
Thursday, May 19, 2011

Contentment Reading Challenge: May

I could start this post off with a lengthy description of how I'm failing this challenge so far, but I think that would be far from the contented attitude this challenge is supposed to foster. So let's just say I have every reason to be thankful when it comes to reading material, because my supply seems to be endless! ;) I haven't re-read any books since last month's update, and to be honest I'm not sure if I will by the time next month rolls around, as we're already halfway through this one. But sometime this summer I do hope to revisit some of my old friends!

In the meantime, I have been really blessed with a lot of wonderful new books, many of them ones I get to review for authors/publishers. Currently I'm reading To Win Her Heart by Karen Witemeyer, which I hope to be reviewing for Radiant Lit sometime. I'm also reading Pompeii: City on Fire by T.L. Higley and Shadowed in Silk by Christine Lindsay (an ebook), both of which I plan on reviewing soon here on this blog. After that...I have a ton of books to choose from! ;)

How are you doing on this challenge so far? Do you have any updates since April?

Also, I think it would be fun if we could do another event for this challenge in July. Maybe another bookswap? Or perhaps we could combine last year's "Christmas in July" theme and do a mini re-reading challenge of some of our favorite Christmas books? Let me know what you would like to do!


  1. I haven't reread much either. Total, I've read two books for this challenge--Michal by Jill Eileen Smith and The Glassblower by Laurie Alice Eakes. I just have been so swamped with getting these new books read and reviewed before deadlines! But, I do plan to continue rereading more in the months ahead! :-)

    As to your idea for July...PLEASE do a bookswap!!!!! I loved it last time and have been itching for you to have another one! I have a nice big stack of books that I am willing to swap and I've just been waiting for another bookswap of yours. :-)

    ~ Katy

  2. I'm with Katy! I've been trying to think of doing one on my blog, but can't decide when, so if you decide to do one, then I'll just do it here. ;-)

  3. My vote is definitely for the book swap, too!! :)

  4. Katy,

    I guess we're in the same boat, then! ;) But it's nice to have such a surplus of books to choose from, isn't it?

    And wow, I guess the book swap was pretty popular! Sure, we can do another one! :) Just out of curiosity, would you prefer the middle of June or the middle of July?


  5. Casey,

    Well, feel free to do one on your blog, as well, but you know you are more than welcome to swing by here anytime! ;)

    Would you prefer doing it earlier, in June?


  6. Bluerose,

    Good to know! :) I'll ask you the same question I asked the others: June or July? Either one would be fine with me!

    In fact, if we do it in the middle of June, then maybe we can do another activity for July... I guess we'll see!


  7. That sounds like a good plan. I have a great stack of books I'm saving. :)

  8. Casey,

    Awesome! :) Glad everyone seems to be anticipating it!


  9. I have books to give away -- not swap since I'm in Canada. I'd be happy to participate though.

  10. Kav,

    That is very generous of you! We'd love to have you participate, and perhaps there will be some other Canadian bloggers at the book swap, too! :)


  11. Hey Amber! Sorry I never replied!!

    ASAP is my vote!! :-D

    ~ Katy

  12. Katy,

    It's no problem!

    Someone seems to be eager, LOL! ;) I think we'll probably end up doing the book swap in June. :)


  13. I read one book this month for this challenge, Working It Out by Abby Rike.

    You can read my review HERE

  14. Faith,

    Nice job! That sounds like a neat and inspiring book--thanks for sharing! :)



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