
Monday, April 11, 2011

Monday for the Military: WWG

Some of you may recall the last time I hosted KC here on my blog to talk about the Wounded Warrior Getaway. (For those of you who are new or would like to read the interview again, click HERE.) Here's a description of the WWG from the website:

"Our Wounded Warrior Getaway is a three-day time of respite and spiritual refreshment specifically designed for American servicemen and women who've become disabled as a result of war."

Such a blessing!

Today KC is here to share some ways in which you can help our wounded warriors!

"Wounded Warrior Getaway

April 28 - May 1, 2011 · San Antonio, TX

We are excited to share the Good News again.

It's time for the spring WWG through Joni and Friends, in conjunction with BAMC.

So many have asked us, 'What can we do to help?'

Here are some things needed for the upcoming WWG:

GIFT CARDS - any amount, any stores.

For example, at you can purchase cards online and they will send them directly to the WWG for you .

I'm sure others do the same.

CHRISTIAN BOOKS (and music) - fiction or non-fiction.

THANK YOU NOTES - write as many families as you can and thank them personally. Address it however you like (American Heroes, Warrior Families, whatever...). Get your Sunday School group together, kids to make drawings, your block, people at work, civic clubs, wherever. Put them all in a big envelope and send them to Kay. We put these notes in each bag for the families when they arrive, so we want to be sure to have enough for several in each bag. :-)

This just takes a little time and very little money. Please do this. The families continue to say how meaningful they are.

PRIZES - cameras, Wii games, larger amounts on gift cards. We use these at the banquet Saturday evening, and throughout the time they are together.

MONETARY DONATION - the cost this year is $500 per person. There is NO COST to any warrior family. I believe there are 35 families signed up, and a waiting list!!! This fee covers all meals, entertainment, transportation if needed and lodging for the families. Those of us who volunteer pay our own way. Your monetary donation of any amount will help. Ask for a tax receipt when sending your donation, if you would like one.

Please send everything to arrive ON OR BEFORE April 21 if at all possible. Must be received by April 25 or your gifts will go into storage for the next WWG.


Joni & Friends – San Antonio
1370 Pantheon Way, # 165
San Antonio TX 78232
Attn: Kay Merket

For more information about the WWG, click HERE.

[And click HERE to read another interview with KC and to learn more about the WWG.]

Thank you. We look forward to serving our Warrior Families again this year. It is an HONOR. Please join us in support, even if it's some thank you notes from the heart!!!

And most of all, please pray as you are led.

Steve & Karen Frantzen

(Amber here: Thank you so much, KC, for all that you do for the United States military and specifically our wounded warriors! You are an amazing example of loving and humble service.

Readers, if you'd like to learn more about the WWG please don't hesitate to e-mail me at:


I'd be more than happy to share more from KC or get you in contact with her!)


  1. Oh wow this definitely sounds like a great program! Can giftcards and books be sent anytime during the year or just for the banquet?

    XOXO~ Renee

  2. Okay, the moment I saw that beyond adorable pic of that daddy and his son again, the tears started to fall. Thank you KC for letting us know how we can help. I wish I could do it all! I'm gonna pray and see what the Lord would lead me to do. And, thank you for all YOU do!! Such inspiration you've brought to this blog - I remember last time I cried from beginning to end! But I don't mind shedding tears over such a worthy cause :) Thank you, and you and this wonderful ministry are in my heart and prayers!

    Thank you, Amber, for having KC here and for your passion and love for our military!

    Abundant Blessings to you both!!

  3. Renee,

    Doesn't it, though? It's been such a blessing to learn more about it through KC! :)

    And that's a great question! It appears that if you send books/gift cards at any time after the date mentioned above or that doesn't arrive by April 25 will be kept in "storage" until the next WWG. I think they hold at least a couple getaways each year...

    Thanks for stopping by!


  4. Oh, Amanda!

    That picture is adorable/touching, isn't it? I'm glad to have the opportunity to share it again. :)

    I'll definitely have to pray about this, as well--so many great opportunities! I'm so glad KC e-mailed me all the details. :)

    God bless you, my friend, and God bless our military men and women, as well as their families!


  5. Hey all,
    The pace yesterday was a bit fast, so I'm finally here. Thank you all for your interest.
    While you're prayin', write those thank you notes, OK? (I sound like my Mom - ha! They say it happens as you age...)
    If you want to keep sending the gift cards, I'm thinking Ch. Tony could use them. Just let Kay know when you send.
    Thanks for spreading the word.
    AND for continuing prayer for these Warriors and families, and for all our amazing men and women serving in harm's way... The families back home.

  6. KC,

    Thank you so much for sharing this with us and for stopping by! :) And thank you for reminding us of what's really needed right now.

    God bless!


    P.S. Not to put any pressure on your or anything, but I was just thinking how neat it would be to do a follow-up post on the WWG! Do you think maybe you could share some of your stories with us after? That would be amazing!

  7. Amber - I'd be thrilled to do just that. Each time I go, I'm determined NOT to do a scrapbook because I hardly have time to do the things already on my plate. And then, I go... And have to make one.
    This time I REALLY don't have time (with my book releasing this summer) but I might have to do it anyway.
    There are so many amazing lives to share. Thank you for asking!

  8. Thanks to your readers again for taking an interest.
    And thank YOU for making the opportunity available!!!

  9. Hey.
    Thought I'd update y'all with my new and improved author photo. That probably should be authors photo, since May and I wrote this together. HA! :)

  10. KC,

    Thank YOU so much for sharing this with us! :D This sounds like such an amazing program! I certainly don't want to add any stress or pressure to your already hectic schedule, but if you did have a few moments to do a follow-up post, that would be wonderful! :) I know all of us would love to hear about how this WWG goes!

    And I love your new author photo! :) Very cute!



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!