
Monday, March 7, 2011

Dracula and Surrender the Night

Today I'm over at The Borrowed Book talking about Dracula, Surrender the Night, and writing what you read. If you have some time, I'd love to see you there! It should be an interesting discussion!

Click HERE to read the post!

I thought I'd also take this time to mention some of what's coming up in the next week or so here at Seasons of Humility:
  • CSN Stores review of a set of six mini vases, just in time for spring!
  • Second-chance book swap. For all those who couldn't make it to the Contentment Reading Challenge book swap on Friday or for those who would just like to try for some more swaps, there will be another day to post your lists and get in touch with your fellow bloggers!
  • More on the Woman to Woman Conference. I apologize for having these posts so broken up! There are two more posts to come about my experiences at this conference, including a post about Spiritual Discipline and a post about the talks given by author Robin Jones Gunn.
  • Review of Surrender the Night. If this book just keeps getting better as I expect it will, I'm going to have a lot of wonderful things to say about it in my review!!
  • And don't forget, this blog's first blogoversary week is the last week of March! You won't want to miss it!


  1. Ooo fun stuff coming up! I just started Surrender the Night today and so far it's pretty good! ;-)

    XOXO~ Renee

  2. Renee,

    I'm excited for all what's in store! :)

    And I almost envy you still reading Surrender the Night... As wonderful as it is to finish a book, there's nothing quite like being in the midst of the story! :) I hope you enjoy it!!



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!