Monday, February 7, 2011

Season of Love Blog Party with MaryLu Tyndall!

Welcome to the first day of the "Season of Love Blog Party!" I'm so happy to be one of the hostesses of this week-long celebration of Valentine's Day!

Today author MaryLu Tyndall is helping us start this party off with a bang! Please give her a warm welcome, and read all the way through to see how you can win a copy of her upcoming March 2011 release.

Thank you so much for joining us today, MaryLu! To start, could you share with us your own love story and how that might have influenced your writing?

MaryLu: Wow, no one has ever asked me that! I found love late in life. Unfortunately, I rushed into marriage at a very young age and had two kids before I even realized that I had married the wrong guy. I wasn’t a Christian then, so my marriage fell apart and I ended up being a single mom for several years. Dating became almost impossible. Believe me, most men out there want nothing to do with a woman who comes with kids! So, I met a lot of losers and started a few relationships that went sour. Finally in my early 30’s, I had almost given up on finding my prince charming. Then I met my husband. He was a Harley-riding scientist at the company where I worked at the time. Tall, handsome, intelligent, successful and romantic. Wow, I fell madly in love within the first few weeks of dating. We married a year later and have been together for almost 20 years. I still get goose bumps when he walks in the front door.

How does my own personal romance influence my writing? Honestly, I don’t think you can write romance unless you’ve experienced true love. You can watch it in movies, read it in books, but unless you’ve felt that tingling in your belly or that hot flush race through you at the sight of him, unless you’ve felt as though your life would end without that person, how can you describe that in a story? Also aside from those wonderful feelings, being married so long has given me a perspective of what real love is about—a love that abides through time, struggles, heartaches, and trials and only comes out stronger.

Amber: Wow! Thank you so much for sharing that with us!

What inspired you to write Christian romance books?

MaryLu: My faith is very important to me, so when I write a story, I don’t want to just entertain people (although I strive to do that, as well), but I want to share the love of God with them. Writing Christian romance gives me a chance to tell the world through the use of story how real and wonderful and awesome God truly is.

Amber: I completely agree!

I have to say, there’s just something about the wide, mysterious sea (and handsome pirates!) that is very romantic. What do you enjoy most about writing seafaring books? Do you think that an exotic setting leads to a more intriguing romance story?

MaryLu: Like you said, there’s something so adventurous, so romantic about the sea! I’ve been obsessed with it since I was a young girl growing up on the beaches of South Florida. I suppose it’s the unknown, the adventure, the risk that draws me. Battles have been fought at sea, new worlds discovered, and men have sailed it for centuries in search of freedom and adventure. I suppose I love to write seafaring stories for all of those reasons. There seems to be no boundaries to the excitement that can happen out at sea. Does an exotic location help create a better story? Not necessarily. You must start with great characters and a great plot. But, an alluring setting can certainly add flavor to a great story like whipped cream on a scrumptious piece of cake.

Amber: Yum! ;) What’s next in your writing career?

MaryLu: I’m in the middle of a series entitled "Surrender to Destiny" about finding God’s destiny for your life. The series is set in Baltimore during the War of 1812. Very exciting stuff! Surrender the Night releases next month, and Surrender the Dawn releases in August. You can find out more information at my website:

Next, I’m working on a single title, Veil of Pearls, set in Charleston South Carolina in the early 1800s. The story is about a runaway slave who falls in love with a spoiled son of a plantation owner.

Amber: Can't wait to read more of your books! Now, do you have a favorite Valentine’s Day memory you could tell us about?

MaryLu: Walking, arm in arm with my husband, down the beach in Southern California as we watched the sun set. It’s the simple times that you will remember the most. The quiet moments just enjoying each other’s company.

Amber: *Sigh.* Sounds lovely!

Thank you so much for joining us today, MaryLu, and happy (almost) Valentine's Day to you and and your husband!

Readers, here's your chance to win a copy of Surrender the Night!

Leave a comment for MaryLu along with your e-mail address, and you'll be entered in a drawing for a copy of Surrender the Night. Everyone can enter! The winner will be announced on Monday, February 14th (Valentine's Day!). Once the winner has been determined, I'll pre-order a copy of the book and have it sent to the person once the book releases on March 1, 2011.

Also, if you have a moment and you're interested in some tips for writers, today my first post in a 3-part series is up on "The Borrowed Book" blog. You can check it out HERE!

(Remember that the party continues tomorrow on Renee Ann's blog, Doorkeeper, with a True-life story of love and sacrifice plus Giveaway Trifecta! If you'd like to see the schedule for the rest of the "Season of Love Blog Party," click HERE.)


Mystica said...

I hope that being the first makes me lucky! please count me in for this book.


Bluerose said...

I would love to be entered. :)

bluerosesheart at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

Great interview, and wonderful kick-off to this blog party, Amber! MaryLu - Thank you so much for sharing your love story, I loved reading about that! :)

ruthellenanderson (at) gmail (dot) com

MaureenT said...

Loved this interview. Looks like a great Blog Party. Please include me!


Giveaway Lady said...

This was a wonderful interview with lots of questions that don't normally get asked:) I loved reading your own love story MaryLu! I am almost 26(day after Valentine's Day) and am not married so I know somewhat of how you must have felt.
Please enter me in this giveaway. I would love to read the second in this series. Thanks!

Julie said...

I enjoyed your interview! I love reading other people's stories.

dunlizzie said...

Thanks for such a great interview. Lately I have really been drawn to stories set on or by the sea. I would love to read more of your books. Thanks for taking the time to share.

dunlizzies_corner [at] yahoo [dot] com

Anonymous said...

I have your button up on my blog. Thank you. I'm looking forward to visiting different blogs this special week before Valentine's Day.
I really enjoyed the interview. I love pirates and the sea also. I would love to win the book Surrender the Night.


Renee (BlacknGoldGirlsBookSpot) said...

Awww *sigh* I am soooo ready to go to the beach now after reading this interview. I love the sunsets at the beach but I can imagine walking hand in hand with someone you love makeis it all the more sweeter. I can't wait to read Surrender the Night I have all of Marylu's books and I really enjoy them!

Thank you so much Amber for starting this party off with a bang!

XOXO~ Renee C.

Renee said...

Love the interview, Amber! Mary Lu and her hubbs are very romantic. It's good to see in folks who've been together for twenty years. No need to enter me in the giveaway, my TBR pile is too big for my life as it is. Blessings!

Katie Marie said...

Wonderful interview. MaryLu, Veil of Pearls sounds interesting! I'll be looking forward to more information about in the future! :-)

Thanks for the chance to win!

~ Katy

lgm52 said...

Great interview. Would love to read this book. Thanks for the chance.

Amanda Stanley said...

Love the interview, ladies! What a great author to start this season of love with, for few can get your heart to flutter and swoon like MaryLu and her pirates can! ;)

MaryLu is it so wonderful to see you here and thank you for sharing your own personal love story with us! I can't wait to read the rest of the Surrender to Destiny series, especially to read more about Luke Heaton! *sigh* And how exciting to hear of another book on the horizon! Veil of Pearls sounds most intriguing and I look forward to hearing more about it!

Amber, as always, great questions, my friend! And thank you so much for a chance to win her new book! Love the cover :)

Blessing to you both!!

Susan Anne Mason said...

Wonderful interview! Mary Lu, your love story made me sigh - I think it needs a book of its own!

Your books sound great. Love a chance to win one!

sbmason at sympatico dot ca

Ariel Wilson said...

Love stories make me happy ^^ I didn't know Surrender the Heart has a sequel! Of course I still need to read the first one... heh heh :P


Diane said...

Awesome interview and great book. Love the cover art on this one. :O)

estrella8888 at roadrunner dot com

MaryLu Tyndall said...

Thank you, ladies, for all your sweet comments! Love and romance are some of my favorite topics (which is why I write romance novels, I suppose) And true love is possible. Age has nothing to do with it. God can bring that special hero into your life at any time. But only with God at the center of your relationship, can it truly deepen and grow over time. I thank God for my husband every day!

Unknown said...

wow..for some reason this site didn't want me to comment, but i fooled it! would love to win this book, and love the blog. i am now a follower. Thanks for giving me a chance to win. mitzi_wanham[at]yahoo[dot]com

Sara said...

Great interview and I love this blog party going on! I've yet to read a book by MaryLu Tyndall, but I have them on my reading list. I'm sure I'll love them.

Thanks for the opportunity to win! :)

Ladette said...

Loved seeing ML's love story... Yay GOD!

Love to read her books too. :) Thanks for a chance to win one!


Lisa Lu said...

Great post! Thanks for sharing more about MaryLu!


Cherie Doherty said...

MaryLu's writing is exciting and full of passion and creativity! I love the fact that such a talented writer can keep me so engrossed in her stories and all of it comes from God's inspiration! How cool is that?

Unknown said...

The interview was fun to read and the books sounds incredible! I can't wait to read them! Thank you for sharing the information, Mary Lu.


Michelle said...


I enjoyed reading this interview. I too married young the first time. That bad marriage ended and I found the love of my life. We have now been married 21 years.

Thanks for the giveaway.

Casey said...

GREAT interview! I loved it ladies. MaryLu, I just love your story. :)

I don't need to be entered, I'm a member of her motley crew. Argh! :)

Anne Payne said...

What a sweet love story! Read the Charles Towne Belles series and loved them :) Your stories are terrific! Thanks for the giveaway.


laughwithusblog said...

I would love a copy!

Leanne said...

Wow! I loved reading their love story. How romantic! It sounds like something right out of a Christian romance novel. :) I would love to read her book! I have not read any of hers before! Thanks for hosting this!

leanniegehrke at hotmail dot com

Mallorie said...

Thanks for sharing your story! It gives me hope that I might still meet that special someone eventually. All my family and most of my friends married really young, so as I near my 28th birthday, my continued singlehood has been causing quite a stir in the family and the pressure to hurry up and get married has been great. I just haven't met the right one yet. But maybe there's hope for me afterall.:) I'm glad it worked out for you. Happy Valentine's Day, and thanks for writing such thrilling stories for the rest of us to enjoy!

Joy Tamsin David said...

What an awesome love story. I love that you found love late in life (not that your 30's is late). I have a great aunt that got married for the first time at 74 years old-full church wedding and white dress that's late! :)

I would love to win this book. Thanks for the opportunity.

And Amber, you throw a great party. ;)

Joy GLee G @aol. com

Jackie S. said...

Love her books; CTB series was great! I have #1 in this series and am waiting to read when I get all 3! So here's hoping for a win!

Amber Holcomb said...


You never know! ;) Thanks for stopping by, and good luck in the drawing!


Amber Holcomb said...


You're in! :) Thanks for stopping by!


Amber Holcomb said...


Thank you! :) I'm so glad MaryLu could be my guest for this first day of the party--her responses to the interview questions are wonderful, aren't they? :)


Amber Holcomb said...


I'm glad you enjoyed the interview and that you're enjoying the party! :D There's lots more fun to come!

Thanks for your entry in the drawing!


Amber Holcomb said...


I'm glad you liked the questions for the interview! :) It's always fun to interview MaryLu!

Good luck in the drawing!


Amber Holcomb said...


It is really neat to hear other people's stories. :) So glad you could stop by!


Amber Holcomb said...


You'll love MaryLu's stories then--they're wonderful, inspirational, seafaring books! :) I love them!

Good luck in the drawing!


Amber Holcomb said...


Thanks for spreading the word about the party by posting the party button! :) I appreciate it! I hope you enjoy visiting all the great blogs participating in the party. :)

Good luck in the drawing!


Amber Holcomb said...


Hahaha, I know what you mean! :) What a sweet thought!

I'm so glad you liked this first day of the party, and I'm really looking forward to your party post, as well! :D


Amber Holcomb said...

Renee Ann,

Glad you enjoyed the interview! MaryLu and her husband do seem very romantic--so sweet! :)

I know what you mean about the huge TBR stack... ;)

Thanks for stopping by!


Amber Holcomb said...


Veil of Pearls does sound really good, doesn't it? :) And according to MaryLu's newsletter, we can look forward to a story from her in a novella, as well as another 3-book series called "Escape to Paradise," in the future! :D

Good luck in the drawing!


Amber Holcomb said...


Thanks for stopping by, and good luck in the drawing!


Amber Holcomb said...


I couldn't agree more! ;)

I'm super excited to read Surrender the Night, as well, and I agree that the cover is great!

Thank you for your kind words--I'm glad you enjoyed the interview questions! Good luck in the drawing, my friend! :)


Amber Holcomb said...


I'm glad you enjoyed the interview! MaryLu has quite a sweet romance story of her own, for sure! :)

Good luck in the drawing!


Amber Holcomb said...


Hahaha, same here! ;) Surrender the Heart is actually the first in a three-book series, so after Surrender the Night we have Surrender the Dawn to look forward to!

Hope you get to read Surrender the Heart soon! :) Good luck in the drawing!


Amber Holcomb said...


Glad you liked the interview! :) And I agree--the cover of Surrender the Night is great!


Amber Holcomb said...


Thank you so much for letting me interview you and for being our first guest for the "Season of Love Blog Party!" It's always a pleasure to host you. :) I am super excited to read the rest of this series!

And thank you for the encouraging words to all of us who are still single. :) God is in control and He can definitely bring two people together if it is His will! Thank you for sharing your sweet love story with us!


Amber Holcomb said...


I'm sorry you had trouble leaving a comment, but I'm so glad you were able to get it to work! :) Thank you for the kind words about my blog, and thank you for becoming a follower!

Good luck in the drawing!


Amber Holcomb said...


Thanks! I'm so glad you're enjoying the party! :D MaryLu's books are great, and I do hope you get a chance to read some of them soon! :)

Good luck in the drawing!


Amber Holcomb said...


I agree--God is so good! :) It was lovely to hear MaryLu's love story!

Good luck in the drawing!


Amber Holcomb said...


Thank you! I'm more than happy to spread the word about MaryLu and her wonderful books! :)


Amber Holcomb said...


I agree--it's awesome! :) Thanks so much for stopping by!

Would you like to be entered in the drawing? If so, just leave another comment with your e-mail. :)


Amber Holcomb said...


I'm glad you enjoyed the interview! And MaryLu's books ARE incredible! :)

Good luck in the drawing!


Amber Holcomb said...


I'm so happy for you--congratulations on 21 years with the love of your life! :)

Thanks for stopping by, and good luck in the drawing!


Amber Holcomb said...


Thank you! I loved MaryLu's responses, too. :)

And argh--that's right, ye be another of her Motley Crew. ;) She's a good and fair cap'n, says I, and I be waitin' eagerly to read her next book!


Amber Holcomb said...


I agree! And her Charles Towne Belles series is great, isn't it? :) I love all her books!

Good luck in the drawing!


Amber Holcomb said...


Thanks for stopping by, and good luck in the drawing! :)


Amber Holcomb said...


Isn't her love story so romantic? Definitely like something out of a Christian romance novel. :)

Her books are all great, and I highly recommend them! Good luck in the drawing!


Amber Holcomb said...


MaryLu's story does offer us hope. :) God's timing is always perfect!

Good luck in the drawing!


Amber Holcomb said...


Wow! That's so neat that your great aunt married for the first time at 74! How sweet! :)

And awww, thanks! I'm glad you're enjoying the party. ;)


Amber Holcomb said...


Wow! You're waiting to read this series until you have all three of them? I admire your patience! ;)

And I love her books, too! Good luck in the drawing!


Ashley (Ibreath2read) said...

WOW Amber and Marylu! I know I probably say this too much, but what a truly fun interview, Y'all! I loved the questions Amber, very original. And Marylu, it's so sweet how you and your husband met. Very similar to my parents story, though instead of a Harley, my Dad's "ride" was a beat-up Camaro; complete with an orange shag steering wheel cover. LOL
Anyways, I so look forward to your new books Marylu, and that stand-alone novel sounds SOOO good, I can't wait.

Amber, I'd love to be entered in the giveaway, and I hate that I didn't get to tell you this sooner, but what a great idea! I love the whole Valentine's blog party. I just wish I could have joined in the fun:( Oh well, I just have that much more fun joining in on all of Y'all's.
Can't wait for tomorrow!

Love Y'all,

Amber Holcomb said...


So good to see you, my friend! :D I'm so glad you enjoyed the interview! And how cool that your parents' story is very similar to MaryLu's! :)

Thank you for your kind words about the blog party, and don't worry! I know you've been keeping busy, and it's great that you've been putting school before blogging. :) Priorities are important, and I hope I never distract you from them! But whenever you do get a chance to visit, it's always wonderful to talk with you!

Also, I'm sure there will be many more fun activities in the future, so feel free to join in on the fun whenever you can! :) Love ya!

Good luck in the drawing!


Julia M. Reffner said...

Hmmmm...I thought I had posted yesterday on this. Gotta love blogger sometimes :)

I loved this interview! I have only read one of Mary Lu's books, but I think I'm hooked. The sea is usually not a topic that interests me much, but a good author like Mary Lu has the power to change those interests. I loved the high-adventure, the love stories AND the inspiring message. It was wonderful to hear your own story, Mary Lu.

Thanks for holding this, Amber!

Julia M. Reffner said...

oooppps, forgot my email.


Amber Holcomb said...


Sorry that you had issues with blogger, but I'm so glad you came back to comment again! :)

I'm happy to hear you enjoyed the interview! And yes, it only takes one MaryLu book to get a person hooked. ;) Her books are wonderful, and I'm definitely eager to read Surrender the Night!

Thanks for stopping by, and good luck in the drawing!


apple blossom said...

I love Mary Lou's books. I have surrender the heart would love this new book in the series. thanks

ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

Amber Holcomb said...

Apple Blossom,

I love her books, too! :) Thank you for your entry, and good luck in the drawing!


Pam said...

Thank you for sharing your love story of how you met your husband. My daughter loves your books; I'd like to win this one for her (and read it myself).


Amber Holcomb said...


I'm glad MaryLu could share her love story with us, as well. :) Thank you for visiting, and good luck in the drawing!


Amber Holcomb said...

Note to self: There's another drawing entry on the previous post--from Carol. Don't forget! :)


Nancye said...

I would love to win a copy of this book!! Thanks for the fun week!

nancyecdavis At bellsouth DOT net

Amber Holcomb said...


Thank you for your entry! :) I'm so glad you're enjoying the party!!
