
Friday, March 4, 2011

Contentment Reading Challenge: March (Book Swap!)

I have been hearing such wonderful things from participants in the Contentment Reading Challenge about how much they've re-read! You all are doing such a great job!

If you're participating in the challenge and haven't re-read as much as you had hoped to so far, though, you're not alone. I have been reading so many new books for review and such that I have only re-read one book for this challenge (which I mentioned in February's update).

I think by choosing to go all the way ("Diving" level--20 books), I've overwhelmed myself. Yes, it is "my" challenge, in a sense, so I feel bad for not challenging myself more, but I think I'm going to jump back a couple of levels. I think I need to do some "Wading" before I attempt any "Diving!" ;) I'm sorry for not being a better example, though, and I do hope I can still learn from this challenge.

Anyway, today is a very special update post: I'm hosting a book swap! Here are some guidelines:
  • You don't have to be a participant in the Contentment Reading Challenge in order to get involved in the book swap.
  • If you are participating in the challenge and you end up getting a book through the book swap, feel free to count it to your total if you would like. It can be a re-read or a first-time read. You don't have to count it, though, if you only want to count re-reads. I'm just giving you permission if you'd like to. ;)
  • There are no guarantees that everyone will get to participate. It's all up to you whether or not you end up connecting with another reader and finding some commonalities in your lists. (I'll explain that in just a moment.)
  • If you choose to participate in the book swap, you will have to pay your own shipping to send your book to another person. (This probably means that most of the "swappers" will be U.S. residents, but if a couple of people from another, same country find each other here, then that would be great!)
So, now I'll tell you how this is actually going to work! You'll need to put together two lists:
  1. A list of books you are willing to send (swap) to another person.
  2. A list of books you are interested in receiving through the swap, whether books you don't have that you want to re-read, or books you've never read before.
(I recommend just swapping one book for one book with another person, but honestly, that is up to the two "swappers" to decide.)

In the comments section post your two lists along with your e-mail address. If you see someone whose list matches up to yours in some way, someone you want to trade/swap with (etc.), then contact that person by e-mail and set up a swap! Or wait and see if anyone contacts you.

I've never hosted a book swap before, so I hope this works! ;) I'll go first by posting my two lists in the comments section. Also, feel free to post your update for the Contentment Reading Challenge here, as well. Just remember to specify if you're wanting to participate in the swap!


  1. For anyone interested, here are my lists:

    Books I'm willing to part with:
    --The Rhythm of Secrets by Patti Lacy
    --Love Finds You in Sugarcreek, Ohio by Serena Miller
    --Authentic Beauty by Leslie Ludy
    --Hatteras Girl by Alice Wisler
    --Emily's Chance by Sharon Gillenwater

    Books I'm interested in:
    --Port Royal by L.L. Chaikin (I'd love to find a copy and re-read this one!)
    --Treasures of the North by Tracie Peterson (Another one I'd like to re-read.)
    --Midnight Sun by Lisa Begren (Or other books by her besides the first two in this series.)
    --Beautiful Bandit or Maverick Heart by Loree Lough

    I'm also willing to add more to these lists if anyone wants to see more. ;) Thank you!



  2. Oops! I'm sure most of you know this, but just for clarification I'll add that I'm from the U.S. and I'd prefer to just ship to another U.S. address. Thanks! :)


  3. Ok, so for the Contentment Reading Challenge I read 4 books in February. That means a total of 14 books for this challenge so far this year!

    As for the book swap, I can't think specifically of any books I really want at the moment (I know there are some, but most of them haven't been published yet).
    I do have some I am prepared to part with:
    *A Very Private Grave by Donna Fletcher Crow
    *Virtually Eliminated by Jefferson Scott
    *To Catch a Thief Series by Jill Elizabeth Nelson (3 books)
    *Historical Fiction series by Liz Curtis Higgs (4 books - Thorn in My Heart etc)

    I live in Australia, so I'll have to limit my swaps to people here.
    bethstitch09 at yahoo dot com dot au
    Please put Seasons of Humility Book Swap in the subject line.

  4. Ooh this is fun Amber! Great idea!

    I am willing to part with...

    - Patchwork Dreams by Laura Hilton
    - LFY in Sugarcreek, Ohio
    - Blind Hope by Kim Meeder
    - Butterfly Come Home by Donna Winters
    - Blessings by Kim Vogel Sawyer
    - These Tangled Threads by Tracie Peterson
    - What The Heart Sees by Kathleen Fuller

    I am interested in...

    - Me, Just Different by Stephanie Morrill
    - Any books in the Chronicles of Kings series by Lynn Austin(aside from Gods and Kings)
    - The Heaven's Before by Kacy Barnett-Gramckow
    - A Tailor-Made Bride by Karen Witemeyer
    - Any books in the O'Malley series by Dee Henderson
    - Love Amid The Ashes by Mesu Andrews

    That's my list of top wants, but I'm open to making compromises. :-)

    Shipping from USA TO USA only. :-)

  5. Hi Amber! I have been looking forward to this since the invite through GR yesterday!

    Let me say first that though I have a list I am WILLIING TO SEND A BOOK TO SOMEONE EVEN IF I DON'T GET ONE IN RETURN. If you see a book on my list you want, let me know, I'm willing to send it! :)

    What I have available:

    ~The Vigilante's Bride by Yvonne Harris
    ~A Scarlet Cord by Deb Raney
    ~Wings of Refuge by Lynn Austin
    ~Insight by Deb Raney
    ~How Sweet It Is by Alice Wisler
    ~LFY in Holiday, Florida by Sandra D. Bricker (please note this book was signed to me, if this doesn't bother you, ask away! :)
    ~I have a 365 young women devotional put out by Barbour and has multiply authors
    ~Wife Wanted in Dry Creak by Janet Tronstad (Love Inspired- Signed)
    ~Homecoming Hero by Renee Ryan (Love Inspired- signed)

    ~Anything by Susan May Warren
    ~Critical Care by Candace Calvert
    ~Moon Over Tokyo by Siri Mitchell
    ~Just Between You and Me by Jenny B. Jones
    ~From a Distance by Tamera Alexander
    ~Beyond this Moment by Tamera Alexander

    I would like to ship US to US.

    Thanks Am! :)

    Email in profile.

  6. Oh and anything by Rachel Hauck too! :)

  7. AMBER!!! So good to be back ;D And what a post to come back to! And, even though you said you didn't have to be involved in the Contentment Challenge to participate in this swap, I've FINALLY decided to join in on the fun!! Just left a comment over on that post saying so :)

    Books I'm willing to part with:
    -"Rocky Mountain Oasis" by: Lynette Bonner
    -"The Healer's Apprentice" by: Melanie Dickerson
    -"No Place for a Lady" by: Maggie Brendan
    -"Embers of Love" by: Tracie Peterson
    -"Bride Most Begrudging" by: Deeanne Gist
    -"Courting Trouble" by: Deeanne Gist
    -"Deep in the Heart of Trouble" by: Deeanne Gist
    -"Beguiled" by: Deeanne Gist

    Books I'm interested in:
    -"Surrender the Wind" by: Rita Gerlach
    -"The Search" by: Suzanne Woods Fisher
    -"Wrangler in Petticoats" by: Mary Connealy
    -"Sharpshooter in Petticoats by: Mary Connealy
    -ANYTHING else by Mary Connealy!!! (except Doctor in Petticoats, as I already own it)

    Shipping US to US.


    Thank you, Amber, for the fun ideas you always have!! ;) Oh, and will be emailing you shortly :D


  8. Hey Amber! This is such an awesome idea. I've been bad on my challenge - I have yet to reread a book - but I was backed up with books that had a deadline for reviews these past few weeks. I am started to sift through them all and hope to pick up a book to reread soon. :-)

    Here is my list of books that I am willing to trade...

    - The Confirmation, Ralph Reed
    - They Called Her Mrs. Doc, Jenette Oke
    - Love's First Bloom, Delia Parr
    - The Mountains Bow Down, Sibella Giorello
    - Words, Ginny Yttrup (ARC)
    - Angel Harp, Michael Phillips (ARC)
    - A Hope for Hannah, Jerry Eicher

    Books I am interested in...

    - Highland Blessings, Jennifer Hudson Taylor
    - Scattered Petals, Amanda Cabot
    - Courting Morrow Little, Laura Frantz
    - Abigail, Jill Eileen Smith
    - A Woman Called Sage, DiAnn Mills
    - One of Michelle Moran's books :-)

    There you have it. :-) Shipping USA to USA. Thanks for putting this on, Amber.

    ~ Katy
    Contact Me: agirlslegacy(at)yahoo(dot)com

  9. I also have Words by Ginny Yttrup! It's an ARC though. :)

  10. thx for this Amber!
    i'm looking for 'tea' related books -
    and my others wishlisted under 'writer....'
    at goodreads.
    not much of a fiction reader so i don't think i have current titles of interest, but do have other bks that may be of interest for mission and ministry.
    have FuN!!
    i've blogged your swap here

  11. This was such a fun idea!! :) I'm behind on my re-reading so far, too. I haven't yet read one. :( But I've only got 5 to do, so I'm thinking I'll still make it.

    Here are mine I'm willing to part with:

    Keeping a Princess Heart by Nicole Johnson
    A Constant Heart by Siri Mitchell
    The Kingdom Life by Alan Andrews
    Dragons of the Valley by Donita K. Paul
    Leather and Lace by Diann Mills
    A Texas Legacy Christmas by Diann Mills
    Nightingale by Susan May Warren
    Venom and Song by Thomas Wayne Batson
    The Wolf of Tebron by C.S. Lakin
    Love's First Bloom by Delia Parr
    Coffe Shop Conversations by Dale and Jonalyn Fincher

    My wants
    Love Finds You in Hershey, PA by Cerella Sechrist
    Maid to Match by Deeanne Gist
    Anything by Laura Franz

    If I have anything anybody wants, just let me know, though. :) And I'm in the U.S.

    bluerosesheart at yahoo dot com

  12. Oh, this is so fun to see so many people here! :D

    Unfortunately, my Suddenlink e-mail account is being mean and not working... So if anyone did want to e-mail me at all, this address is still working:

    I'm definitely interested in e-mailing one or more of you, but I have to work on homework (including a presentation) and go to 4 classes, so I won't be able to do much until this evening. :( But I'll hopefully talk to ya'll then!


  13. I'm also willing to part with:

    -"Redeeming Love" by: Francine Rivers
    -"When Love Blooms" by: Robin Lee Hatcher
    -ANY books in Tracie Peterson's Brides of Gallatin County series:
    "A Promise to Believe In"
    "A Love to Last Forever"
    "A Dream to Call My Own"



  14. Oh my, this is too fun! ;)

    Let's see, I might also be willing to part with...

    --Petra by T.L. Higley (ARC)
    --Lady in the Mist by Laurie Alice Eakes

    I've already sent out a few e-mails from my Corban e-mail address. :) Again, if anyone's interested in any swapping, I can only be reached here right now:

    Sorry for the confusion! Thank you all so much for your enthusiasm! :)


  15. I also have
    - Battle Cry For My Generation by Ron Lucas
    - The Promises She Keeps by Erin Healy

  16. Oooh, this is such a great idea. But I'm notorious for giving away my books as soon as I'm finished, so I don't have much left to trade that I have already read.

    However, if anyone would like to BORROW books from me and return them when they're finished I'd love to trade temporarily! I'll keep watching the list to see if I own any of the wish books. So far I see a few...

    Amber...I have Port Royal if you want to borrow it. It's a hard book to come by and I still want to read it, so when you're done just send it back. I'm waiting until I find the third one in the series to read the whole set together.

    Casey...I have Beyond this Moment if you want to borrow it...or I might be able to read it first and trade this one out in a week or two if you're interested...

    Do either of you ladies have Immanuel's Veins by Ted Dekker? Or anything by Laura Frantz? I am willing to send it back after I read it if you'd like it to stay on your keeper shelf.

    Here are the only three books I have available to trade for good right now:

    1. Riven by Jerry B. Jenkins
    2. Where Hearts are Free by Golden Keyes Parsons
    3. A Heart Most Worthy by Siri Mitchell (available after next Wednesday)

  17. OK, here's what I have to bring to the table:
    Nightengale by Susan May Warren
    A Rhythm of Secrets by Patti Lacy
    Book of Days by Jim Rubart
    The Life-Ready Woman by Shaunti Feldhahn
    Love Food & Live Well by Chantel Hobbs
    No Safe Haven by Kimberly Woodhouse
    Words by Ginny Yttrup
    Wanda Brunstetter books in Brides of Lancaster & Brids of Holmes County Series
    I'm sure I can find more, too.

    Some of these are in ARC form. Please let me know if that's not OK.

    Interested in:
    East of the Sun Series by Linda Lee Chaikin
    Any of the Silk House Series by Linda Lee Chaikin
    anything by Kathleen Morgan or Deb Raney


  18. Wow! I've been keeping busy with book swaps today. I've already lined up 4, and some of them include multiple books! Crazy, but awesome! ;)

    How's it going for all of you?

    Anybody still not make any swaps and want to expand your lists to see if you can still find someone?

    JOY: That's so sweet of you! I confess that I might not be able to do that right now, because I have so much to read that I would just be hanging onto the book for quite a while anyway... But I'll keep it in mind, and I appreciate your willingness to let me re-read it! Isn't Port Royal a great book? I haven't read it since grade school, but I remember it was one of the first ones that really got me hooked on Christian romance. :)


  19. FYI, I feel the same as Casey. I'm totally willing to send out a book without getting one in return so please let me know if I have one you have in your TBR. My list is shorter than usual, because I've been giving away a lot of books to friends and family lately.

  20. Ugh as much as I would LOVE to participate in this swap I really can't. I'm on a few book and dvd trading sites and I'm stretched to my limit this month on shipping! There are so many great books that you guys have listed tto give and received, I hope everyone gets something they like!

    Great idea Amber!
    XOXO~ Renee

  21. p.s. If anyone is interested in Jill Marie Landis's latest book I just posted a link to a giveaway on my far there are only 7 entries so your chances at winning are great! :-)

    XOXO~ Renee

  22. That wonderful, Amber!

    The following are NO LONGER available from me:
    -No Place for a Lady
    -When Love Blooms
    -Redeeming Love
    -The Healer's Apprentice

    So, like Renee, I'm now stretched to my limit with shipping this month. But if anyone is interested in any of the others on my list in the future you're welcomed to email me anytime and we could work something out :)


    Thanks again, Amber, for doing this!! I had fun and am now looking forward to some new additions to my bookshelf :D


  23. My list isn't as long, but I really want A Girl in the Gatehouse by Julie Klassen.

    I am willing to part with:
    A Wrangler in Petticoats by Mary Connealy
    Voices of the Faithful by Beth Moore


  24. Adge, I just posted my copy of Girl in the Gatehouse at Crazy Book Tours and it's taking sign ups right now if you're interested.

    Also, Where Hearts Are Free has been taken.

  25. Hi Amber! Congrats on the great results for your book swap! :) I just had to say, I'm so glad you said something about re-evaluating how you're participating in the Contentment re-reading challenge. I was starting to stress myself out a bit because I'd set a specific re-read list at the beginning of the year, and I was making NO progress. So I've decided to just count ANY book I re-read this year as eligible, and just see how far I go with that. :) So with my new "counting" system, I've re-read three books so far this year - and with all of the new releases tempting me, I feel pretty good about that. :) The links are posted here:
    Have a great rest of the weekend!

  26. Thank you so much to everyone who stopped by! I hope that everyone who really wanted to swap got the opportunity to do so.

    It was so much fun swapping with some of you, and I'm so inspired by your generosity and kindness to one another! :)

    For everyone who's still on the Contentment Reading Challenge team (waving to Ruth!), keep on keeping on, my friends! You guys are awesome! :D


  27. What fun! I don't have a list put together yet because I have been down with the whooping cough for two weeks now. As soon as I am able, I'll get my lists submitted too. Since I'm getting in on the act a little late, can someone tell me how long this is going to run?

    Jan Marie

  28. Jan Marie,

    I'm sorry you haven't been feeling well. :(

    I guess the book swap can run for as long as people keep checking back at the comments section... Would you like me to put up another post sometime next week to offer a second go-around of the swap for anyone who might have missed it?


  29. From my perspective, that would be great! It looks to me like a person has a better chance of getting a particular book they are wanting here than at some other book swaps; PaperBack Swap, for example. I really like PBS but I never manage to get many books through them simply because there aren't that many Christian books listed.

    Jan Marie

  30. Jan Marie,

    I had never hosted a book swap before, but I think it was really fun and it was definitely a lot easier here to find/exchange Christian books with all these wonderful bloggers!

    I'll plan on writing a quick post sometime next week to give readers another chance to post lists and e-mail each other. :) I don't know if there will be quite as many people involved because I think a lot of us have already maxed out our shipping budget for swapping ;) , but this way if there are still some who didn't get to swap or who are searching for certain books, there's one more chance to do that.

    And maybe I'll have to host another swap in the future! :)


  31. Amber,

    That sounds great - I'll be watching for it. I can see how it could quickly get pretty costly to ship multiple books. It might be something to consider doing say two or three times a year possibly. Thanks for organizing this swap!

    Jan Marie

  32. Jan Marie,

    You're welcome! It's a lot of fun, and I agree that it would be fun to do it a few times a year. :)


  33. Amber, the book swap was awesome! I certainly think we should do it again - what fun!

    Jan, I'll be checking back next week for the book swap. See you then! :-)

    ~ Katy

  34. Katy,

    Aw, thank you!! :) I'm so glad you enjoyed it!

    And thanks for offering to check in this next week, as well! :)


  35. Amber, this was definitely a brilliant idea that you should repeat. You should have these quarterly. It was awesome! Thanks so much!

  36. Kait/Jane,

    Oh, I'm so glad you think so! :) With how much people seemed to enjoy it, I think I'll have to host more of them! ;)


  37. I didn't get any takers for my books.
    Maybe I'll have to host a swap myself.
    It's hard not being in the US.

  38. Beth,

    Oh, I'm sorry! :(

    I guess there are quite a few of us from the U.S. That would be awesome if you could host a book swap for those in Australia, though! :)



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!