
Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Contentment Reading Challenge: January

Welcome to the first month of the Contentment Reading Challenge 2011! So far, we have 12 people "officially" signed up (counting myself), but it's not too late to join! If you'd like to learn more about the challenge, feel free to visit the challenge's page HERE.

Today I'd love to discuss some ideas with you for this next year, and see what books you're planning on re-reading first!

In the coming year I'd like to make this challenge much more than a checklist. I think it would be fun to have different activities throughout the year for those participating in the challenge. Here are some possibilities:
  • Book discussions of some books many of us are re-reading
  • Book swaps with fellow challenge-followers
  • Author interviews with some of our favorites authors (whose books we are re-reading)
  • Post updates for simply chatting about what we've been re-reading
Also, I'm sure we'll have to have a big party at the end of the year!

Let me know which of these activities sound fun to you! And let me know if you have any suggestions for what we can do to encourage one another.

As for my progress so far, I confess I've been keeping busy with new books and have not yet started re-reading any books. I am planning on going all the way and "Diving" (re-reading 20 books) this year, so I've got a lot of reading to do! ;) I'm hoping to start after I get back to school with "The Legacy of the King's Pirates" series (The Redemption, The Reliance, and The Restitution) by M.L. Tyndall. I absolutely love this author's seafaring books, and since I'm now part of her "Motley Crew" (spreading the word about her books this year), I think re-reading some of her books would be a good idea. I enjoyed them the first time around, and I can't wait to revisit these inspirational, romantic adventures!

For those of you who have joined the challenge, what books are you going to re-read first?


  1. I've started reading Mindy Starns Clark's Million Dollar Mystery series for the challenge.
    I'm still trying to figure out how often I'll post my updates, but it will probably be monthly.
    Author interviews sound like an interesting idea, although I've only ever done one of those.
    I know I'm going to read more than the 20 I signed up to read, but that's ok, I did the same thing with a challenge last year.
    That's a great series you've chosen to start off with. I found them hard to put down.

  2. Amber, this challenge sounds like a lot of fun and I'd really love to join you, but I'm not sure if I'd be able to. I have SO many books still waiting for me in my TBR, not to mentioned the bunch that will be releasing this year- though that sounds terrible to say considering the title of this post and the challenge! One of my resolutions this year is to get my TBR down BEFORE I buy anymore books (including any new releases), just to appreciate the fact that I do have some great books waiting for me, instead of just throwing more on top of the pile. So, I guess I'm not too terrible ;) But we are very blessed to read such wonderful stories, so your idea of being content is truly a great one and very inspiring! :)

    And, you are SO lucky to be able to read Marylu's King's Pirates AGAIN- I haven't even read them once, LOL! There are some books that I would really love to revisit, but like I said I'm just sure if I'd have the time this year.. hmmmm... maybe if this goes well you might want to do it again next year :)

    Either way, I wish you all happy re-reading!! ;D


  3. Hey Amber! I'm excited to start this challenge. I have a few books that I need to finish before I can pick up my first book in this challenge, but I hope it will be soon!

    I hear SO MUCH about MaryLu's Pirate series! Maybe I will get my hands on one of them someday! :-)

    The first book I will read? Hmm...more than likely it will be "Tahn", by L.A. Kelly. It's one of my all time favorite books!! :-)

    ~ Katy

  4. I love the creative ideas you come up with, Amber. I wasn't going to join your challenge but you've tempted me!

    I think I can be a Floater because there are several books I re-read parts of every year--both nonfiction and fiction. And I've already begun re-reading one favorite. In spite of the fact that I should be writing or grading papers or reading new books for blog tours . . . (small sigh).

    What can I say? Some books are like old friends, and I find myself compelled to visit with them from time to time!

  5. Beth,

    I've heard of that series, and I read Under the Cajun Moon by that author--it was great! :) Hope you enjoy re-reading those books!

    As far as updating, I'm thinking about monthly updates, as well. Not too often, but enough to keep interest going. :) Glad you like the author interview idea! I enjoy doing them, and I'm sure I could get authors like Julie Lessman on board. ;) She's great!

    That would be great if you could re-read more than 20! Feel free to go above and beyond the parameters I've set. And yes, I'm excited to re-read MaryLu's first series!


  6. Amanda,

    I completely understand, so don't feel bad at all! I have a lot of books on my TBR stack, as well, plus I have a lot of books I'll have to read for school. How I'll find time to re-read, I don't know...but I'll try! ;)

    And oh! I do hope you get to read MaryLu's first series sometime! It's absolutely WONDERFUL!!! I think The Redemption is still my favorite of all her books, although I do love them all! :D

    Thank you for your kind words about the challenge, my friend, and I guess there's always the possibility of another year or more of the challenge if it goes well. :)


  7. Katy,

    I'm in the same boat, so no problem! I'm enjoying reading new books, and it will be fun to pick up some old "friends" throughout the year in addition to the new ones. :)

    As I told Amanda, as well, I hope you get a chance to read MaryLu's books! All of them are great, and I just know you would love them!

    Tahn sounds like an interesting book, and I hope you have fun re-reading it!


  8. Renee Ann,

    Thank you so much! :D I really appreciate your kind words!

    It would be great if you wanted to join the challenge--doesn't have to be anything official or strict. Floating is fun, too! ;)

    And I'm sorry I stole your "old friends" line in my comment to just fit so well for thinking about our favorite books. :) Hope you don't mind! I love what you said about them, and I agree that it's great to visit our old friends, because it's worth it to spend more time with them. :)


  9. Amber--"Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery." Besides, I'm not the first to call books old friends! LOL

  10. Renee Ann,

    Indeed! ;) Thank you!


  11. On the subject of books being old friends, I have several I call comfort books. These are the ones I go to when I'm feeling down, or if something is wrong.

    I didn't say it the first time, but I'm planning on trying for the diving level. I know I plan to read the Zion Covenant series by Bodie Thoene, The Russians series by Judith Pell and Michael Phillips, between those two series I'll have thirteen books. I'm also thinking Linda Chaikin's Arabian series, and maybe her African series also.

  12. Michelle,

    That's a sweet idea--comfort books. :) It's wonderful to have books like that!

    And way to go--"diving" right in! ;) Sounds like you have some great series lined up, and I hope you enjoy re-reading them!


  13. I've finished The Shack by William P. Young, I don't know what I'll read next.

  14. Ellie,

    Thanks for the update! :) Hope you find a great book to re-read next! I should be posting the February update soon...maybe later this week. :)



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!