
Tuesday, February 1, 2011

It's Official!

Yes, today is the day I am being introduced as the newest contributor to The Borrowed Book! If you have the time, I would be honored to have you stop by and say hello!

You can check out the post HERE!

And since I've got your attention, I'm curious--are you interested in reading about the writing journey of a college student? Will posts regarding the lessons I learn about writing and balancing various activities while I'm in school be encouraging and helpful to you? Or do you prefer more reviews/author interviews? It is my hope that the posts I write for "The Borrowed Book" will be different and intriguing enough to merit having you, my readers, read my posts there, too.

Thank you so much for your time and support!


  1. I love anything you post, Tiny! Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh :P

    Heading over now!!!! *squeals and does the happy dance with Amber* hehehehehe

  2. Wow, Amber! How exciting, what a great opportunity for you!! And they are VERY lucky to have you on board!!

    I look forward to reading your post whatever they are on. I know you are following after God's heart and I can't wait to see what he has in store for you!

  3. I'd love to hear about all of it. It'll take me back to the days of my youth--you know, before the gray hair, wrinkles, and bad eyesight. My vote is for a mix of reviews and posts on college life/writing journey.

  4. YES! YES! Girl, if you write it I will follow!! Oh Amber, I am always blessed by ANYTHING you write be it blog posts, comments, or anything else! ;) I just went over to Borrowed Book and left a comment. It's a beautiful place and, like I said, I know you will only add to that beauty :)

    I am so blessed for you, my friend, and I pray the Lord will guide you and provide all you need for this exciting new step in your journey!!


  5. Hannah,

    Awwwww...I love ya, girl! Thank you for doing the happy dance with me and making me feel so special! :D


  6. Julia,

    Thank you so much! I really appreciate your vote of confidence and your kind words! :D God bless!


  7. Sandra,

    Oh, pshaw! Don't lie and say that you're old!

    And yes, it sounds like a mix of posts is going to work out the best. :) I hope the posts turn out to be just what you guys want and need! :)


  8. Amanda,

    Oh, that is so, so sweet! Thank you, my friend, for your encouragement, and you know I ditto that comment! If you write it, I'll follow! :) So if you ever create a blog, you better let me know! ;)

    Also, thank you so much for your prayers (and the e-mail you sent this morning)! Talk to you again very soon! :D


  9. Congrats, Amber! And I updated my post so ladies who aren't on FB can enter.

  10. Renee Ann,

    Thank you! And that's so sweet of you--although I'm sorry if you had to change the rules just because of me! You are so generous and thoughtful. :)



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!