
Friday, May 27, 2011

Campfire: Winner and Farewell

I hope everyone has had an enjoyable time at Camp Humility! I loved participating in this week's activities with all of you, as well as sitting around the campfire together, eating s'mores and discussing God's provision. It is a real blessing to know each one of you, and I'm glad Camp Humility gave us a chance to "get away" for a week!

Before we say our farewells, I'd like to announce the winner of the $15 gift card, according to the List Randomizer from

Michelle (scraphappy71)!

Congratulations, Michelle! Be on the look-out for my e-mail!

To all of my campers, thank you for making this week so much fun and so memorable! As my official farewell, I put together a slide show/video like I did last year, except this one includes pictures from the Bald Hills area and Prarie Creek State Park in Northern California, many of which you'll recognize from earlier this week.

The song is called "Faraway Land" by Ron Block, and I think the word fits so well for this retreat we've been on, focused on humility before our Lord.

If it is the Lord's will, perhaps this will continue to be an annual event. In that case, I hope to see you next year at the Third Annual Camp Humility 2012!


  1. Thank you for such a pleasant week, Amber! It's been great fun! :)

  2. Love posts this week, Amber! Blessings!

  3. Thank you, Amber, for such a fun and inspiring week! Again, I was so very blessed by our campfire time! Thank you, my friend :)

    Congrats to Michelle!


  4. Thank you so much, Amber! So glad that I could be a part of Camp Humility! Thank you for inviting me. It was lots of fun! : )

  5. Casey,

    You're welcome! So glad you enjoyed it. :)


  6. Renee Ann,

    Thank you for the kind words and for joining us this week!


  7. Amanda,

    You're very welcome, and thank YOU for your participation and encouragement! :)


  8. Michelle,

    You're welcome! Thank you for joining us at camp, and I'm glad to hear you had fun! :)



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!