
Sunday, February 20, 2011

Revell Blog Tour: My Review of Lady in the Mist

Here's a description of the book from Revell:

"By virtue of her profession as a midwife, Tabitha Eckles is the keeper of many secrets. Dominick Cherrett is a man with his own secret to keep: namely, why he, a British aristocrat, is on American soil working as an indentured servant.

In a time when relations between America and England rest on the edge of a knife, Tabitha and Dominick cross paths, leading them on a journey of intrigue, threats, public disgrace, and . . . love. But can Tabitha trust Dominick? Finding true love seems impossible in a world set against them.

With stirring writing that draws you directly into the story, Lady in the Mist takes you on the thrilling ride of love's discovery."

My Rating: Spring

My Review:

This book takes the reader on an intriguing and exciting journey. The imagery is lovely, the plot is unique, and the romance is oh-so-sweet! This was a fun story to read, even though it was a little hard sometimes for me to know what exactly was going on--who was on which side, what everyone's motives were, etc.

The last chapter came together somewhat abruptly and a tad too neatly, in my opinion, but overall I liked the book. The romance was super enjoyable to read, even though there were parts when it seemed unlikely that a man would really think and act as the hero, Dominick, thought and acted. But that's part of the fun of fiction, right? ;)

Lady in the Mist shows the struggles that come with walking around in a "mist" of distrust and doubt--doubting God, His forgiveness, and His control. Only when we let God's light dispel the mist can we find hope and peace. Join the characters of this book as they search for the Light through the mist, and along the way you'll escape back in time to discover a story of mystery and romance!

*With thanks to Revell Publishing for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinion.*

“Available February 2011 at your favorite bookseller from Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group.”


  1. This sounds like an interesting book, Amber! Mystery and romance are two of my favorite things to mix together. And I love the imagery of the mist. Thanks for linking up today!

  2. Renee Ann,

    It was an interesting book, for sure! :) Definitely a fun and intriguing read.

    I'm glad I could join in this month's Book Club--thanks for hosting it!


  3. ooo wonder what that D's secret IS for being across the pond?...
    tea's on at FHC for an unsponsored review ~
    see you soon!

  4. Faith Hope Cherrytea,

    Sounds mysterious, doesn't it? ;) It was an enjoyable read!

    Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment!



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