
Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Contentment Reading Challenge: April

It's April, which means only one more month until summer vacation! And summer vacation = more reading time! ;)

Again, I haven't made too much progress on the challenge so far. Since last month's update I've read one book from the book swap I hosted last month (Leather and Lace by Diann Mills). I'll post my review of Leather and Lace soon!

But, thanks to the book swap and blogging friend, Kait, I now have the 3-in-1 "Yukon Quest" series book by Tracie Peterson! I read this series when I was in elementary school, and I loved it, so I'm eager to re-read it!

Here's the blurb for the first book, Treasures of the North, which I've started re-reading:

"Driven by desperation, Grace Hawkins must forsake the affluent comfort of her upbringing to save herself from an arranged marriage. Disillusioned by her father's insistence, she forges a daring plan to escape the sinister hand of her intended.

Peter Colton sees the Alaskan gold rush as an opportunity to establish his family's fledgling shipping business. An unexpected partnership enables him to pursue those dreams and opens the door to an acquaintance with Grace, who has purchased passage North.

Drawn together by need and circumstance, Grace and Peter form a faltering friendship. But when her deserted fiancé continues to manipulate her loved ones, can she find peace in the wake of his wrath?"

And after my week-long blogoversary celebration last week, I'm eager to re-read some of the books by the authors I hosted again (like Ruby's Slippers by Leanna Ellis). Summer--I am ready when you are! ;)

So what have you been re-reading recently?

(Note: I recently added a feature in the sidebar that will allow you to follow my blog by e-mail. There's a "sign-up" below the normal Follower feature, if you're interested. Hopefully it works!)


  1. Hi Amber,
    I read 4 books for the challenge during March. You can find my post about it here.
    Three of them are from the series I started reading in February.

  2. Hey! I haven't gotten very far, but I did add one book to my list of re-reads. I read Michal by Jill Eileen Smith last month for a second time and enjoyed it just as much!!

    I have a few books from the swap that I tend to use for this challenge as well. That was an awesome idea - the bookswap. I hope you do it again sometime soon! *wink*

    ~ Katy

  3. Hey Tiny!
    Okay so I'm not doing great....I've read 7 or 8 for your challenge so far. Doesn't it seem like more!? LOL! Oh well....I'm getting there I guess. I have 21 on my list. Need to start reading some of the "bigger" books like the Jodi Picoult ones but those are better summer reads really.

    The books you were talking about sound really great! I've never seen them before, just heard you talk about them. : )
    Talk to you later or tonight I'm sure lol,

  4. I've hit half way. But I'm going to have to start slowing down with a TBR stack that is getting a bit out of hand! :) I have been very blessed by this challenge. I have a special file on GR for it too. :)

  5. Beth,

    Way to go! Definitely way ahead of me. ;) Keep up the great work, and happy reading!


  6. Katy,

    I really enjoyed Bathsheba by Jill Eileen Smith; I'm sure the first two books in the series are great, too! :)

    And I'm so glad you enjoyed the book swap--I had fun, too! :) Happy reading!


  7. Hannah,

    OK, Miss Modest--7 or 8 books is definitely great, girl!! You are WAY ahead of me! ;)

    And I love the "Yukon Quest" series--highly recommended!

    Talk to you soon!


  8. Casey,

    I know what you mean about that out-of-hand TBR stack... ;) I can't believe you're already half-way through--awesome! I'm definitely hoping for some more reading time this summer. :)


  9. Yes, Amber, summer cannot get here fast enough!! As far as books for the challenge I've re-read 3 so far: Courting Morrow Little, As High as the Heavens (by: Kathleen Morgan), and Surrender the Heart. So I'm almost done "floating" LOL ;) Hopefully I can find more time over the summer to re-read more :D

    Happy re-reading, my friend!!


  10. Amanda,

    Glad you agree! ;)

    Those are some great re-reads! I'm with you on hoping for some more reading time over the summer. :)

    Happy re-reading to you, as well!



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