
Monday, May 23, 2011

Camp Humility 2011 Itinerary

Welcome to the Second Annual Camp Humility!

Like last year, Camp Humility is more of a summer camp than the "roughing it"-style of camping. And as such, there is a full itinerary planned for this week so that all of us campers can learn more about each other, seek humility and faith together, and all in all just have a fun time celebrating the beginning of summer!

Here's what this week's schedule looks like:
  • Monday (today): Welcome/Giveaway announcement
  • Tuesday: Rafting and nighttime canoeing
  • Wednesday: Hiking
  • Thursday: Horseback riding
  • Friday: Crafts and evening farewell/winner announcement
For the returners, you will recognize several repeat activities, as well as a couple of new ones. However, all of the activities this week will be unique because it's a new year with new posts and possibly some new campers!

Also, like last year there will be "campfire" posts each evening, except for the night we go canoeing. Our times around the campfire will involve either devotionals, discussions, or stories, and of course there will be virtual s'mores for everyone! ;) At the last campfire on Friday night I'll announce the giveaway winner.

This year's giveaway is a $15 gift card! A gift card works well because I can e-mail it directly to the winner, and after camp the winner can buy a book, a movie, an MP3 CD, or maybe even a guide to camping!

Here's how you can enter the giveaway:
  • Sign up for camp in the comments section of this post! Just leave a comment saying you're joining camp this week. Please include your e-mail address!
  • Extra Entry: Become a follower of this blog, "Seasons of Humility," or let me know if you already are a follower.
  • Additional Extra Entries: Comment on this week's posts. One comment per post counts as an extra entry between now and Friday night--so you can get quite a few extra entries if you stop in regularly, since there will be about two posts per day!
If you sign up for camp don't feel like you have to join in every activity--you're still qualified as a camper (ie: you're entered in the giveaway) if you just comment today. However, Camp Humility is only as fun as ya'll make it, and I'd love to have you participate as much as possible!

See you tonight at the campfire!


  1. Good morning! I'm signing up for camp, and I am a follower of your blog.

    mchapman(at) windstream (dot) net

  2. I'm signing up for the camp, and I am also a follower of blog.


  3. I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around virtual horseback riding, but I'm game to give it a try! :-)

  4. Hi Amber:

    I’m in for the rafting for sure. I don’t see archery? That’s my strong point.


  5. Here for camp! I could really use some hiking in beautiful mountains, it's a rainy swamp here. Count me in!! :-))

  6. Ohh, sign me up, Amber! This camp looks like so much fun. :-D

    ~ Katy

  7. And I am already a faithful follower of Season of Humility!

    ~ Katy

  8. Michelle,

    I can tell you good morning, too, because I still have a few minutes until noon! ;) So glad you're joining us at camp this week!

    By the way--HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! :D We'll have to get you some s'mores with candles tonight or something to celebrate! ;)


  9. Carissa,

    Glad to have you join us! :D


  10. Kav,

    LOL! Horseback riding is a new activity this year, so I hope I can pull it off! ;) I'm actually hoping to have my sister offer some tips or fun facts or something, as she is an extreme horse lover. :)


  11. Vince,

    I'm glad you're game for the rafting, as I know you'll have some great stories to share with us! :)

    And archery is a great idea! I'm afraid it's been a long time since I've picked up a bow, and I really don't have much experience at all, but it's something to keep in mind for next year!


  12. Casey,

    Aw, well we'll hope for lots of sunshine and clear skies for our hike then! :)

    Glad you're on board!


  13. Katy,

    You're in! :) I had a lot of fun putting together Camp Humility last year, so I hope ya'll enjoy this event this year, too!


  14. I'm so excited for camp this year!!!! :D Count me in!

    I'm also a follower :)

  15. Ariel,

    Awww, I'm so glad you're excited!! :D I'm excited, too!

    Thanks for signing up!


  16. Hi Amber! I'm here to sign up for camp! Sounds like a lot of fun! : )

    scraphappy71 at sbcglobal dot net

  17. I am a follower! : )

    scraphappy71 at sbcglobal dot net

  18. Michelle,

    Thank you for signing up! I hope you do have a lot of fun at camp! :)


  19. Hi, Amber! I'm signing up for camp, but I do have a few concerns . . . Nighttime canoeing sounds a bit harrowing. And I haven't been on a horse since I was a kid and rode my dad's ponies. (They did not treat me well!) I'll do my best to join in, even tho' I'm a little old for camp.

    Also, I'm a follower . . . reneeasmith61 [at] yahoo [dot] com

    (BTW, I loved Freedom's Stand and should be getting to Chasing Sunsets soon. Books are so much fun!)

  20. Renee Ann,

    Oh, no worries! I've been on a starlight canoe ride before, and it is wonderfully peaceful and enjoyable! :) (Of course, it's safest when you have a guide, so perhaps I'll have to hire one...)

    And as for horseback riding, I'm sure it will all come back to you! ;) It's really quite fun!

    You're never too old for Camp Humility!! :) I'm glad you're joining us!


    P.S. I'm currently reading Freedom's Stand, and although I'm not that far into it, it certainly is intriguing! And I'll be reviewing Chasing Sunsets, as well. :) I definitely agree with you--books are way fun!

  21. YAY for Camp Humility!! Amber, I'm gonna try my hardest to be here everyday this week! It all sounds so FUN!! :D

    And, I am a follower of your beautiful blog :)


  22. Amanda,

    Aww, thank you for sharing my excitement! :D I'd love to have you stop in whenever you have a chance--your comments always brighten my day!


  23. Hey Amber! I made it for the first day better late than never right? LOL I always have to be the one to make an entrance. :-P I signed up to be a camper via Goodreads a few weeks ago and have been excited ever since! I've never been to summer camp other than last years Camp Humility so I'm really looking forward to all the fun stuff you have planned!

    +1 old follower

    XOXO~ Renee C.

  24. Renee,

    Glad you could make it! ;) And you know you're always welcome, late or not, although I wouldn't say you were late in this case at all!

    Anyway, I'm sorry you've never had the chance to go to summer camp, but I hope Camp Humility brings a little bit of that experience to you in the comfort of your home. :)

    Thanks for signing up!



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