
Friday, December 10, 2010

"Love Finds You" Blog Party Finale!

Thank you all so very much for making this "Love Finds You" Blog Party such a blast!!! I had so much fun reading your comments, learning about your favorite Westerns and Hershey products, and gathering your yummy holiday recipes!

It was a privilege having you all as guests for the party, and I am so grateful to those of you who spread the word! Before I get to the winners (and some final party entertainment!), I'd like to thank the following people:
  • Renee Ann from Doorkeeper for making the lovely blog button for the party!
  • Casey from Writing for Christ for contributing the book and bracelet to the grand prize package!
  • Authors Anita Higman, Cerella Sechrist, Elizabeth Ludwig, and Miralee Ferrell for all of their help in making this party so exciting! Thank you for contributing your time and copies of your books--you are much appreciated! This party was to celebrate you and all of the other authors who write books for the "Love Finds You" series!
Now, I'm sure you all are eager to find out who the winners are!

Well, I'm going to be a little mean and keep you in suspense a while longer. ;) All of the winners have been sent e-mails, and I will post their names here below the images of their prizes as soon as I hear back from them. So keep checking in to discover who the winners are!

The grand prize winner is: Charlotte!

The door prize winner is: Keli!

The winners of Love Finds You Under the Mistletoe are: Maureen and Ellie!

The winner of Love Finds You in Hershey, Pennsylvania is: Casey!!!

The winner of Love Finds You in Calico, California is: Barb!

The winner of Love Finds You in Last Chance, California and Love Finds You in Tombstone, Arizona is: Andrea!

And we have to have some final party fun to end with a bang, right? So help yourself to a slice of the cake pictured above (which is actually a picture of a cake my roommate and I made on Mother's Day this past year--but don't the chocolate hearts fit so well for a "Love Finds You" party?), and let's chat! (After all, parties are great places for socializing!)

To get the conversation started, let me reassure you that just because this party is over, it doesn't mean the good times will end here at "Seasons of Humility!" In fact, I've got several posts I'm quite eager to write, and I've had to wait until after the party to do so. Among those posts are a "Book Blog Swap" with Joy from Edgy Inspirational Romance, a couple of book reviews, a moving "Monday for the Military" interview with videos, and a post about reading challenges for 2011! So stay tuned!

And has anyone gone to see the new Chronicles of Narnia movie, The Voyage of the Dawn Treader? I'm hoping to see this over Christmas break with a dear friend and my younger sister. Can't wait! Click HERE to watch the trailer and let me know what you think!

You know what else I can't wait for? The new PBS Masterpiece Classic season!!! The schedule has been announced for winter/spring 2011, which you can find HERE along with a trailer of the first, new featured miniseries!

Well, I hope I didn't overwhelm you with all of my eagerness! Enjoy the cake and feel free to dance and chat to your hearts' content. ;) Thank you again for coming to the "Love Finds You" Blog Party!


  1. Can't wait to see Voyage of the Dawn Treader. I just finished listening to the Focus on the Family Radio Theater version of that story with my autistic student. So he and his fam and I are going to the movie next week--as a field trip! LOL! And the Masterpiece Theater series looks great. Love the costumes! Thanks for hosting a fun week here, Amber. Blessings!

  2. Fun party with great guests! Have a great weekend. :O)

  3. Congrats to all the winners! This was a nice party!

  4. Amber,

    *groan* I am dying of suspense over here! :-P But, since no email has showed up in my inbox, I'll assume some other more fortunate commenter will be taking home the prizes!

    I haven't seen the third Narnia movie, but my friends and I all plan to see it soon! It looks really good and everything I've heard about it has been can't wait!!! :-D

  5. Love your themes, Amber. I think doing something like this is a great idea. I hope you have a wonderful holiday season!

  6. I think because I didn't get an email either I didn't win either. :( Ah well, some very happy people will be blessed through this fiction!! Thanks for a fun, fun party Amber! Now I want to know, which winner WASN'T emailed. And for which prize??

  7. Man! I was so hoping to be a winner in this wonderful party! But I didn't get an email either so I guess not:) Oh well, it has been fun though!! Thanks so much for the party!


  8. Oh Amber, we're dying to know who won!

    But, I think something is going on here, though I'm not sure what, but I could be wrong and probably am, LOL! If you did, in fact, already email the winners wouldn't they be commenting on here by now? Or maybe you told them not to say anything just yet? Sorry, I always tend to lean towards a mystery/surprise, especially where you're concerned! ;) I guess what is making me think it more is because if anyone was gonna win Hershey I so thought it was gonna be Casey for all those points she had going towards it! But, she didn't get any winning emails :( Sorry, Casey, I was hoping you win it or at least something here! Anyway, like I said, I'm probably wrong, but we'll find out soon enough...

    Thanks again for a fun week, my friend!

    Amanda Stanley

  9. LOL Amanda, I was hoping too!! I have been entering contest I have found to win that book and just haven't yet. So I guess I might be down to buying it. :) Which I wouldn't mind doing, but a signed copy would be so much fun. :D

  10. Oh, and btw, Amber - those chocolates look SOO good!!! ;-)

  11. OK, I really, really have to get to class, but I just had to let ya'll know that I'll be back soon to post winners!!! ;)


  12. Thanks for such a fun week, Amber!! I hate to see it end. :)
    And congratulations to all the winners!! No e-mail for me, either, btw- for all the curious ones. :)

  13. Amber, you sure know how to throw a party! And you make a great cake too. :-) I'm looking forward to The Voyage of the Dawn Treader as well. I LOVED the Narnia series when I was a kid -- read each book every year for...years! And they've done such a great job with the movies, I think.

  14. Dear Friends,

    Thank you all so much for your patience! The winner's names have all been posted, and for the most part the delay was due to the fact that I slept in until about 10:30 and I had class at 11:00... So, I'm sorry it wasn't for a better or more exciting reason! ;)

    I hope you all have a wonderful day!


  15. So fun! And what a surprise!!!!!!! Thank you Amber!!!!!

  16. RENEE ANN: How fun! GREAT idea for a field trip! :D And doesn't the PBS Masterpiece Classic season look great?! I am eager to start watching them and posting reviews on here! :)

    Thank you for your kind words about the party! It was so much fun for me, and I just love having so many comments to respond to, even if it does take a little while to get to them! ;)

    DIANE: I'm so glad you think so! :D Thank you for attending the party, and I hope you have a wonderful weekend, as well!

    ADGE: Thank you! You're so sweet! :) I hope you had a great time!

    KATY: I'm sorry for the delay! While ya'll were eagerly awaiting the names of the winners, I was snoozing in my bed... ;) Oops!

    I agree that the new Chronicles of Narnia movie looks really good--very epic! I hope you get to see it soon, and then after I see it we can compare notes! :D

    S. DIONNE MOORE: Awww, thank you! :D That means so much to me! I hope you have a wonderful holiday season, as well!

    CASEY: Hahaha, OK, well now you know! ;) You were the last one to get e-mailed, and you know which prize it was for. ;) I was mean, I know...

    AMANDA: I'm sorry it wasn't really that exciting of a mystery or surprise--although it means a lot to me that you would assume I'm doing something really cool! ;) I don't know if the winners haven't commented yet because they thought I wanted them to wait, but I guess it made it fun, right? ;)

    And now you know that Casey did get Hershey after all, so YAY!!!

    Thank you for your kind words and for joining the party!

    CASEY: Signed and personalized.... Just saying! ;)

    KATY: Don't they, though? I thought chocolate would make such a great door prize! ;)

    BLUEROSE: Do you know how much that means to me?! Thank you so much for saying that--I'm so glad you had a good time!!! I just love putting together these parties, although I have to say that my sleep schedule is WAY off right now...

    I took a nap from 5 until 9 yesterday evening.

    I slept until 10:30 this morning.

    Not good! Hopefully I'll get caught up soon on my sleep debt... ;)

    Anyway, thank you so much for joining the party!

    KAV: Thank you so much! That is so sweet of you to say, especially since all of the giveaways were for U.S. residents... :( I'm so sorry I didn't have any for my Canadian friends! But I'm glad that you still enjoyed the party, and hopefully soon I will have a giveaway for my Canadian followers, as well. :D

    And would you believe it--I haven't read any of the Chronicles of Narnia books! I know, I know! But I've enjoyed the movies, and I'm really looking forward to this one, as well!

    EVERYONE: Thank you again for joining the party! And guess what? One of my friends from last year, who is now going to a different college, just popped in to say hi and is going to hang out here today!!! Woohoo!

    Anyway, have a wonderful weekend! Now to get to all these e-mails... ;)


  17. Congratulations ladies!! And, Casey I'm so happy you got your Hershey :D You're right, a signed copy is very fun- as you now know! ;)

    Amber, LOL, I told you I was probably wrong *blushing furiously* Don't mind me, I tend to over think things anyway. The suspense did make it quite fun- Gosh, the whole week was a blast! Thanks again :D

    Praying you have a beautiful weekend!

    Amanda Stanley

  18. Merry Christmas Amanda...Thank you so very much! I am excited to get LFY Under the Mistletoe!
    God Bless Maureen

  19. AMANDA: Hahaha, no problem! ;) I hope it wasn't a let-down, but as I said before, I think it's really sweet that you just expect me to have something cool up my sleeves. :)

    I'm so glad you had fun this week, and thank you for stopping by to congratulate the winners! I hope you have a great weekend, as well, and be sure to keep checking in when you have time--there's lots more to come! :D

    MAUREEN: You're welcome! I really hope you enjoy the book--it looks good! :D Thank you for joining the party and God bless you, as well!



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