
Monday, May 16, 2011

Monday for the Military: Memorial Day Contest

Author Catherine West is hosting a special contest for Memorial Day (Monday, May 30th)! Her book, Yesterday's Tomorrow, takes place during the Vietnam War. It's a powerful, moving read! If you haven't yet read my review of this great book, click HERE to take a look.

Here's a description of the contest from Catherine's blog:

"...As long as we live in the reality of seeing men and women leave their families and loved ones for far off lands to do a job not many are willing to do, we need to honor them. We need to give them the highest respect and admiration. We need to embrace their families in our communities and pray for the safety of their soldiers.

I would love to hear your stories - do you have a soldier in your family? Are you a Veteran or do you know one? Have you been affected by war in any way? If you can't say yes to those questions, write a short story that honors veterans. Fiction or poetry, whatever you like.

Send me your stories (do try to keep them short, we're not after the Pulitzer) and photographs too! I will publish them all on my blog and we'll vote for the winner. So if you want your story to win, you'll need to send people here to vote!!

The winner will receive an autographed copy of Yesterday's Tomorrow, and something special from Bermuda!

Can't wait to hear from you!"

Click HERE to see the post on Catherine's blog. Click HERE to learn how you can contact Catherine and send her your entry. And don't forget to enter soon--Memorial Day is only 2 weeks away! Let's honor our nation's heroes by sharing their stories this Memorial Day!

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