
Friday, January 21, 2011

Get Ready for the "Season of Love Blog Party!"

As you can tell by the lovely party button Renee from Black 'n Gold Girl's Book Spot made, you're invited to a special blog party! The invitation has been posted via the new page in the sidebar, and plans are continuing to come together nicely. This is going to be a progressive blog party, which means that the party will hop from one blog to another throughout the week before Valentine's Day. It's going to be a lot of fun, with creative posts, author interviews, and giveaways. So be sure to check out the invitation and make plans to celebrate this upcoming "Season of Love" with your blogging friends!

Feel free to grab the party button and put it on your blog. We'd love to have you help us spread the word!


  1. What a great button, Renee!

    And Amber, I can't wait! It sounds like lots of fun!

  2. Fun, fun! And the button is awesome!

  3. Julia,

    I agree! :D I love it!!!

    And I can't wait, either! ;)


  4. Casey,

    Yes! :D I'm so glad you're all joining me in putting this party together. And I love the button, too!


  5. This sounds like fun, Amber! You always come up with fun ideas :) And, props to Renee, I really like the blog button too, very pretty. Guess I'll finally have a reason to look forward to Valentine's Day, LOL! ;)

    @ Casey- I like your new picture :)


  6. Amanda,

    Thanks! :) I'm excited to have so many people involved! And Renee did a wonderful job on the button, didn't she?

    I know what you mean about Valentine's Day. ;) It will be nice for all of us bloggers to have a reason to celebrate!


    P.S. I sent you an e-mail this morning! :D

  7. Thanks ladies, the button was surprisingly easy to make except for getting the size right LOL!I'm so excited for this party! I've already sent Laura Frantz my interview questions and I think it's going to be fun to see her answers!

    XOXO~ Renee

  8. Renee,

    Hahaha, sorry I kept bothering you about that! ;) But thank you for making it fit just right in my sidebar!

    I'm definitely excited, too, and I'm so glad you're interviewing Laura! She is so sweet and an amazing author. :)



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