
Saturday, April 23, 2011

Winner and Poll!

The winner of Gate to Nowhere is...


Congratulations! Be on the lookout for my e-mail. =)

If you missed the fun interview between the author, Leanna Sain, and her book's heroine, Emma Franklin, feel free to click HERE and take a look! And be sure to check out my review of Gate to Nowhere, as well!

Also, in case you haven't yet seen the new poll I added to the sidebar, I'm asking for your opinion on what themed week you might be interested to see in the next month (along with Camp Humility!). I'd love to have your input! Thank you!


  1. Hahaha I had to go with Time Travel week! I'm in the mood for time travel since series 6 of Doctor Who premieres today. The Doctor is my favorite time traveler of ALL TIME! ;-)

    XOXO~ Renee

  2. Renee,

    Apparently "Time Travel" week is a popular idea! ;) I've never watched Doctor Who, but I'm guessing it's really good! I'm hoping I'll get my copy of Undercurrent by Michelle Griep soon... There are so many great new time travel books out there, and I think this could be a really fun themed week!

    Thanks for voting! :)


  3. I DEFINITELY suggest Doctor Who! Just ask Ruth, she'll tell you that you should watch it too LOL!

    I would love a good time travel book, hopefully I get Undercurrent here shortly too, it sounds amaaaaazing!

    XOXO~ Renee

  4. Renee,

    Hahah, sounds good! ;)

    I'm so excited for Undercurrent, too!!! Did you read Gallimore? I seriously could NOT put it down!! I just know we're going to LOVE Undercurrent! :D


  5. Noooo I haven't got Gallimore yet but I want to read it very badly LOL!

    XOXO~ Renee

  6. Renee,

    Well, I hope you get to read it soon!! It's awesome!! :D



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!