
Monday, March 21, 2011

Revell Blog Tour: My Review of Bathsheba

Here's a description of the book from Revell:

"Can love triumph over treachery?

Bathsheba is a woman who longs for love. With her husband away fighting the king's wars, she battles encroaching loneliness--which makes it all too easy to succumb to the advances of King David. Will one night of unbridled passion destroy everything she holds dear? Can she find forgiveness at the feet of the Almighty? Or has her sin separated her from God forever?

With a historian's sharp eye for detail and a novelist's creative spirit, Jill Eileen Smith brings to life the passionate and emotional story of David's most famous--and infamous--wife. You will never read the story of David and Bathsheba the same way again."

My Rating: Spring/Summer

My Review:

With sensitivity and tact, author Jill Eileen Smith tells King David and Bathsheba's story in a stirring and engaging way. The historical/biblical context is expertly incorporated into the fictional rendering, and the reader is drawn into the story with all senses on the alert and an open heart.

Bathsheba is wonderfully well-written, and even for those somewhat familiar with the story this historical fiction book offers a lot of insight. The subject of the story is not a happy one, and thus the book is not necessarily enjoyable to read in that way. There are a lot of painful and difficult scenes and thoughts presented throughout the story.

However, the book is enjoyable in that it has a lot to offer. The settings are described beautifully, and the characters are shown to be real people with hurting hearts, confusion, grief, and yet resilience. They feel jealousy, anger, sorrow, pleasure, and love, and even though the reader can't applaud all of their choices, he or she can gain understanding and a compassionate yet uncompromising perspective on these people from the past and the holy and loving God they served--the God we can serve today.

This is biblical fiction with heart, and I highly recommend it! If you do get the book be sure to read the author's note, as well!

*With thanks to Revell Publishing for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinion.*

“Available March 2011 at your favorite bookseller from Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group.”


  1. Great review, Amber. This wasn't one that appealed to me because of the storyline but you've convinced me to give it a try.

  2. I love your review, Amber! I was wondering how that particular story would translate into fiction ;) but I'm happy the author did it with "sensitivity and tact." :) Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts, my friend!

    Oh, and I LOVE the new design!! Very Spring, girl :D


    P.S. - Just got your email!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! Talk to you soon :D

  3. I hope you get to read Michal and Abigail's stories soon! :)

  4. Kav,

    Thank you! Yes, it's a sad and difficult storyline, but it's well-written and tactfully written, and I think you would enjoy it. :)


  5. Amanda,

    Awww, thank you! I'm sure it's not the easiest story to bring to fictional life, for sure, but the author does it very well. :)

    And I'm glad you like the new design! If you have a spare moment, my post from Sunday called "Happy Spring!" explains a bit about my design choices, if you're interested. ;)


    P.S. I got your e-mail, as well, and I'm so excited for you! Happy reading! :)

  6. Ruth,

    Based on your recommendation, I'm sure they must be great! :) I've got quite a TBR stack at the moment, but maybe someday... ;)



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!