
Friday, April 29, 2011

A Special Glimpse at My Debut Novel

Many of you who review books for publishers such as Revell have seen press/news releases for books. Well, my latest assignment in my Print Journalism class was to write a news release, and I chose to put together an imaginary one for my manuscript entitled Forget Me Not. Nope, I'm not published yet, but today you can have a glimpse of what a news release for my book might look like someday! =)

Forget Me Not – An Inspiring Story of Love Surviving Life’s Trials

Debut author brings the mining town of Virginia City to life in this intriguing tale of romance and adventure.

Debut author Amber Stokes shares an unforgettable story in her Christian historical romance novel Forget Me Not. Set during the late 19th century in the American West, Forget Me Not takes the reader from a Kansas farm, to a Rocky Mountain cabin and a mining town where secrets are far more difficult to unearth than the silver from the dwindling Bonanza strike.

Elizabeth Lawson has a happy life with her neighbors-turned-family in Dodge City, Kansas—until she receives a letter from a brother she has never met. She takes a stagecoach West, heading to Nevada to find him. But when tragedy strikes along the way, she is left at the mercy of a rugged land and a young mountain man who has his own troubled past.

David has always enjoyed his solitary lifestyle in the Rocky Mountains. But when he agrees to help Elizabeth get to Virginia City, he realizes that he doesn’t want to be alone anymore. What begins as a journey of obligation grows into a journey of heartbreak, jealousy, temptation, and secrets.

Beautiful imagery and heart-felt emotion make Forget Me Not an exciting and moving read for all those who have ever doubted love’s power to forgive and remember.

“Amber Stokes has a wonderful, fresh voice! And her writing style is very, very good. Her ability to develop instant sympathy for David and Elizabeth, their backstory, and their current circumstances draw the reader right in.” –Laura Frantz, author of Courting Morrow Little

“Amber Stokes pulled me right in, instantly connecting me with the plight of our hero. That’s what you want of course, a character that reaches their hand out of the pages, beckoning you to grab a hold of it and join them on their journey. Then, with each turn of the page, their journey becomes your own.” –Amanda Stanley, early reader

Amber Stokes is an English major at Corban University, who loves to write poetry, short stories, novels, and blog posts. From being valedictorian of her high school graduating class and graduating with an International Baccalaureate Diploma, to earning her black belt in Jujitsu, Amber has worked hard to excel in life. Her favorite activities include reading Christian fiction, writing, and spending time with family and close friends. It is her desire to follow God's will for her life, wherever He leads her.


So, does this sound like something you would be interested in reading someday? I'd love to hear your thoughts!

*Sincere thanks to author Laura Frantz and dear friend Amanda Stanley for letting me modify and use their quotes about my work in this imaginary news release! And thank you, Laura, for the idea of posting about it!*

Disclaimer: This is not a real news release. This imaginary news release, while featuring a real manuscript and real endorsements, was put together for the sole purpose of completing an assignment for my Print Journalism class. Also, some elements that are present in the Word document form (ie: contact information) are not included in this post.


  1. This is really neat! And yes, I really want to read your novel now. :) So professional.

  2. I LOVE IT!!!

    Oh, Amber, this is all so very exciting!! I thought your blurb of the story was fantastic and really captured everything perfectly! This story and its characters really will capture your heart and I can't wait for the day everyone will get to read it, too!! :D

    I am so happy for you, my dear friend, and I pray the Lord will grant you all of your heart's desire and open all the doors to realize your dreams. :) Christian fiction needs you!!

    Big Blessings,

    P.S. - Thank you again for letting me tag along and witness the Lord's hand move in and through this wonderful book. It was a joy and I will never forget it :)

  3. Great job, Amber! The story sounds like just the kind I love to read. And I'm impressed by all your accomplishments. You're quite the multi-talented young woman. =)

  4. Very professional, Amber! Setting it in stone, so to speak, will help it become a reality, I'm sure!


  5. So proud of you, Amber! I have a delicious feeling I'll hold your book in hand someday and you won't have to wait as long as I did;)

  6. I would totally spend money to read your novel, Amber! What a great press release! I would have believed it if Revell had sent it to me . . .

  7. Lindsay,

    Hahaha, you've become such a night owl! ;) But I'm really glad you took the time to stop by and leave a comment--thank you for your encouragement! :)


  8. Oh, Amanda!

    I don't think you realize how much of a blessing YOU have been to me!! I will always be grateful that you let me bring you along for the journey--your support, kind words, and prayers have meant so very much, and you helped inspire me to finally finish the book! :) So, thank YOU!!!

    I'm so glad you like the book blurb, since you've read the story and you know what it's all about. ;) If it's God's will, I can't wait for the day when I can share this book with all of my readers! :D

    Thank you again for everything, dear friend!!


  9. Keli,

    *Blush* Aww, thank you! :) And I'm thrilled to hear that this sounds like the kind of book you like to read! It was definitely a blessing to write, and I hope that if/when I get published, you'll enjoy the story and be encouraged by it!


  10. Susan,

    Thank you!! I really appreciate your encouraging words! :)


  11. Laura,

    I'm beyond excited to think that even in this imaginary news release I have an endorsement from you!! Your writing is incredible, and your support means so much to me! :D

    And oh boy--I like that "delicious feeling!" :) Thank you!!


  12. Renee Ann,

    Awww, thank you!! And I love that last comment! Maybe I can get a job working PR for Revell or some other publisher someday... ;)


  13. This will be real one day!! :) It sounds wonderful. I would definitely decide to read it with such a great news release!

  14. Bluerose,

    Your vote of confidence means so much to me--thank you!! I'm so glad the news release catches your eye! :)


  15. AHHHHHHHH Amber!!!! Ohmigosh, how exciting!!!!! I totally want to read it now :D

  16. I'd definitely read it. You did a great job with the announcement!

  17. Ariel,

    Yay!!! Thank you so much for your enthusiasm, Ariel! I hope you all can read it relatively soon, maybe...! :)


  18. Joy,

    Thank you!! I really appreciate your support! :)


  19. I'm hooked -- you better find a publisher soon because I want to read the book now in the worst way. LOL.

  20. Kav,

    Music to my ears!!! :D Thank you so much for saying that, Kav, and I sincerely hope that you will get to read it soon!


  21. when can I read it?! Hehehe! Seriously Amber great job girl, I definitely think you could get that published and this girl would sign up to review it or be the first in line to buy it!!!!! Super job!

    XOXO~ Renee

  22. Amber,

    I've been really wanting to know more about your book...I loved your blurb. I do think you have a beautiful voice and I can't wait to read your book :)

    I agree with Renee Ann, if a publisher had sent me this I would have totally headed to amazon :)

  23. Renee,

    Hahaha--as soon as I can get it published, which hopefully won't be too terribly long...! ;)

    Thank you so much for your support, Renee! You have helped me so much with blogging and everything, and I'm so grateful for your encouragement! :)


  24. Julia,

    Aww, I'm glad that I could share more about my book with all of you! :) Thank you so much for your kind words!! You are a great friend, and I can't wait to read YOUR book, too!



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!