amanda's answer is wonderful!

    That's so neat that you know exactly where you would go! I think your timing sounds impeccable. ;)

    And yay! I'm so excited you'll get a chance to read Gallimore!! I hope you love it as much as I did!


  10. Michelle G.,

    Great idea! :)

    And you're welcome! It wasn't very elaborate or anything, but it was fun putting together the posts. :) Feel free to come back anytime for any other themed (or normal) weeks!



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!