
Sunday, December 12, 2010

My Review of Two Tickets to the Christmas Ball

Here's a description of the book from Waterbrook Multnomah Publishing:

"Can mysterious matchmaking booksellers bring two lonely hearts together in time for Christmas?

In a sleepy, snow-covered city, Cora Crowder is busy preparing for the holiday season. Searching for a perfect gift, a fortuitous trip to Warner, Werner, and Wizbotterdad’s (a most unusual bookshop) leads to an unexpected encounter with co-worker Simon Derrick. And the surprise discovery of a ticket for a truly one-of-a-kind Christmas Ball.

Every year, the matchmaking booksellers of the Sage Street bookshop host an enchanting, old-fashioned Christmas Ball for the romantic matches they’ve decided to bring together.

This year, will Simon and Cora discover a perfect chemistry in their opposite personalities and shared faith? Or will the matchmakers’ best laid plans end up ruining everything this holiday?"

My Rating: Spring

My Review:

What a quirky, sweet read! Part contemporary romance, part fantasy, part Christmas story, and part family drama, this book fits a lot into a novella. It's such a curious read that I got caught up in its enchantment and read it all in one day!

The main characters are well-developed, with real struggles and dilemmas. And the secondary characters are delightful. I just love the matchmakers on Sage Street, and Simon's family is so fun, especially his sister, Sandy! The characters are all so vastly different, but come to
gether to make this one very entertaining read.

The only problem with this being a novella is that the story seems to end rather abruptly. It's wrapped well and offers satisfaction, but at the same time the ending develops quickly and leaves a lot unsaid. The issues between Cora and her family, while slightly addresse
d, are troubling. But in traditional fairytale fashion, there's a "happily-ever-after" that offers hope for the untold parts of the story.

If you're looking for a different holiday story--with romance, eventual reminders of the need for understanding and forgiveness, and a touch of magic--then this book is for you! And I simply have to add that this has an absolutely gorgeous cover: a hardcover with raised accents, a beautiful background scene, and great color coordination. Love it!

*With thanks
to Waterbrook Multnomah Publishing for providing me with a copy of the book in exchange for my honest opinion.*

~ Readers, if you have the time, please click on the image to the left and head over to the "Blogging for Books" website to rate my review. Thank you very much! ~


  1. I feel you on the ending. I liked this one too. I SO want to go to that ball (with my hubby of course). Great review :)

  2. I do love the cover of this book. I rated your review . . .

  3. This one sounds captivating and love a touch of whimsy in a read. My bookstore didn't have a great selection of Christmas books when I was there a few weeks ago. Think I'll have to go back and see if they have this one in stock.

  4. Juju,

    I'm glad you liked the review! I just took a look at your "mini" review, and it was great! :)

    And I know what you mean--I totally want to go to that ball!!! (I just need the matchmakers to set me up with someone...) ;)


  5. Renee Ann,

    Isn't that cover so beautiful? I love looking at in person and holding it in my hands! :D

    Thank you so much for rating my review (and to anyone else who did, as well!)--I really appreciate it!


  6. Kav,

    This one is definitely captivating--I think you would love it! :D I hope you can find it at one of the bookstores, or maybe you can put it on your Christmas wish-list. ;) It's a fun read!


  7. I just finished this last night, need to write my own review now! Very cute book and great review! I really would love to see this movie made into a Hallmark Christmas movie!

  8. Ruth,

    Isn't this a cute, fun book? :) I agree that it would make a great Hallmark-type movie!

    So glad you liked the review!



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!