
Saturday, March 26, 2011

Blog Award # 10 and Some Exciting News!!!

Thank you so much, Kait and Katy from Book Ponderings, for this beautiful award!

On their blog Kait and Katy posted 7 things about themselves to go along with this award, and they passed the award on to 7 other bloggers. I'll do the same thing except cut the number down to 5 for this time. Hope that's OK! ;)

Five Things About Me:
  • I'm a Junior at Corban University, which means next year is my last year before graduating with my B.S. Degree in English! And that means that decision time is right around the corner...
  • I still don't know how to drive, but hopefully that will change after this summer. ;)
  • This year my younger sister is graduating from 8th grade on my birthday! How cool is that? And to celebrate, our family is going to Disneyland the day after!!
  • News: I've been blogging for almost a whole year! So I hope you'll join me next week for a super fun, week-long blogoversary party, starting Monday!
  • News: I finished the first draft of my first manuscript this past week during spring break!!! Yep, it still needs polishing and editing (etc.), but I feel blessed and excited to have completed the first draft, even if it is a bit on the short side. Wahoo!!!
And now for the bloggers I'm passing this award on to...
These are just some of the amazing bloggers I'm privileged to call my friends. Thank you, ladies, for having such stylish and inspiring blogs!


  1. Amber, thanks so much for thinking of me! :) Have fun at Disneyland. What a great place to celebrate a graduation and a birthday. I love all things Disney.

    And whooo-hooo congrats on finishing your manuscript!

  2. Congrats on your award and your blogoversary and the completion of your manuscript! I'm sure I'll be reviewing your book some day :) Blessings!

  3. Joy,

    Of course--you definitely have a stylish blog! :) And thank you on both counts! I've been to Disneyland twice before, but it's been over 5 years since the last time, so I'm excited to go again with my family. :) I love all things Disney, too!


  4. Renee Ann,

    Thank you so much!! Congratulations on your award, as well--it's an honor to be selected with you on Kait and Katy's blog. :)

    And your encouragement and confidence means so much to me! I would be thrilled to have you review my book someday. :)


  5. Amber, Thank you so much for the great award here:) It's quite stylish and you deserve it! It's fun to share your milestones and joys here. I hope all your celebrations and trip are a dream come true!!

  6. LOL -- I hope you blog about learning to drive. That should be fun. :-)

    Congrats on your soon to be anniversary too. You do so much to make your blog welcoming and inviting so kudos to you.

  7. Congrats on finishing your manuscript!! I hope you enjoy the trip to Disneyland!

    I agree with Kav, I hope you do blog about your adventures in learning how to drive.

  8. Woohoo! Congrats on the award and thank you for passing it on to me, I'm honored to be included with that great list of bloggers/authors! :-)

    Congrats to you on completing your manuscript...that means I might be reading your book soon! ;-)

    XOXO~ Renee

  9. Congratulations on reaching The End. What a wonderful accomplishment. I hope you did something fun to celebrate.

  10. Amber,

    That's a HUGE accomplishment! Do you know how many people start a book and NEVER finish it!

    Major congrats! It's a great feeling.

    I know, because I just wrote THE END yesterday on my 6th completed manuscript. That feeling never changes! It's awesome.

    Like you, I have a lot of editing and polishing to do, but still ... celebration time!

    Love the new look of your blog. And Happy Anniversary!



  11. Congrats on typing The End, Amber!! Woo hoo! Isn't it a great feeling? :)

  12. Laura,

    Awww, thank YOU for everything! I really appreciate your kindness and encouragement, and I'm more than happy to pass this award on to you. :)


  13. Kav,

    Hahaha, I think it would make for an entertaining read--I'm kind of timid and driving is definitely going to be a challenge for me! ;)

    Thank you for the kind words about my blog! I'm so glad you feel that way! :D


  14. Michelle,

    Thank you! :D

    And I guess I really should blog about learning how to drive--maybe it will give me more incentive to be brave, knowing that I'll be sharing my crazy adventures with ya'll! ;)


  15. Renee,

    Thank you! You have an awesome blog, and you've helped me so much in getting mine up and running! :)

    And I would be so honored to have you read my book! I have to say I hope it might be sooner rather than later, if it's God's will. :)


  16. Keli,

    Thank you so much! This whole past week was a great celebration for me, spending time with my family. :) And summer is only 6 weeks away!


  17. Sue,

    Oh, your comment means so much to me! Thank you for your encouragement and your support, and congratulations to YOU on writing "The End" for your 6th manuscript!!! Way to go! :)

    I definitely took that celebration idea and ran with it for my post on "The Borrowed Book" blog today (Monday)--there's just so much to celebrate and be thankful for, isn't there! :D


  18. Missy,

    Yes! I'm not sure if it's completely sunk in yet, or maybe I've just been too eager to move on to the next part of the process and even start thinking about making this into a 3-book series... :) I love being a writer, and I hope if it's God's will I might also be a published author!

    Thank you for stopping by!



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